Friday, January 3, 2020
The Effects Of Environmental Regulations On The...
The only thing stopping the human population from an event of mass extinction is the federal, state, and other international governments. Climate change is a current, and very real threat, in fact, it is even considered a national security threat to Pentagon officials. Global temperatures, sea levels, and CO2 levels are all rising at an exponential rate. If action isn t taken by such levels of government, planet earth is destined for doom. The question, however, is if the government should be responsible for regulating the environment, and then that sparks the question of which level of government should regulate the environment. Although I agree that the federal government has the upperhand in influencing states to enact laws upon specific environmental policies, and while power not granted to the government belongs to the state and people, I still insist that environmental regulations should be set in the hands of both state and federal government in order to assure adequate enviro nmental protection over localized areas upon which the U.S. government has limited jurisdiction. Climate changed is caused by the warming of global temperatures due to a phenomenon known as the â€Å"greenhouse effect,†which is the entrapment of CO2 and other various byproducts of human intervention such as methane gas, released from cows as they consume grass. These chemicals create, in a sense, a blanket around earth, trapping solar energy. 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