Thursday, December 26, 2019
Revenge in Wuthering Heights and Hamlet Essay - 451 Words
In both Wuthering Heights and Hamlet characters deal with the theme of revenge, however, both characters face revenge with a different perspective. Heathcliff is isolated, pro active and rash, while Hamlet is very public which doesnt allow him to act rashly and he spends a lot of time procratinating. The motifs and methods of both characters also adds to the difference. In Shakespeares Hamlet, Hamlet is seeking revenge against claudius for the murder of his father. He is presented with many opportunities to achieve his goal, but he is constantly over analysing the situation, looking for the perfect moment. He has the perfect chance when Claudius iss praying alone in a corridor, Hamlet could have easily killed him but instead he†¦show more content†¦Hamlet could kill Claudius but instead decides to wait because he does nto want to send him to heaven. Heathcliff in Brontes Wuthering Heights, is different from this because there is no hesitation in his actions. If presented with and opportunity for revenge, he acts immediately. When he realizes that Isabella has fallen for him, he seizes the opportunity to get revenge on Edgar and marries her. There was no hesitation in his plan, he never thought of the repercussions his actions could have. The setting in the two pieces of litterature is also different and causes the two characters to act differently. Wuthering Heights is set in a desolate area away from civilization and this enables Heathcliff to act rashly, he doesnt have to be careful of other people getting in the way. Hamlet is unable to act so rashly because he is constantly in the public eye. Hamlet is also influenced by others to seek his revenge. The ghost of his father plays an important role in his wish to do so, the ghost says, Revenge his foul and most unnatural murder (act 1, scene 5). He is asking Hamlet to get revenge on Claudius for killing him, and Hamlet will oblige. Heathcliff on the other hand is influence only by his desire for revenge, no ither characters had and effect on him. The major difference in the two characters is that Hamlet is seeking justice for the murder of hisShow MoreRelatedEmily Bronte s Hamlet And Wuthering Heights 1307 Words  | 6 PagesRevenge in Hamlet and Wuthering Heights Abstract This concise paper is an analogical study. It consists of three parts; the first one defines the word revenge and explains where the theme of revenge comes from and how it has expended to other types of literary works until these days. The second part of the study, is supported by exemplifies Shakespeare’s tragedy, Hamlet. 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Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Self Reflection Essay - 1250 Words
During the fall semester FYS class, I was able to learn the meet many of the learning objectives for this course. I learned how using critical thinking, reading, and writing skills will help in my work. I learned more about myself and what direction I want to go in my life. The importance of coming of age and adventure were brought to my attention, and the themes that go with it. The class discussions prepared me for when I had to be the discussion leader, and explain my adult adventure plan in the class. I felt that these learning objectives helped me to become a better students during this semester, and to be able to use what I learned throughout the next 4 years. I met the course objectives for critical thinking, reading, and†¦show more content†¦In the movie, Boyz in the hood, Tre was kind of a punk in his school, but when he went to live with his dad he stopped. He lived in the hood, so he could have easily grew up like Doughboy, but he wasn’t. This showed self -direction because you can pretty much choose who you are gonna be, and where you are going to go no matter where you live, or how you are raised. Through every assignment done in this class, different themes of coming of age was shown in each one. The challenges were shown when Tre could have chose to go with Doughboy to kill the guy who killed his friend. In the movie, Sandlot, Smalls makes a bad decision of taking his step dads ball, and hitting it over the fence where supposedly a child eating dog lives. The bad decision of taking the ball taught Smalls how to face his fears when he eventually goes over the fence to get the ball. In my childhood adventure story, I remember how I started out, and what I learned through the mistake of doing something without permission. In my adolescence adventure paper, I learned the importance of truth, and that it is always the best option. Finally, In the adult adventure story, I was given the chance to take a step back an0d think about what exactly I want out of my life. This course objective was met by me getting a true idea of what the themesShow MoreRelatedSelf Reflection Essays817 Words  | 4 Pages on  Self- †Observations  and  Self- † Reflections  Maximum  1000  words  each  term  The  purpose  of  these  three  reports  is  to  demonstrate  how  you  have  used  the  learning  journal  to  develop  your  self- †awareness  from  term  to  term.  (See  Section  11  about  the  Learning  Journal)  Each  report  is  due  at  the  first  class  meeting  after  each  reading  week.  Guidelines:  The  Reports  should  include  your  reflections  about:Read MoreSelf Reflection Essay984 Words  | 4 PagesNever Over The end of the semester is approaching quickly and you can see â€Å"light at the end of the tunnel.†The final assignment is a self-reflection essay on what you learned during the semester in ENG 111. 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Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Challenges in Cyber Security for Business Samples for Students
Question: Discuss about the Challenges in Cyber Security for Business ? Answer: Introducation Literature review can be understood as the review of writings and literature on the specific topic by different authors. The piece of writings are evaluated which supports and evaluates the research topics. The main purpose of literature review is to identify the terminologies and explain the, through various researches. It helps in explaining the theory, methodology and the findings. Here, the literature review is done for Challenges in Cyber Security for Business and for this purpose, various articles, web sources are been referred. As per Kaplan, Sharma Weinberg (2011), Cyber security refers to the protection of digital business information and intellectual property against the misuse or theft. This is becoming the critical issue in businesses today which has to be fought in order to make businesses and their data safe and secure. US government has referred cyber security as one of the most critical challenges in the nation. The companies need to adopt various cyber security approaches in order to protect their information without compromising with the growth of the company. Literature Review In the recent years, Cyber security has become a bigger issue. According to Kaplan, Sharma Weinberg (2011), a research has been conducted at the leading 25 companies at global level. The in depth interviews conducted which revealed that the increased use in technology in business has led to the need of more security in the corporate environment. The research identified four emerging trends which include Increase in the use of digital data, Increase in connectivity and openness which makes a way for malwares, increase in the technologically advanced hackers and cybercrime organisations and the interconnected supply chains which put the business networks at risks. In the views of James (2016), with the increased use of technology, the opportunities and challenges for the businesses have also increased. Cyber world is huge now. It includes mobiles, internet, smartphones, tablets and much more. 46% of the total population of the world is connected to internet and this shows that cybercr ime is on boom with the opportunities in the cyber world. There are number of challenges the cyber world has to address. Many sectors like government, industry, service, academics, etc. need to adopt the approaches which can minimise the risks of cybercrimes. James further added that the challenges in cyber security of business include lack of leadership, Collaboration and lack of education and awareness in people. One of the biggest challenges is lack of leadership for which different actions are to be taken. Security is something which builds trusts between people and technology. A good leadership is required to handle the issues and challenges. It helps in settling the governance in the organisation and in supporting the private sector and education. The second challenge is collaboration. It is seen that collaboration assist in sharing of knowledge can be shared well. Collaboration assists the hackers and cyber criminals to work together and develop new techniques to commit cybercrime. The third challenge is lack of education and awareness. The enrolments in ICT courses have dropped which creates a problem in the ICT industry and it is becoming tough to bring the industry on track. Skilled cyber security professionals are needed to handle this industry of Australia (Babate, et al., 2015). Service and privacy challenges have to be faced by the business. It is often seen that even the most secure information can become public. This shows that the security is not strong for the information and data of business. The businesses nowadays collect personal data of the customers for providing those best suited services and products to them. These details can be leaked easily and the details such as bank accounts, ATM transactions can be used for theft by the criminals (Jabee Alam, 2016). According to Beshar (2016), in the last few years, cyber-attacks have increased and damaging the businesses. A framework is required for addressing the same. The ideas should be now turned into actions. The report by Fischer (2016) shows that over the years, the Information and communications technology has evolved a lot. In modern society, it has become an integral part of every individual as well as business. Cyber security is how ICT systems are been protected. There are some long term challenges which are to be addressed. These challenges are related to: Design: designing the security system for cyber security has been a challenge for the designers. As per the experts, the security system should be a part of ICT design but developers believe that focussing on features that security is more important to earn more profits. Incentives: There are challenges related to cyber security. Where on one hand, cybercrime is cheap and profitable for the criminals, on other hand; cyber security is expensive for the companies. Environment: the emerging applications on mobiles, social media, big data, etc. have increased the environment for cybercrimes (Fischer, 2016). Consensus: Consensus of all stakeholders is needed for designing and implementing the cyber security policies. According to Bingham, Bector Herbolzheimer (2016), it is very important for the business to get success and for this, integrity is the main element which helps business in attaining success. The report says that the coming years will bring more challenges to handle the criminal activities in cyber world. But if the companies have good awareness then they can identify weakness and then can handle the scenarios in a better way. They can also set the priorities handling the issues. As per Wang, et al. (2010), the security should be maintained in cyber world to maintain confidentiality. It will prevent the secret information of the business. It also helps in maintaining the privacy of the users. The security is needed to maintain integrity in business. It means that no modification in the data of organisation can be done without the permission of authorised entity. There should be authenticity to ensure that the information, data and communication made within the business is genuine. In the report by Purdy (2016), one of the main global cyber security challenges is supply chain risk. Supply chain risk can be understood as the risk which may disrupt the Manufacturing, distribution, installation or other functions in the business. It threats include installation of corrupted software or hardware, failure of systems of production or distribution or reliance upon malicious software or hardware. The companies may take steps to address this risk like adoption or usage of softwares like SAFECode which provides software for increasing trust in Information and Communications technology by promoting the awareness and use of safe and reliable softwares. It provides a framework which meets the challenge of the risk. Different governments have also taken initiatives to meet these challenges like Chinese government has taken some initiatives which have an important impact on the technology firms in China. Network security and monitoring systems have been implemented for meeting cyber challenges. In July 2015, the government has drafted a cyber-security law for addressing the risks. The government of UK also adopted some approaches to secure the ICT global supply chain in the businesses. Risk mitigation plans are suggested for the same. The Nation Cyber Security programme (NCSP) of UK provides funds to the Trustworthy Software Initiative so that the trustworthy softwares can be promoted. In Japan, Cyber Security strategy has been issues in the year 2015 which aims at improving the awareness for cyber security in businesses. In United States, reforms have been made to improve the cyber security in businesses (Purdy, 2016). As per Mohammed, Mariani Mohammed (2015), Information technology has derived many benefits to the businesses but it also poses major challenges to the businesses. The business is facing threats of viruses, malwares, loss of data and information and disruptions in operations. The businesses are facing challenges of meeting the costs of managing these threats and of adopting the practices which attempts to improve the systems. Everyday communication in the business depends on the internet based services. Almost every function in the business is now dependent on the computer and technology based activities. So, it shows that the businesses are getting more reliant on the Information and communications technology and when there are short interruptions in the technology, a huge financial loss can occur to the business. Dependence on ICT can create huge risks to the business and their information. The lack in the technological infrastructure is also a challenge for the businesses (Abomhar a Kien, 2015). There are billions of users of Internet in the world which shows that Internet is growing so rapidly worldwide. The companies based on computer and related functions are seeing high potential growth in the developing countries. The companies face a challenge of acquiring low cost and quality services and hardware. Also one of the biggest challenges is to save the activities from the illegal usage (OECD, 2012). The increase in the number of users on internet creates difficulties for the agencies to maintain control. It is tough to identify the different between legal and illegal content. The automation of processes limits the involvement of humans which also provides a change for automated hacking tools to corrupt the systems. The increase in communication has increased the fake emails, anti-social behaviour and other activities which are not accepted and are not good for the businesses and their growth (Chen, Chiang Storey, 2012). According to Banham (2017), the situation is terrible for cyber-attacks in corporate now. As per the Global Information Security Survey of 2016- 2017 conducted by EY, most of the companies are facing the risks of cybercrime. Around 1735 global executives were surveyed and it was found that only 1 out of 5 surveyed consider cyber strategy and planning as the important one. The companies are facing financial losses because of cyber-attacks. Also, the companies are facing the damage and loss to their reputation because of such incidents. The companies will have to understand the importance of managing these threats otherwise the risk and threat will be unknown and the businesses will lose their integrity and reputation. The businesses will have to identify the risk and its value. The survey concluded that 32 per cent of the respondents lacks in awareness of the planning and preparation part to meet the challenges of cybercrime. The survey gave other findings too. The findings include that 38 per cent of the respondents accepted that they have enough tools and information and they are bale to evaluate cyber risks. It was also seen that 9 out of every 10 businesses i.e. 89 per cent are not able to evaluate the impact of the cybercrime on their business. This shows that businesses and people are unaware about the loss they can face because of cyber security risks (Banham, 2017). The industry has grown at a great speed. Ten years earlier, the hackers used to sit somewhere in the basement and try these cybercrime activities just for fun but now the organisations are hiring the talented young graduates and people from the universities and offering them huge money to join them and perform such activities. As per Mansfield (2017), the statistics shows that 43 per cent of the cyber-attacks have small businesses on their target but only 14 per cent of the business has the ability to meet the risks and face the attacks. It is also found that 60 per cent of the companies vanish from the markets within 6 months of a single cyber-attack. This shows that the companies do not have strong policies and approaches to meet these risks and threats. According to Zadelhoff (2016), the Cyber Security Intelligence Index of 2016 shows that the big corporations like IBM found that 60 per cent of the cyber-attacks are carried on by the insiders of the company. The research also foun d that most of the attacks and breaches are found in the business like health care, financial services and manufacturing services. It is because these industries have personal data, intellectual property and huge amount of financial assets. People conduct cybercrimes by leaking out the passwords or the methods and approaches adopted by the company (Hutchings, 2012). Cyber security is important for the Australian economy and also for the society. Development in technology is more important but with this comes the responsibility of securing the data, information and systems. The government should look for better policies and requirements of cooperation for better regulations so that the challenges can be met in the industry. The cyber security challenges will increase in future but the corporations have to take up more innovative approaches for interacting with the customers and for managing their data and information. The challenges have to be met properly by framing strategies, risk management and by handling the legal and technology functions well. Everyone has their own role to play in future for managing these attacks (Goutam, 2015). As an individual, a person should be fair enough and handle the data properly at the workplace. The government have to take positive actions to ensure that adoption of cyber security practices at the workplace. E ducation and Research can be carried out which improves the knowledge of everyone about the field. The businesses could take certain steps to draw attention towards cyber security. Training programs can be conducted which can teach the workers that how the data can be secured and attention should be paid towards security of cyber systems at the workplace. It can be concluded that there are some pillars which should be considered for promoting cyber security. These include Education unawareness, planning and preparation, Detection and discovery of breaches or losses, sharing and collaboration of the current and future risks and maintaining ethics at the workplace by the individuals and business as well. References Abomhara, M Kien, G M 2015, Cyber Security and the Internet of Things: Vulnerabilities, Threats, Intruders and Attacks, Journal of Cyber Security, Vol. 4, 6588. Babate, A I, Musa, M A, Kida, A M Saidu, M K 2015, State of Cyber Security: Emerging Threats Landscape, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science Technology, Vol. 3, Issue 1. Banham, R 2017, Why Cybersecurity Should Be A No. 1 Business Priority For 2017, Forbes. Beshar, P J 2016, The Cybersecurity Challenge Every Business Should Prepare for, Fortune. Bingham, R S, Bector, R Herbolzheimer, C 2016, Evolving Challenges in Cyber Risk Management, Marsh Mclennan Companies. Chen, H, Chiang, R H and Storey, V C, 2012, Business intelligence and analytics: From big data to big impact,MIS quarterly,36(4), pp.1165-1188. Fischer, E A 2016, Cybersecurity Issues and Challenges: In Brief, Congressional Research Service. Goutam, R K 2015, Importance of Cyber Security, International Journal of Computer Applications, Volume 111 No 7. Hutchings, A 2012, Computer security threats faced by small businesses in Australia, Australian Government, No. 433. Jabee, R Alam, M A 2016, Issues and Challenges of Cyber Security for Social Networking Sites (Facebook), International Journal of Computer Applications, Volume 144 No.3. James, C 2016, Cybersecurity: Threats Challenges Opportunities, ACS. Kaplan, J, Sharma, S Weinberg, A 2011, Meeting the cybersecurity challenge, McKinsey Company. Mansfield, M 2017, Cyber Security Statistics Numbers Small Businesses Need to Know, Small Business Trends. Mohammed, D, Mariani, R Mohammed, S 2015, Cybersecurity Challenges and Compliance Issues within the U.S. Healthcare Sector, International Journal of Business and Social Research, Volume 05, Issue 02 OECD, 2012, Cybersecurity Policy Making at a Turning Point: Analysing a New Generation of National Cybersecurity Strategies for the Internet Economy. Purdy, A 2016, The Global Cyber Security Challenge, Huawei. Wang, E K, Ye, Y, Xu, X, Yiu, S M, Hui, L C K Chow, K P 2010, Security Issues and Challenges for Cyber Physical System, ACM International Conference on Cyber, Physical and Social Computing. Zadelhoff, M V 2016, The Biggest Cybersecurity Threats Are Inside Your Company, Harvard Business Review.
Monday, December 2, 2019
Louis Armstrong Research Paper free essay sample
Many people knew Louis Armstrong as the first real genius of Jazz(Shelton 26). He was born In New Orleans, Louisiana on August 4, 1901. Louis was the Illegitimate son of William Armstrong and Mary Est Mahayana Albert. He was abandoned by his father, a boiler stoker, shortly after his birth and was raised by his paternal grandmother. Then, at the age of five, he was returned to the care of his mother, who at the time worked as a laundress. Together with his mom, they moved to a better area of New Orleans. This is where Armstrong first fell in love with music; he would listen to people playing any chance that he would get(Trio).He would attend parades, funerals, churches and go to cheap cabarets to be able to hear some of the greats play Jazz. As a child, to help support his mother, he worked different odd Jobs. Mainly, he would sell newspapers and deliver coal. We will write a custom essay sample on Louis Armstrong Research Paper or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Also, he would sit on the street corners and sing for loose change. Armstrong then dropped out of school after the 5th grade and ran into a little trouble with the law. He was arrested for firing a weapon in a city and was sent to the Colored Waifs Home for one and a half years, where his musical career really started(Lolls Daniel Armstrong).Thanks to his childhood, and his Involvement In music, he became one of the greatest Jazz musicians of all time and a singer responsible for the development of major trends in pop and jazz music(Trio). Louis Armstrong became famous due to his musical talent, social involvement, personality and influence on Jazz. Armstrong was involved with music for almost his entire life. He started getting involved at a young age Just listening to rags, marches, and blues whenever Armstrong). He was fascinated by the emerging Jazz music being played around the city at places Like the Funky Butt Hall(Rutabaga).He began inning on the streets and eventually joined a barbershop quartet(Louis Armstrong). As soon as he saved enough money, at age 10, Armstrong bought his first cornet(Trio). As the quartet he was in, Back-of-Town Boys, got better they started to attract attention from some local musicians, in particular Bunk Johnson. Johnson was a well-known trumpeter and responded when Armstrong asked him to learn him how to play, and gave him some basic Instructions. These lessons were nothing special, but turned out to be huge In Armstrongs development as a musician(Rutabaga). After his run in with the law, Armstrong was sent to the Colored Waifs Home. It was here that Armstrongs only outlet was the schools band. Only the kids who behaved well were allowed to play, so this gave him a reason to behave(Lolls Armstrong). He Jumped between many instruments, but he and his teacher eventually decided that the cornet was the best instrument for him, which proved a wise Daniel Armstrong). Eventually, he became the leader of the Homes Brass Band, which played at parades and picnics and helped in getting his talents recognized(Louis Armstrong).After his release, Armstrong had developed his skills enough to Join the local group of honk-ton and parade Caucasians(Rutabaga). It was here that he was recognized by another jazz great,Joe King Oliver, who was impressed with Armstrong and took him under his wing. Armstrongs first big break was In 1 918 when Oliver left New Orleans for Chicago, as cornets(Louis Armstrong). At the same time he was hired as the second trumpet in the popular Tuxedo Brass Band(Rutabaga). This is where his career started to take off. It was noted by many that Armstrong would often appear at two venues in one day to put on two different shows(Shipping 27).While he was not being overworked by the two bands he was a part of at the time, Armstrong still found time o work under Fate Marble on the riverboats. This was another significant part of his career because when the band was not playing, another band member, David Jones, helped teach Armstrong to read music(Louis Armstrong). Then in 1922, Armstrong was invited to Chicago to be the second cornet in Olivers Creole Jazz Band. This was a hard move for Armstrong because he did not want to leave his hometown of New Orleans, but he knew it was a move he needed to make(Trio).He made his first ever recording with Olivers band in 1923 under the Gannett Label. Though, in 1924, Armstrong was given the opportunity to move to New York City. He did not want to make the move, but his wife convinced him it was best for his career, and he went. In New York, Armstrong was the third cornet in Fletcher Henderson band(Louis Daniel Armstrong). While performing in Henderson band, Armstrong made many more recordings, and was lucky enough to work with some famous Jazz singers and instrumentalists; Bessie Smith, Ma Rained, Alberta Hunter, and Sidney Becket.But Armstrong became unhappy with the band because he was given few opportunities to solo and was rarely allowed to sing, which forced him away from Henderson band(Cogwheels 18). Though he was only in New York for a year, this trip helped his talent become more nationally recognized. He built confidence, learned about showmanship, and improved his ability to read music(Louis Daniel Armstrong). Everybody in New York fell in love with him because not only was he a great musician, but his humor brought so much more to the performance(Shipping 26).He then returned to Chicago where he was given a spot in his wifes band as the first chair cornet, his first time in this position(Louis Daniel Armstrong). In his wifes band, he got rid of group improvisation around theme, and incorporated a single instrument playing extended solos in between choruses(Shipping 27). At the same time, he played at the Vendor Theater during silent movies under the direction of Riskier Tate. It was there that Armstrong made the switch to trumpet(Louis Daniel Armstrong). During this time Armstrong made many recordings with other musicians and over sixty recordings with bands of his own.The other musicians and bands he collaborated with to make these recordings included Johnny Odds, Ill Hot Shots, Riskier Tate, and Carroll Dickerson. His own recordings were made with his bands the Hot Five and Hot Seven. He enjoyed these recordings because it gave him the chance to show his independence and talents. He was also able to incorporate singing, he first musical love, into his music in a style called scat singing. These recordings invented a completely new style in Jazz(Louis Daniel Armstrong). As he was finishing up his recordings, Jazz was on the decline in Chicago forcing Armstrong to move back to New York. Tommy Reworded offered him a Job, but this did not end up working. Though, he did not have any trouble finding a Job, and was given a part in Connie Mermans band, the Hot Chocolates, and at the same time worked in a Savoy Ballroom. It was at this time that he began fronting big bands, and he came to 1930, he was given the opportunity to move to California to play at Frank Sebastian New Cotton Club. He took advantage of this opportunity, which was the start of heavy touring schedule that took up the majority of the rest of his life(Louis Daniel Armstrong).In 1932, he began touring internationally, and it was in Plymouth, England, where Percy Matheson Brooks, the editor of the magazine Melody Maker, gave him his nickname Daniel Armstrong). His longest international tour started in London, England in 1933 and lasted eighteen months, ending in January 1935. He was originally scheduled to stay overseas longer but Armstrong cut it short due to homesickness(McCarthy 25-26). He also suffered a split lip from his constant playing and did not play for a little while, which circulated plenty of rumors in Europe about the severity of his illness and one paper even reported that he had died.During his time off, he met up with a man he had met before while playing, Joe Glasses, who he hired as his manager for the rest of his career(Trio). Though, the rumors did not last very long before he was out touring again with Luis Russell orchestra, a well-known band(McCarthy 27). It was believed that in 1937 when Russell added new, more prominent members to his band it motivated Armstrong again to get better and he began to put in the same time and effort as he did in the past(McCarthy 29). He was playing some of his best music that people began to call Russell band Louis Armstrong and orchestra. With Armstrong at the forefront, the group produced some top recordings(Shipping 27-28). From 1937 on, Armstrong began to make recordings for the public as a whole, using dif ferent backgrounds. This really showed his ability as a musician(McCarthy 29). Then in 1943, Esquire magazine held a series of Jazz polls to find the best Jazz musicians in each category. Armstrong won both the award for trumpet and for vocals, and he continued to win these awards throughout his career. Esquire then held a concert in 1944 in New York City to showcase these Jazz greats and Armstrong played a huge role in this performance(McCarthy 30-31).At this point, Armstrong was world famous and made multiple recordings with Ella Fitzgerald, which only helped his popularity(McCarthy 31). He also made a series of recordings with Duke Longtime. (Rutabaga) In 1947, Glasses, Armstrong manager, had the idea to create a band of about six members because the bookings of big bands were decreasing(McCarthy 31). He had some highly renowned musicians in the band with him like Earl Hines on the piano, trombonist Jack Degrade, and clarinetist Barney Bigger. The band lived up to its name when they opened up at Billy Bergs club in Hollywood(Shipping 28).The band traveled the world, where everyone fell in love with Armstrong due to his personality and friendliness. He was a true entertainer and because he spread Jazz worldwide, he was given the nickname the Ambassador of Jazz(Louis Daniel Armstrong). His world tour included performance in Europe in 1949 and 1952, Japan in 1954 and 1956, and South America in 1957 and 1959(McCarthy 32-33). One of Armstrong greatest honors was playing at President Lyndon Johnnys inauguration in 1963, and being awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom(McCarthy 36).The following year, 1964, Armstrong set a record for being the oldest person in history, at age 64, to have a hit number one on the charts with Hello Dolly'(Rutabaga). The next year, at the age of 65, Armstrong went on an extensive tour of Europe to celebrate 50 years of perform until only weeks before his death. Armstrong was not only a public figure because of his musical talents, but also his involvement in the community. Everybody loved his personality both on stage and in the everyday world. He was also popular with women, and was married four times.He did not have any children with any of his wives because he did not have the time to raise a child(Trio). His first marriage was with a prostitute from the New Orleans area in 1918. The marriage was full of arguments and music seemed to always be getting in the way so the couple split in 1922(Rutabaga). Then, in 1924, he married Lillian Hardin, the pianist in Olivers Band in Chicago. This marriage lasted longer than the first, but the couple divorced in 1935(Trio). His next wife was Alpha Smith, whom he had met in the sass while performing at the Vendor Theater in Chicago. They were married in 1938 and were soon divorced in 1942.His fourth and final wife was Lucille Wilson. Their marriage lasted unlike the rest of them and they remained together until his death(Louis Daniel Armstrong). Due to his lively personality, Armstrong was cast in many different movies. He appeared in nearly fifty motion pictures between 1932 and 1965. Also, due to the success and fame Armstrong received from his group the All- Stars, he was featured on the cover of Time magazine on February 21, 1949. That same year, Armstrong received an honor that meant a lot to him which was being named King of Zulus for the annual Marci Grass celebration in New Orleans(Trio).Armstrong was also very involved in the fight for racial equality in America. He once cancelled a State Department tour in 1957 in favor of protesting when Governor Rival Faustus of Arkansas refused to let black people attend a public school. He did not understand how they would let him perform as an equal but would not allow the kids to attend school. He was given the nicknames Ambassador of Goodwill and Ambassador of Catch due to his involvement with these issues. Though with all this, Armstrong was still the first black musician to perform with white musicians and remains a role model for both white and black inspiring musicians(Trio).Also, in 1937, Armstrong substituted for Rudy Valve for six weeks as the host of Fleischmann Yeast Show. With this, he became the first African American to host a nationally sponsored radio program. This showed the strides he made in human rights(Cogwheels 23). Armstrong was not the only great Jazz musician that existed, but e had the greatest impact on the music. To start, he had unique rhythmic awareness, which changed big band music for the better. Also, he made the solo what it is today. He extended the instrumental solo to make it the most important element of Jazz.Though, at the same time, he never forgot how important it was to keep his melody. He was the best improviser, and he added feeling and nuances to his playing that made him so likeable to audiences everywhere(Louis Daniel Armstrong). Armstrong was also the inventor of a completely new style of singing called scat singing. Some people claim that he invented it by accident when he roped his sheet of music during a performance and was force to improvise. Though, others say that it was a calculated technique. No matter what it was, it caught on and was one of Armstrongs greatest contributions to Jazz(Louis Daniel Armstrong). Armstrong last few years of life were not the best of his life. First, he got pneumonia in 1967, which kept him away from music for a little while. Then, he Daniel Armstrong). He then suffered a heart attack in 1971 and died a few months later in his home in Corona, Queens, New York, on July 6, 1971(Trio). He was mourned by millions of people as the most popular entertainer in the history of jazz(Shipping 28). It was obvious that Armstrong had an effect on all musicians too Dizzy Gillespie was quoted saying, Every trumpeter in the world had to be influenced by him.He changed the modus operandi of music by inventing the sold'(Shipping 28). He has been cited by many as their primary influence in Jazz, including, Ella Fitzgerald, Tony Bennett, and Billie Holiday(Cogwheels 28). He was also the only figure in Jazz that was equally significant as a singer as well as an instrumentalist, showing his true versatility as a musician(Cogwheels 28). Despite all his success though, Armstrong was still very humble. Some called him the reluctant millionaire because he valued his health and well being over any material good. The glamorous part of being a famous musician was tough for him.
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