Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Self Reflection Essay - 1250 Words
During the fall semester FYS class, I was able to learn the meet many of the learning objectives for this course. I learned how using critical thinking, reading, and writing skills will help in my work. I learned more about myself and what direction I want to go in my life. The importance of coming of age and adventure were brought to my attention, and the themes that go with it. The class discussions prepared me for when I had to be the discussion leader, and explain my adult adventure plan in the class. I felt that these learning objectives helped me to become a better students during this semester, and to be able to use what I learned throughout the next 4 years. I met the course objectives for critical thinking, reading, and†¦show more content†¦In the movie, Boyz in the hood, Tre was kind of a punk in his school, but when he went to live with his dad he stopped. He lived in the hood, so he could have easily grew up like Doughboy, but he wasn’t. This showed self -direction because you can pretty much choose who you are gonna be, and where you are going to go no matter where you live, or how you are raised. Through every assignment done in this class, different themes of coming of age was shown in each one. The challenges were shown when Tre could have chose to go with Doughboy to kill the guy who killed his friend. In the movie, Sandlot, Smalls makes a bad decision of taking his step dads ball, and hitting it over the fence where supposedly a child eating dog lives. The bad decision of taking the ball taught Smalls how to face his fears when he eventually goes over the fence to get the ball. In my childhood adventure story, I remember how I started out, and what I learned through the mistake of doing something without permission. In my adolescence adventure paper, I learned the importance of truth, and that it is always the best option. Finally, In the adult adventure story, I was given the chance to take a step back an0d think about what exactly I want out of my life. This course objective was met by me getting a true idea of what the themesShow MoreRelatedSelf Reflection Essays817 Words  | 4 Pages on  Self- †Observations  and  Self- † Reflections  Maximum  1000  words  each  term  The  purpose  of  these  three  reports  is  to  demonstrate  how  you  have  used  the  learning  journal  to  develop  your  self- †awareness  from  term  to  term.  (See  Section  11  about  the  Learning  Journal)  Each  report  is  due  at  the  first  class  meeting  after  each  reading  week.  Guidelines:  The  Reports  should  include  your  reflections  about:Read MoreSelf Reflection Essay984 Words  | 4 PagesNever Over The end of the semester is approaching quickly and you can see â€Å"light at the end of the tunnel.†The final assignment is a self-reflection essay on what you learned during the semester in ENG 111. 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