Monday, May 25, 2020
Communication Problems Within The Workplace Essay - 828 Words
can we overcome obstacles to diversity such as mistrust and tension, stereotyping, and communication problems in the workplace? Mistrust and tension usually result from lack of contact and lack of familiarity. These can be overcome, to a large degree, by bringing individuals together in both formal and informal settings so they learn to better understand and appreciate members of other groups. Formal training, de- signed to identify the causes of mistrust and tension, can also help in this process. Stereotyping is the perception of others based our own interests, values, and cultures that distort and block what we see and hear. Formal training ,through the use of descriptive examples, can be effective in helping individuals identify the root causes of their stereotyping. In order to be able to change, people must first understand what it is that distorts their perspectives. Communication problems exist within all racial and cultural groups. Even among white males of the same age and background, there are opportunities for misunderstandings and confusion. The potential for errors and inefficiencies increases when the communications are between people with very different backgrounds, attitudes, expectations, etc., and the situation is potentially dis- Astros when one or more parties is not fluent in another s language. Language training (in whatever language is used in theShow MoreRelatedDiscrimination And Tension, Stereotyping, And Communication Problems Within The Workplace Essay854 Words  | 4 Pages #1 How can we overcome obstacles to diversity such as mistrust and tension, stereotyping, and communication problems in the workplace? Mistrust and tension usually result from lack of contact and lack of familiarity. 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Thursday, May 14, 2020
Phaedra and Enlightenment - 768 Words
Phaedra and Enlightenment values The Enlightenment period was began shortly after the Edict of Nantes in 1685 and lasted through the 18th century. This was an â€Å"intellectual movement†and the writers of this period disapproved of religion and politics ruled by absolutism. â€Å" The movement would question almost every aspect of social and political life in Europe†(Hunt, 522). The writers and scholars that had enlightened views were those who believed that all people are able to apply reason or critical thinking to all issues that may arise in their lives. The countries that were affected most by the Atlantic system were participants in the enlightenment movement, such as: Britain, France and the Dutch Republic (Hunt, 522). Jean Racine†¦show more content†¦This all could have been avoided if Phaedra was in better control of her emotions. The play brings about awareness of having morals, purity and holding ourselves accountable for making the right choices. I think for these reasons the play is an example of enlightenment values. Citations: Hunt, Lynn, First Hunt, et al. The Making Of The West, Peoples And Cultures, A Concise History. 3rd ed. Boston, NY.: Bedford/st Martins, 2010. Print. Lawall, Sarah. The Norton Anthology Of Western Literature: The Enlightenment Through The Twentieth Century. 8th. 2. New York: W W Norton , 2006.Show MoreRelatedPhaedra as an Example of Enlightenment Values802 Words  | 4 PagesPhaedra, originally part of the large body of Greek mythological works, has been adapted, modified and presented in new contexts in recent centuries. For example, following the original conception of this tragedy by Euripides, versions of it have appeared in Latin, Italian, French, Spanish, etc through the authorship of such great writers as Frencesco Bozza, Jean Racine, Miguel de Unamuno, etc. Eugene O’Neill’s incorporation of it as a subplot in his ‘Desire Under the Elms’ testify to the everlastingRead MoreCompare Candide and Tartuffe5528 Words  | 23 Pagescenturies. The Neo-Classic time period contributed in the expansion of peoples view of life. The Enlightenment period writers focused on reason, knowledge, and rationality as major themes. In this era the Catholic Church was still an extremely powerful institution operating throughout much of Europe; however reason was beginning to emerge as an alternative to faith and religion. As a result, Enlightenment writers began to look at the world critically and rationally. Much of the important literatureRead MoreAnalysis Of Gulliver s Travels By Jonathan Swift1365 Words  | 6 PagesNeoclassicism was a Western movement in almost every visual art form that draws inspiration from the classical art and culture of Ancient Greece and Rome. Neoclassical means the revival of the ancients. The Neoclassical age coincided with the Enlightenment in the eighteenth century and lasted into the early nineteenth century, competing alongside Romanticism. Neoclassical architecture, however, lasted from the eighteenth century through the twenty-first century. Neoclassicism originated in Rom e,
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Charlotte Gilman s The Yellow Wallpaper - 1603 Words
Rough Draft Throughout history, women have been portrayed as stay-at-home wives who care of the children, clean the house and prepare meals while the men go out, work and provide for their families. They weren’t supposed to be influential, powerful individuals. Women were shown as followers rather than leaders. They were to obey their husbands and assist them at home while the men go out and work. Back then, the image placed in the minds of young women were that they would eventually get married, have kids, and stay at home, taking care of them. In Charlotte Gilman’s The Yellow Wallpaper, the narrator breaks away from society’s view on women because she compares how her husband treats her to how all men treat women. Charlotte Gilman was known for being an advocate for gender equality and feminism. Although there is no certainty that this story is about her life, it was safe to assume that parts of this story were pulled from her personal life. This story critique s society’s view on women and gives more of a feminist view on the entire concept of marriage and how women should behave. In The Yellow Wallpaper, the narrator and her husband clash over how the wife should act. While it seems like she has a mental illness, readers may interpret it as she will no longer obey her husband or society’s view on how to be a normal housewife. The more her husband tries to convince her that she is fine and continues to tell her what she should be doing, the more the narrator begins toShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Charlotte Gilman s The Yellow Wallpaper 1517 Words  | 7 PagesGender Role in The Yellow Wallpaper In Charlotte Gilman’s â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper†, Jane is driven insane when the neurasthenia rest cure is given to he by her husband and physician, John. The rest cure was created by Dr. Weir Mitchell targeted towards women who displayed symptoms of neurasthenia,†a psychological disorder marked especially by easy fatigability and often by lack of motivation, [and] feelings of inadequacy†(Merriam- Webster). Jane is forbidden to work and write. She is told to not overexertRead MoreAn Analysis Of Charlotte Gilman s The Yellow Wallpaper Essay1624 Words  | 7 PagesPublished in 1892, Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper†may be approached as an American example of the female Gothic, a literary genre pioneered by English writers such as Horace Walpole and Ann Radcliffe. 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The narrator is forced to suppress her true feelings until she violentlyRead MoreAnalysis Of Charlotte Perkins Gilman s The Yellow Wallpaper 839 Words  | 4 PagesShaquan Chavis 17 November, 2015 English 110 Professor. Cia Kessler Essay #4: Infantilization inside of the â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper†The way woman were treated in the late 1800’s is totally different than today. At that time woman and men were not equal to each other. Women were confined to particular roles. The men usually played the dominant role which led women to just listen and follow their spouse. During that time woman were at the bottom of the social class. The regular household consistedRead MoreAnalysis Of Charlotte Perkins Gilman s The Yellow Wallpaper 1047 Words  | 5 PagesJacob Niemann PY.260.115.05: Humanities Core I 11/22/15 Niemann I What lies beneath â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper†Written in 1892, Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper†is a short story that explores the mind of a woman who is driven to insanity by her surrounding environment. This woman, who narrates her experiences in a journal, begins by marveling at the grandeur of the estate her husband has taken for their summer vacation. Her feeling that there is â€Å"something queer†(307) about the situationRead MoreThe Structure Of Charlotte Perkins Gilman s The Yellow Wallpaper1950 Words  | 8 PagesStructure of Charlotte Perkins Gilman â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper†In the story â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper,†Gilman creates a character of a young depressed woman, on the road to a rural area with her husband, so that she can be away from writing, which appears to have a negative effect on her psychological state. Lanser says her husband â€Å"heads a litany of benevolent prescriptions that keep the narrator infantilized, immobilized, and bored literally out of her mind. Reading or writing herself upon the wallpaper allowsRead MoreAnalysis Of Charlotte Perkins Gilman s The Yellow Wallpaper 2536 Words  | 11 PagesResearch Paper Charlotte Perkins Gilman took a leap of faith while writing one of the most notorious stories of her time. The era in which it was written was a time where women were frowned upon for voicing their opinions. Women’s roles in society have evolved over a course of many years. Jobs, social standings, and other rights have not always come easy like they do today. Women were not treated as equals. Gilman’s voice is undoubtedly heard in her story, â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper†, writing about aRead MoreFeminism Of An Hour And Charlotte Perkins Gilman s The Yellow Wallpaper1596 Words  | 7 Pages Evelyn Gomez Mrs. Kehrmeyer AP English 11 3 December 2014 Feminism in the 1960 s Feminism is the push for woman’s rights considering their political, social and economic equality to men. The feminist movement of the 1960 s demonstrated how women demanded equal rights since they wanted to be included into the world around them not only as mothers and house wives but as a vital part society. Women realized there were more opportunities for them in the world rather than staying home cleaning andRead MoreThe Story Of An Hour And Charlotte Perkins Gilman s The Yellow Wallpaper1422 Words  | 6 PagesIn Kate Chopin’s Story of an Hour and Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s The Yellow Wallpaper we see two marriages that are shaped by the hands of society at large and the husbands. Marriage in the upper classes in the late 1800s to the turn-of-the-century was primarily done to increase one party’s social standing, and as such divorce was generally severely frowned upon. Divorce, beginning at the wife’s behest at least, was unprecedented unt il the latter half of the 1800s. Both marriages center on womenRead MoreCharlotte Perkins Gilman s The Yellow Wallpaper1861 Words  | 8 Pagesconcern than Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s short story â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper.†Gilman uses her background filled with her own struggles with mental illness and the oppression she suffered from her husband and 19th century society due to that illness to illustrate the outcome of a doctor or bystander dismissing the seriousness of the disease. A reader can witness the mental illness and oppression Gilman faced and the consequences of a misdiagnosis through her character Jane in â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper.†Charlotte
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Operation Management free essay sample
Executive summary Penang Mutiara Hotel is a famous luxurious hotel in the South-East Asia. This report is regarding to finding about the operation function strategy of the Peanag Mutiara Hotel to achieve success of strategy. The operation strategic decision it helps to identify what are the operation functions of Penang Mutiara hotel and what are the market requirement of the hotel. Besides, it also using the Hayes Wheelwright model to analyze what is the hotel suitable for. By using the Hayes Wheelwright model, the model which compromise with four stages the stages which are the internally neutral, externally neutral, internally supportive, and the externally supportive. Furthermore, according to this case it also explaining what is the operation contribution to achieve by applying it to the general manager. After describing the operation contribution what to apply and it may explain what are the five operational performance objectives of it hotel. In the end of the case which is to finding the importance key contribution of operation activities. 1. 0 Introduction The Penang Mutiara Hotel is one of the luxurious hotel in the South-East Asia which owned by the Pernas-OUE of Malaysia and managed by the Singapore Mandarian International hotel. Hence Penang Mutiara gives to its customers with the quality of service and also wants to give everything what it guests wants and needs. 2. 0 Finding 2. 1 Question 1 In this case, the customer of the Penang Mutiara which would like to return back to the hotel because of the hotel serving the customer or it guests with high potential quality service. For example, fast response to its customer, some of the customer which might request something else that is important from a staff and the staff of its hotel quickly sorted out immediately, while this will bring benefits to it hotel because the staff are doing thing fast. Next to keep promise to be of service to the customer, for example the hotel staff which would ready the accounts when the guests depart and this will influence the guests expects a dependable service. Last, most of it staff is multi skilled employee. For example to avoid the irritating delays, when a guests have been to the hotel before so the staff of its hotel try to avoid having to repeat the information back to the customer. Besides and also the reception staff would simply check weather if the customer has stayed before, retrieve the information and straight take its customer to their room. In order to achieve the competitive advantage and satisfy the customer needs the Penang Mutiara hotel by serving it customer with impeccable service. For example, the hotels staff must be courteous at all time and also keep friendly to its customers. The hotel of it staff also have the knowledge to answer the customer question when they asked. Besides, to improve with satisfying the customer needs and wants, the general manager of its hotel state that â€Å"our staff would never like to say no†to the customer. However, the customer had requested for some food that the hotel restaurant don’t have and the staff of t hotel to make sure they can go to the supermarket and try to get it what the customer of its hotel require. Hence this is also a very important to maintain the motivation of the staff side effect. 2. 2 Question 2 (Hayes Wheelwright. , 1985) had described the four generic roles of that manufacturing can play within a company from a strategic perspective. In stage one, internal neutrality, this is something that are the poorest level of operation function contribution. In this stage, the operation contribution it also lacking in flair and competitive drives. The operation functions of this stage are inward looking and at best reactive. The vision of this stage is to be internally neutral a position it attempts to achieve not by anything positive but it is the best contribution to avoid big mistake. For example in this stage which is to focus the internally neutral, which focus with the daily issue of its hotel is like is the toilet clean enough. When comes to stage two, stage two is the externally neutral which is a stage that the operation function has to be compare itself with other competitors performance. While comparing itself with the competitors performance which might also need to adopting the â€Å"best practice†that which may take the best idea and norms of performance from the competitors. By filtering the best practice performance from the competitors, the Penang Mutiara Hotel is well prepared for the market competition. For example, the Peanang Mutiara hotel must build a staff training team which to provide more good service to the hotel customers, hence as most of the competitors are also doing the same. Stage three, internally supportive. Base on this stage the internally supportive which focus on improving an organization operation and to achieve the first class companies in the market. At this stage, operation function of the hotel staff it must supposed to be assisting the hotel service to perform better than the competitors in some perceptions. Besides, the operation function of this stage is to require to achieving one of the best hotel in the competitors market itself. Hence by this judgment, a clear view is supposed to brought by the operations, which the hotel staff service develop an excellent operation resources, and finally it will excels in market. For example, the quality of the hotel service is better than other competitor in the market, so the staff of it hotel it will perform better than the rest of competitor. The final stage externally supportive which is to sees the operation function as providing one of bases for its competitive success. In this stage the operation which are creative and proactive, likely to organize its resources in ways which are capable of adaption and innovative as markets change. Last, in this stage it is also a long term driver of strategy which the operation are not only developing an appropriate resources and also implementing the competitive strategy. Meanwhile for the Penang Mutiara Hotel, the hotel itself also can provide some event which can let the guests of the hotel to participate, and the winner can get some offer and so on. Besides, it also can provide more facilities which might be able to add value to its guests. 2. 3 Question 3 According to the case study of Penang Mutiara Hotel, the General Manager of the hotel Wernie Eison it has to be dependable to make sure that competes with other competitors. Firstly, expand the business in other place to gain more market share and to compete with other strong competitors in the South-East Asia. Besides that, the manager which should also diversifying its service to fulfil the demands of customers, for example such as offering the customer with difference holiday traveling package and also to diversifying types of food. Last, the manager also can form a membership card to gain more loyalty customer which to be can offer more special service and good prices. Be appropriate, for the Penang Mutiara Hotel to get more success it has to using an appropriate strategy to enhance the customer satisfaction, for example offer high class quality, standard hotel services and a comfortable environment for the customers. Meanwhile, the manager of the Penang Mutiara Hotel must be innovative. By having innovation the hotel it might fulfil its customer satisfaction, for example, the hotel of its promotion must be innovative such as certain period have certain special prices which to attract the customer. The manager of its hotel also needs to develop an operation which to drives long term capabilities to the hotel. For example, by upgrading the technology such as available free Wi-Fi internet access in the hotel hall, providing traffic map at the reception counter, promotion information at the internet website, and the hotel quality service. Last, the hotel it staff need to improve their quality service such as foreign language, while improving in this situation it might be communicate well with the customer at the end it bring long term of capabilities to the hotel. 2. 4 Question 4 Slack et al. (2007) explain that five operations performance objectives which can allow the organization to measure its operation performance by using the five basic performance which are the quality, speed, dependability, flexibility, and cost. Quality Quality it means â€Å"do thing right†. Doing thing right it may give out or providing error goods and services to satisfy the customer. According to the case study of Penang Mutiara Hotel, the hotel wishes to provide the best service by producing impeccable service to the customer. The staff of it hotel are courteous, helpful and friendly enough to the customer. Besides that the hotel of if staffs it has the quality of knowledge to answer the customer if anything requested or be asked. Other than that, for the Penang Mutiara Hotel, the hardware of the whole building which to support the hotel atmosphere to let the customer look luxurious of it, and also using the top class durable material to create the right impression and environment too. Speed Speed it mean â€Å"do something fast†. While doing something fast it might minimize the time which to give advantage the customer. For the Penang Mutiara Hotel, the time between the customer requesting are not allow to let them wait too long instead of the staff response it as immediately and this is considered as speed adds flexibility. Besides that, the hotel also minimizing the time when the customer call room service to request a meal instead of going out restaurant to eat. Last, speed adds dependability, the hotel it staff which might provide the latest information with fast delivering for the new customer entrance and also the available room information. Dependability In this stage performance, dependability which it means â€Å"do something on time†. While doing something in time for the customer in order to receive their goods and services when are promised. For the Penang Mutiara Hotel, they are making sure that the room are having been ready and the accounts bill is ready present on time for the customer when they depart. Last, when there is a banquet, they also make sure that the food, drinks and entertainment has to be everything on time. Flexibility In this performance mean a clear result responding to the environment is that an organization to change their product and services and also changes of the way they do business. (Peter, T, 1998) argues that changes and develops flexible and responsive of organization to cope with dynamics business environment. For the Penang Mutiara Hotel, flexibility adds quality, they had the ability to adjust the number of customer treated. For example, the customer of it hotel require something that does not exists in the hotel restaurant and the staff will go to the supermarket and try to get it. Other than that, the hotel also it has the ability to adjust the number of customer served with insufficient of staff working. Cost In this stage cost it means â€Å"do things cheaply†, one major operation objective is that the company compete with prices is â€Å"cost†. Low price is an attractive objective to luring the customer, and also which can be achieved by producing goods at lower costs. For the Penang Mutiara Hotel, mostly all of the other objectives are affect costs. For example, the Penang Mutiara Hotel treated their customer as good quality so the customer it might return back to the hotel, hence in the end the more guests they have which keeps cost per guest down and profitability reasonable, and it’s the quality of the service which keep their volume high and cost low. 3. 0 Conclusion The Penang Mutiara Hotel is a luxurious hotel in the South-East Asia. The hotel are managed to maintain it competitiveness with their current existing strategy, but however, their current strategy are still insufficient to compete with the competitors itself. Hence Penang Mutiara Hotel in order to keep their competitiveness with competes with the competitors by strengthening in their own operation strategy with innovation and creativity. In the end, the Penang Mutiara Hotel it will be success to gain its brand image and loyal customer too.
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