Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Electoral College Pros and Cons
Electoral College Pros and Cons The Electoral College system, long a source of controversy, came under especially heavy criticism after the 2016 presidential election when Republican Donald Trump lost the nationwide popular vote to Democrat Hillary Clinton by over 2.8 million votes but won the Electoral College- and thus the presidency- by 74 electoral votes. Electoral College Pros and Cons Pros:Gives the smaller states an equal voice.Prevents disputed outcomes ensuring a peaceful transition of powerReduces the costs of national presidential campaigns.Cons:Can disregard the will of the majority.Gives too few states too much electoral power.Reduces voter participation by creating a â€Å"my vote doesn’t matter†feeling. By its very nature, the Electoral College system is confusing. When you vote for a presidential candidate, you are actually voting for a group of electors from your state who have all â€Å"pledged†to vote for your candidate. Each state is allowed one elector for each of its Representatives and Senators in Congress. There are currently 538 electors, and to be elected, a candidate must get the votes of at least 270 electors. The Obsolescence Debate The Electoral College system was established by Article II of the U.S. Constitution in 1788. The Founding Fathers chose it as a compromise between allowing Congress to choose the president and having the president elected directly by the popular vote of the people. The Founders believed that most common citizens of the day were poorly educated and uninformed on political issues. Consequently, they decided that using the â€Å"proxy†votes of the well-informed electors would lessen the risk of â€Å"tyranny of the majority,†in which the voices of the minority are drowned out by those of the masses. Additionally, the Founders reasoned that the system would prevent states with larger populations from having an unequal influence on the election. Critics, however, argue that Founder’s reasoning is no longer relevant as today’s voters are better-educated and have virtually unlimited access to information and to the candidates’ stances on the issues. In addition, while the Founders considered the electors as being â€Å"free from any sinister bias†in 1788, electors today are selected by the political parties and are usually â€Å"pledged†to vote for the party’s candidate regardless of their own beliefs. Today, opinions on the future of the Electoral College range from protecting it as the basis of American democracy to abolishing it completely as an ineffective and obsolete system that may not accurately reflect the will of the people. What are some of the main advantages and disadvantages of the Electoral College? Advantages of the Electoral College Promotes fair regional representation: The Electoral College gives the small states an equal voice. If the president was elected by the popular vote alone, candidates would mold their platforms to cater to the more populous states. Candidates would have no desire to consider, for example, the needs of farmers in Iowa or commercial fishermen in Maine.Provides a clean-cut outcome: Thanks to the Electoral College, presidential elections usually come to a clear and undisputed end. There is no need for wildly expensive nationwide vote recounts. If a state has significant voting irregularities, that state alone can do a recount. In addition, the fact that a candidate must gain the support of voters in several different geographic regions promotes the national cohesion needed to ensure a peaceful transfer of power.Makes campaigns less costly: Candidates rarely spend much time- or money- campaigning in states that traditionally vote for their party’s candidates. For example, Democrats rarely campaign in liberal-leaning California, just as Republicans tend to skip the more conservative Texas. Abolishing the Electoral College could make America’s many campaign financing problems even worse.  Disadvantages of the Electoral College Can override the popular vote: In five presidential elections so far- 1824, 1876, 1888, 2000, and 2016- a candidate lost the nationwide popular vote but was elected president by winning the Electoral College vote. This potential to override the â€Å"will of the majority†is often cited as the main reason to abolish the Electoral College.Gives the swing states too much power: The needs and issues of voters in the 14 swing states- those that have historically voted for both Republican and Democratic presidential candidates- get a higher level of consideration than voters in other states. The candidates rarely visit the predictable non-swing states, like Texas or California. Voters in the non-swing states will see fewer campaign ads and be polled for their opinions less often voters in the swing states. As a result, the swing states, which may not necessarily represent the entire nation, hold too much electoral power.Makes people feel their vote doesn’t matter: Under the Electoral College system, while it counts, not every vote â€Å"matters.†For example, a Democrat’s vote in liberal-leaning California has far less effect on the election’s final outcome that it would in one of the less predictable swing states like Pennsylvania, Florida, and Ohio. The resulting lack of interest in non-swing states contributes to America’s traditionally low voter turnout rate. The Bottom Line Abolishing the Electoral College would require a constitutional amendment, a lengthy and often unsuccessful process. However, there are proposals to â€Å"reform†the Electoral College without abolishing it. One such movement, the National Popular Vote plan would ensure that the winner of the popular vote would also win at least enough Electoral College votes to be elected president. Another movement is attempting to convince states to split their electoral vote based on the percentage of the state’s popular vote for each candidate. Eliminating the winner-take-all requirement of the Electoral College at the state level would lessen the tendency for the swing states to dominate the electoral process. Sources and Further Reference â€Å"From Bullets to Ballots: The Election of 1800 and the First Peaceful Transfer of Political Power.†, Alexander. â€Å".†The Federalist Papers: No. 68 (The Mode of Electing the President), Mar. 14, 1788Meko, Tim. â€Å".†How Trump won the presidency with razor-thin margins in swing states Washington Post (Nov. 11, 2016).
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Welfare Reformation Essays - Public Economics, Medicine, Free Essays
Welfare Reformation Essays - Public Economics, Medicine, Free Essays Welfare Reformation TITLE} This week we offered a plan to end welfare as we know ita plan that will encourage personality and help strengthen our families through tougher child support, more education and training, and an absolute requirement to go to work after a period of time. -Bill Clinton, radio address, 6/18/94 The welfare system is in deep distress. From the time of Franklin Delano Roosevelt to the current reigning of Bill Clinton, many a bills have been brought for to reform it. Originally, Roosevelt established the system as a type of government stripend to financially challenged individuals; however, it was not intended to act as a dependent income for them (Tucker 45). Even though many changes have been made over the past three years, it has not made much of an impact on the problems at hand (Pear). Officials discovered that many welfare recipients misuse the benefits. Studies have shown that the welfare system should begin by providing job placement, ending benefits for illegitimacy, and educating the young. First, the aspect of job placement is directly related to the misuse of welfare. In order to succeed at rising employment rates, current wages have to increase dramatically. A welfare check ranges form $5.53 to $17.50 an hour; in a like manner, minimum wage is less than an hourly welfare check (Tilly 8). People desire the higher money of a welfare check to that of a low-paying job (Tweedie 117; Tanner 18). This dependency on receiving the check causes many problems not just with the current generation, but future generations will also be similarly affected. These children are acquiring the habits of their parent or parents, thus creating a permanent underclass (Tucker 45). Economic incentives for staying on welfare should be abolished. People should no longer be allowed to remain on the system for extended periods of time. In accordance with the lesser incentives, the government should place more emphasis on raising the current hourly wage (Haskins 126). Most importantly, the government needs to portray a working world in which job training is not only the standard, but also the required (Tanner 17). Providing jobs with training not only educates the person, but also supplies him or her with opportunities to acquire a better paying job with a future (Willis 4). This training would not just teach skills, but it would make job development workers move more people into the mainstream (Garr 193). In Wisconsin, Republican legislators have devised a method of reform called W-2 Wisconsin Works. W-2 is a work program that would require all recipients over eighteen to work for cash assistance (Tweedie 117). Many welfare recipients are often stereotyped as lazy; moreover, these recipients need to take charge of their lives (Leavitt 22). They need to realize that they are capable of doing competent work. They have to compete to prosper. Second, illegitimacy needs to be curbed by stopping aid to promiscuous mothers who continue to have out-of-wedlock pregnancies. The establishment of anti-illegitimacy policies is imperative. These policies should propose to stop payment to unwed others (Haskins 126). The government should not reward for illegitimacy. According to Ron Haskins, Trying to help poor children by giving their underage mothers cash will often simply produce more poor children, reformers argued. Wise societies don't reward births outside of marriage in this way (Haskins 126). If a young woman becomes pregnant again, she does not have to make a choice between living at home with her parents or finding a husband. She simply can continue to produce more illegitimate children. This reoccurrence of illegitimacy is exactly one of the reasons that a stopping of incentives is needed (Tucker 45). In a like manner, the most effective way to reduce births is with a family cap. The family cap is a provision that denies greater cash to women who continue to have births while receiving welfare (Donovan 73). It is designed to discourage out-of-wedlock births (Sollom 41). The government needs to include a child exclusion provision like both China and Japan currently have (Donovan 73). Disincentives are required to act as the primary strategy for regulating poor women's reproductive behaviors (Sollom 41). This unorthodox behavior causes much strain on the welfare system, since the state rewards extra money for additional children. Third, the
Thursday, November 21, 2019
The Role of Women in Japan and Middle East Research Paper
The Role of Women in Japan and Middle East - Research Paper Example This essay will discuss the impact of globalization on different types of families in different societies and cultures. The terms ‘traditional’, ‘modern’ and ‘postmodern’ will be defined, elaborated upon and discussed on a continuum of change. Social change, in the face of globalization, will be discussed with relation to how cultures and families have grown or resisted the forces of globalization. We now turn to an exploration of the types of families in the world and follow with a concise description of the American family of today. Ranging from ‘traditional’ to ‘postmodern’, there are a variety of family forms in this world. For the theoretical purposes of this essay, a family will be defined as â€Å"two or more people who are in a relationship created by birth, marriage or choice.†(Roopnarine & Gielen 33). There are a multitude of family forms and family types across the globe and the global family is a social unit in a constant state of evolution. The ‘traditional’ family is a heterosexual, nuclear family headed by two parents in which the husband is the primary breadwinner and the wife is the homemaker. On the far left side of the continuum of change, the traditional nuclear family model is widespread across the globe and represents a traditional gendered division of labour, both within the house as well as outside of the home. In the Western world, the traditional model is becoming less and less viable as many families require the incomes of both parents. Wom en’s increased education and employment prospects have made the transition from the traditional model to the modern familial model more and more prevalent in modern Western society (Bossen 128-133; Roopnarine & Gielen 32-34). As with the traditional family, the ‘modern family’ is nuclear in the sense that it involves the cohabitation of two heterosexual partners but differs in that it involves dual
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Maritime Transportation Security Act Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Maritime Transportation Security Act - Essay Example While the attacks focused attention on our aviation system's vulnerability, it became obvious that our maritime domain needed greater attention. Besides being gateways through which dangerous materials could enter, ports are attractive targets because they are often large and sprawling, accessible by water and land, close to crowded centers, and interwoven with highways, roads, factories, and businesses (Flynn, 2004). Security is made difficult by the number of stakeholders involved in port operations, which include local, state, and federal agencies; multiple law enforcement jurisdictions; transportation and trade companies; factories and other businesses. The MTSA imposed an ambitious schedule of requirements on federal agencies and called for a comprehensive framework that included planning, personnel security, and careful monitoring of vessels, facilities, and cargo. Table 1 contains the MTSA's key security-related activities. However, "Haste makes waste", and the urgent nature of the legislative and implementation efforts of the MTSA 2002 proved this to be true (Bouchard, 2005; Ervin, 2006; Haveman et al., 2007). The MTSA 2002, through the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), gave the U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) lead responsibility for most of its requirements. Timetables for implementing the provisions were tight, and adding difficulty was the need to implement MTSA after the most extensive federal reorganization after the Second World War. Most of the 22 agencies with MTSA responsibilities were reorganized into the DHS in March 2003, less than 5 months after enactment. Some departments such as the Transportation Security Agency (TSA) were new, while others such as the USCG, Customs Service, and the Immigration and Naturalization Service were transferred from various executive departments. This recombination of organizational cultures and the need to coordinate with other agencies such as the State, Transportation, and Justice Departments introduced complex chains of command and reporting responsibilities (MTSA,2002; DHS, 2005; USCG, 2007). The deadline for implementing MTSA of July 1, 2004 was tight. Unlike other areas of critical infrastructure security where the government was unwilling to set clear mandates for the private sector and push for meaningful change, the MTSA was a catalyst for action. Unfortunately, in the face of unrealistic deadlines and disjointed implementation milestones, good intentions were not necessarily translated into greater security at the pier. And to add insult to injury, the USCG not only proved incapable of managing the projects designed to improve its capability but became open to graft and corruption and overspending (Economist 2007, p. 36). The priorities
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Research has been done to determine Essay Example for Free
Research has been done to determine Essay A lot of research has been done to determine whether short-term memory works better in the morning or afternoon. In a study, 16-18-year-olds (sixth form students of Battersea park school) were administered to take part in a word test to assess their short-term memory. Results of this were analyzed. Null Hypothesis: learning in the morning is more effective Alternative hypothesis: learning in the afternoon is more effective. Introduction To learn new things, to store experiences and to adapt to new circumstances these characteristics of the brain enable us the daily survival . This special flexibility of the brain is reached through constant making and breaking contact between nerve cells. Whenever we learn something, the connections between nerve cells, (synapses) change. At this point, the Axon of a nerve cell and the Dendrite of the neighbouring cell meet. The centre for brain research of the medical University of Vienna is currently involved in two researches that contribute to the clarification of the processes in memory. They had tested the article (of researchers at the Harvard Medical School), which is called a key experiment. It was found that a Micro RNA and the accompanying messenger RNA exist at the contact point of synapses. What are Micro- and messenger RNA? It is a different form of the Ribonucleic acid. As a messenger RNA (mRNA), one is already more familiar with for a long time: It functions as a messenger, transports a message of the DNA often, but not always from a gene out of the cell nucleus into the cytoplasm. There the message is translated often, but not always into a protein. One knows micro RNAs for the least in time: They consist only of 21 bases respectively, and they are not translated into proteins. They rather check an mRNA in that they cause or prevent that the mRNA is translated into a protein. So they are regulators. For example just at a synapse, as long as there a micro RNA on a certain mRNA, it is not translated into a protein. If the micro RNA falls away, the protein emerges and the synapse changes its form and also the signal forwarding. In other words we can say that the nerve cell learned something. In the journal of Cell Biology (172, p. 221) Kiebler describes a second factor that is necessary, with a synapse function: Staufen 2: That is a protein that is responsible for the carrying of mRNA along the cell skeleton to the synapse. It brings RNAs to where they are needed. Neurons which are missing the protein Staufen2 have less synapses, and the signal transmission between them is disturbed. An important notice on that, is that Staufen 2 for the education of functioning Synapses is crucial, says Kiebler ( researcher). If what we have learned is forgotten, long-term connections become out of contact of the connection points. German Neurobiologist worked on the correlation between the outgrowing of the connections of cells, the so-called thorns and the building of functioning synapses. In order to be able to follow the outgrowing of thorns, the cells in the near surrounding area of the stimuli were observed using a high resolution two-Photon-microscope. An electron microscope was used in order to review whether the variations in the nerve cells actually led to the origin of new synapses. Within few minutes after the current impulse, the encouraged nerve cells opened the gate to a new discovery. These thin thorns do not grow spontaneously (as they thought), but rather grow towards possible contact partners. Within the first eight hours no piece of information can be exchanged between the newly emerged cell contacts. Not until the following hours it is decides whether a connection remains exist or disappears. For sure, those contacts, that are still available after 24 hours, have fully functioning synapses which can transfer information and have a good chance to exist after several days. Then the reconstruction in the brain is locked evidently. Which parts of the brain remember which type of memory?
Friday, November 15, 2019
The Cola Wars: Pepsi vs Coke Essay -- Pepsi-Cola and Coca-Cola
The Cola Wars: Pepsi vs Coke      PepsiCo. Incorporated and The Coca-Cola Company are the two largest and oldest archrivals in the carbonated soft drink (CSD) industry. Coca-Cola was invented and first marketed in 1886, followed by Pepsi Cola in 1898. Coca-Cola was named after the coca leaves and kola nuts John Pemberton used to make it, and Pepsi Cola after the beneficial effects its creator, Caleb Bradham, claimed it had on dyspepsia. The rivalry between the soda giants, also known as the "Cola Wars", began in the 1960’s when Coca-Cola's dominance was being increasingly challenged by Pepsi Cola. The competitive environment between the rivals was intense and well-publicized, forcing both companies to continuously establish and implement strategic variations as a means to create a competitive advantage. The competition fostered and stimulated continuing growth in an industry which many predicted in the early 1970’s to be on the verge of maturity. Reasons for the prediction arose from the fact that further growth of per capita consumption of soft drinks is fairly static regarding how much people are able to consume on a daily basis. Furthermore, both Pepsi Cola and Coca-Cola offered a limited number of products that "looked the same, tasted the same, and bubble into foam the same", thus questioning whether further substantial growth in sales was possible.      Pepsi Cola and Coca-Cola’s marketing strategies have been as indistinguishable as the products themselves. Relying on colorful images, lively words, beautiful people, interesting bottle designs, and contagious jingles, Pepsi and Coke propelled their respective products into the American and international mainstream. The changing faces of Pepsi and Coke’s management, however, facilitated the brand image according to their own style and what they saw as an advantageous competitive approach. This style and approach is what makes Pepsi-Cola and Coca-Cola distinguishable. The objective of Coca-Cola’s advertisements was to strategically position their product in people’s mind in order to maximize its acceptance. This strategy would in some way or another have a correlation to the changing social values of the period. â€Å"Trying to keep step with each generation and era has been an important factor in advertising for Coke. It strives not to be too far behind or too far ahead of its time; the product has ... ... strategies in order to increase their sales growth. The rivalry between the two soda giants required new strategies to be continuously implemented. The new strategies devised by Pepsi and Coke to deal with the changing environment could not have been effectively implemented without changing their distribution system from networks of independent bottlers to company-owned bottling systems. This transformation has been essential to both companies' introduction of new products and new forms of pricing, promotion, and advertising. The U.S. Department of Justice has brought many price-fixing cases against CSD bottlers, the vast majority of which led to guilty pleas. The FTC has conducted many investigations in the CSD industry, including investigations of horizontal and vertical acquisitions in the industry. Sources Cited 1. Enrico, Roger & Kornbluth, Jesse: (1986).The Other Guy Blinked. New York: The Free Press. 2. "Coke v Pepsi", The Economist, January 29, 1994, pp. 67-68. 3. 4. http://www.coca-cola/ 5. PepsiCo. Inc. Annual Report Issued to Common Stock Shareholders 6. The Coca-Cola Company Annual Report Issued to Common Stock Shareholders
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Jewish American Literature Essay
Jewish American Literature holds an essential place in the literary history of the United States. It encompasses traditions of writing in English, primarily, as well as in other languages, the most important of which has been Yiddish. While critics and authors generally acknowledge the notion of a distinctive corpus and practice of writing about Jewishness in America, many writers resist being pigeonholed as ‘Jewish voices’. Also, many nominally Jewish writers cannot be considered representative of Jewish American literature, one example being Isaac Asimov. Beginning with the memoirs and petitions composed by the Sephardic immigrants who arrived in America during the mid 17th century, Jewish American writing grew over the subsequent centuries to flourish in other genres as well, including fiction, poetry, and drama. The first notable voice in Jewish- American literature was Emma Lazarus whose poem ‘The New Colossus’ on the Statue of Liberty became the great hymnal of American immigration. Gertrude Stein became one of the most influential prose-stylists of the early 20th century. The early twentieth century saw the appearance of two pioneering American Jewish novels: Abraham Cahan’s ‘The Rise of David Levinsky’ and Henry Roth’s ‘Call it Sleep’. It reached some of its most mature expression in the 20th century ‘Jewish American novels’ by Saul Bellow, J. D. Salinger, Norman Mailer, Bernard Malamud, Chaim Potok, and Philip Roth. Their work explored the conflicting pulls between secular society and Jewish tradition which were acutely felt by the immigrants who passed through Ellis Island and by their children and grandchildren. More recent authors like Nicole Krauss, Paul Auster, Michael Chabon, Jonathan Safran Foer andArt Spiegelman have continued to examine dilemmas of identity in their work, turning their attention especially to the Holocaust and the trends of both ongoing assimilation and cultural rediscovery exhibited by younger generations of American Jews. Arguably the most influential of all American- Jewish novels was Leon Uris’ ‘Exodus’. Its story of the struggle to create the modern state of Israel translated into Russian became the inspiration for hundreds of thousands of Russian immigrants to Israel. Modern Jewish American novels often contain (a few or many) Jewish characters and address issues and themes of importance to Jewish American society such as assimilation, Zionism/Israel, and Anti-Semitism, along with the recent phenomenon known as â€Å"New Anti-Semitism. †Two Jewish- American writers have won the Nobel Prize, Isaac Bashevis Singer and Saul Bellow. Bernard Malamud is considered one of the most prominent figures in Jewish –American literature. BERNARD MALAMUD ( 1914-1986). Malamud’s stories and novels, in which reality and fantasy are frequently interfaced have been compared to parables, myths and analogies and often illustrate the importance of moral obligation. Although he draws upon his Jewish heritage to address the themes of sins, suffering, and redemption, Malamud emphasizes human contact and compassion over orthodox religious dogma. Malamud’s characters, while often awkward and isolated from society, evoke both pity and humor through their attempts at survival and salvation. Sheldon J. Hershinow observed: â€Å"Out of the everyday defeats and indignities of ordinary people, Malamud creates beautiful parables that capture the joy as well as the pain of life; he expresses the dignity of the human spirit searching for freedom and moral growth in the face for hardship, injustice, and the existential anguish of life. BIOGRAPHY Malamud was born on April 28, 1914, in Brooklyn, New York, to Russian Jewish immigrants. His parents, whom he described as â€Å"gentle, honest, kindly people,†were not highly educated and knew very little about literature of the arts: â€Å"There were no books in the house, no records, music, pictures on the wall. †Malamud attended high school in Brooklyn and received his bachelor’s degree from the City College of New York in 1936. After graduation, he worked in a factory and as a clerk at the central bureau in Washington, D. C. Although he wrote in his spare time, Malamud did not begin writing seriously until the advent of the Second World War and the subsequent horrors of the Holocausts. He questioned his religious identity and started reading about Jewish tradition and history . He explained: â€Å"I was concerned with what Jews stood for, with their getting down to the bare bones of things. I was concerned with their ethnically –how Jews felt for they had to live order to go on living. †In 1949, he began teaching at Oregan State University; he left this post in 1961 to teach creative writing at Bennington College in Vermont. He remained there until shortly before his death in 1986. Starting in 1949, Malamud taught four sections of freshman composition each semester at Oregon State University (OSU), an experience fictionalized in his 1961 novel ‘A New Life’. Because he lacked the Ph. D., he was not allowed to teach literature courses, and for a number of years his rank was that of instructor. In those days, OSU, a land grant university, placed little emphasis on the teaching of humanities or the writing of fiction. While at OSU, he devoted 3 days out of every week to his writing, and gradually emerged as a major American author. In 1961, he left OSU to teach creative writing at Bennington College, a position he held until retirement. In 1967, he was made a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. In 1942, Malamud met Ann De Chiara (November 1, 1917 – March 20, 2007), an Italian-American Roman Catholic, and a 1939 Cornell University graduate. They married on November 6, 1945, despite the opposition of their respective parents. Ann typed his manuscripts and reviewed his writing. Ann and Bernard had two children, Paul (b. 1947) and Janna (b. 1952). Janna Malamud Smith is the author of a memoir about her father, titled My Father is a Book. Malamud died in Manhattan in 1986, at the age of 71. WORKS OF MALAMUD Malamud’s first novel, ‘The Natural’ (1952 ) ,is considered one of his most symbolic works . While the novel ostensibly traces the life of Roy Hobbs, an American baseball player , the work has underlying mythic elements and explores such themes as initiation and isolation. For instance, some reviewers cited evidence of the Arthurian legend of the Holy Grail; others applied T. S. Eliot’s ‘wasteland’ myth in their analyses ‘The Natural’ also foreshadows what would become Malamud’s predominant narrative focus: a suffering protagonist struggling to reconcile moral dilemmas, to act according to what is right, and to accept the complexities and hardships of existence. Malamud‘s second novel, ‘The Assistant’ (1957), portrays the life of Morris Bober, a Jewish immigrant who owns a grocery store in Brooklyn. Although he is struggling to survive financially, Bober hires a cynical anti-semitic youth, Frank Aloine after learning that the man is homeless and on the verge of starvation. Through this contact Frank learns to find grace and dignity in his own identity. Described as naturalistic fable, this novel affirms the redemptive value of maintaining faith in the goodness of the human soul. Malamud’s first collection of short stories, ‘The Magic Barrel’, (1958) was awarded the National Book award in 1959. Like ‘The Assistant’, most of the stories in this collection depict the search for hope and meaning within the grim entrapment of poor urban settings and were influenced by Yiddish folktales and Hasidic traditions. Many of Malamud’s best known short stories, including ‘The Last Mohican’, ‘Angel Levine’, and ‘Idiots First’, were republished in ‘The Stories of Bernard Malamud’ in 1983. ‘A New Life’ (1961), considered one of Malamud’s most true-to-life novels, is based in part on Malamud’s teaching career at Oregon State University. This work focuses on an ex-alcoholic Jew from New York City who becomes a professor at a college in the Pacific Northwest. It examines the main character’s search for self-respect, while poking fun at life at a learning institution. Malamud’s next novel, ‘The Fixer’ (1966), is one of his most powerful works. The winner of both the Pulitzer Prize and the National Book Award, this book is based on the historical account of Mendel Beiliss, a Russian Jew who was accused of murdering a Christian child. With ‘The Tenants’ (1971), Malamud returns to a New York City setting in a contrast between two writersâ€â€one Jewish and the other African Americanâ€â€struggling to survive in an urban ghetto. Malamud further addresses the nature of literature and the role of the artist in ‘Dublin’s Lives’ (1979). In this work, the protagonist, William Dublin, attempts to create a sense of worth for himself, both as a man and as a writer. Malamud’s last finished novel, ‘God’s Grace’ (1982), studies both the original Holocaust and a new, imagined Holocaust of the future. The novel is a wild, at times brilliant, at times confusing, description of a flood similar to that in the Bible story of Noah’s ark. Malamud continued to place stories in top American magazines. Mervyn Rothstein reported in the New York Times that Malamud said at the end of his life, â€Å"With me, its story, story, story. †In Malamud’s next-to-last collection, ‘Rembrandt’s Hat’, only one story, ‘The Silver Crown’, deals with Jewish themes. Malamud is also renowned for his short stories, often oblique allegories set in a dreamlike urban ghetto of immigrant Jews. Of Malamud the short story writer, Flannery O’Connor wrote: â€Å"I have discovered a short-story writer who is better than any of them, including myself. †He published his first stories in 1943, ‘Benefit Performance’ in Threshold and ‘The Place Is Different Now’ in American Preface. In the early 1950s, his stories began appearing in Harper’s Bazaar, Partisan Review, and Commentary. ‘The Magic Barrel’ was his first published collection of short stories (1958) and his first winner of his first National Book Award for Fiction. Most of the stories depict the search for hope and meaning within the bleak enclosures of poor urban settings. The title story focuses on the unlikely relationship of Leo Finkle, an unmarried rabbinical student, and Pinye Salzman, a colorful marriage broker. Finkle has spent most of life with his nose buried in books and therefore isn’t well-educated in life itself. However, Finkle has a greater interest – the art of romance. He engages the services of Salzman, who shows Finkle a number of potential brides from his â€Å"magic barrel†but with each picture Finkle grows more uninterested. After Salzman convinces him to meet Lily Hirschorn, Finkle realizes his life is truly empty and lacking the passion to love God or humanity. When Finkle discovers a picture of Salzman’s daughter and sees her suffering, he sets out on a new mission to save her. Other well-known stories included in the collection are: ‘The Last Mohican’, ‘Angel Levine’, ‘Idiots First’, and ‘The Mourners’. This last story focuses on Kessler, the defiant old man in need of â€Å"social security†and Gruber, the belligerent landlord who doesn’t want Kessler in the tenement anymore. Malamud’s fiction touches lightly upon mythic elements and explores themes like isolation, class, and the conflict between bourgeois and artistic values. His prose, like his settings, is an artful pastiche of Yiddish-English locutions, punctuated by sudden lyricism. Writing in the second half of the twentieth century, Malamud was well aware of the social problems of his day: rootlessness, infidelity, abuse, divorce, and more. But he also depicted love as redemptive and sacrifice as uplifting. In his writings, success often depends on cooperation between antagonists. For example, in The Mourners landlord and tenant learn from each other’s anguish. In ‘The Magic Barrel’, the matchmaker worries about his â€Å"fallen†daughter, while the daughter and the rabbinic student are drawn together by their need for love and salvation. Malamud’s third story ‘Rembrandt’s Hat’ collection is noteworthy for its consistently pessimistic tone and theme of failed communication in stories such as ‘My Son the Murderer’, ‘The Silver Crown’, and ‘The Letter’. ‘The volume The People’, and ‘Uncollected Stories’ contains an unfinished novel about a Russian Jewish peddler in the American West who becomes a marshal and is kidnapped by Indians. It also includes fourteen stories written between 1943 and 1985. LIST OF OTHER NOTABLE JEWISH AMERICAN WRITERS †¢ Aimee Bender  novelist and short story writer, known for her often fantastic and surreal plots and characters †¢ Saul Bellow, novelist that won the Pulitzer Prize, the Nobel Prize for Literature, and the National Medal of Arts †¢ Bernard Cooper, novelist, short story writer †¢ E. L. Doctorow, novelist †¢ Richard Ellmann, literary critic, won National Book Award for Nonfiction †¢ Barthold Fles, literary agent and non-fiction writer †¢ Emma Goldman, anarchist writer †¢ Joseph Heller, author of Catch-22 †¢ Christopher Hitchens, literary critic and political activist †¢ Irving Howe, literary critic †¢ Roger Kahn. â€Å"The Boys of Summer†1972 †¢ Jerzy Kosinski, author of The Painted Bird †¢ Emma Lazarus, poet and novelist †¢ Fran Lebowitz, author, known for her sardonic social commentary on American life through her New York sensibilities †¢ Seymour Martin Lipset, political sociologist. †¢ Reggie Nadelson, novelist known particularly for her mystery works †¢ Mark Obama Ndesandjo, author, half-brother of President Barack Obama †¢ Cynthia Ozick, short story writer, novelist, and essayist †¢ Jodi Picoult, novelist †¢ Ayn Rand, novelist and founder of Objectivism †¢ Lea Bayers Rapp, non-fiction and children’s fiction writer †¢ Philip Roth, known for autobiographical fiction that explored Jewish and American identity. †¢ Norman Rosten, novelist †¢ J. D. Salinger, author of The Catcher in the Rye †¢ Gary Shteyngart (born 1972) Russian-born writer †¢ Isaac Bashevis Singer, leading figure in Yiddish literature, won Nobel Prize †¢ George Steiner (born 1929) literary critic †¢ Daniel Stern, novelist] †¢ Leopold Tyrmand, writer †¢ Judith Viorst (born 1932) author, known for her children’s literature †¢ Elie Wiesel, Holocaust survivor and author of 57 books CONCLUSION The situation and the position of the Jewish-American writer have always been different from that of the other ethnicities in America and still remain so until today. One difference is highlighted by a comparison with the African-American writers. The â€Å"marginal†position of black authors has disappeared on the book market in the United States, but the themes of alienation and anger will not vanish as readily from their works. Instead of integration into the Literary and artistic mainstream, black writers and artists wanted, especially since the Black Arts Movement of the 1960s, to arrive at their â€Å"own†forms of literary expression which would have direct relevance for their lives. They wished to answer the question of their relationship to white mainstream culture by implementing a multicultural strategy: their literature is not that of assimilation, but in many ways that of establishing difference, separatism, and cultural resistance. While with the African-American writers there is no sense of the success or even desirability of social and cultural integration into the predominantly white mainstream of American society, many Jewish-American authors felt it as necessary and desirable, and as a result even managed to acquire it. Indeed, a great number of contemporary Jewish-American writers such as Norman Mailer, Saul Bellow, Joseph Heller, Bernard Malamud, Arthur Miller, Philip Roth and others have had literary success. The language employed by these writers is standard American English, they are socially accepted, and their works are read by a wide Jewish and non-Jewish audience. For this reason it is widely considered that their texts form part of a recognized literary canon, and belong to the American literary â€Å"center†or â€Å"mainstream,†as far as this may still be defined today. As much as we agreed to this idea we cannot ignore several facts which underline the necessity to view Jewish American literary productions as shaped by strong ethnic forces, and Jewish American literature as both belonging to and standing out in the multicultural American landscape. BIBLOGRAPHY Books Sanford, Sternlicht Masterpieces of Jewish American Literature Cristina, Nilsson Jewish American Literature: Bernard Malamud, Philip Roth and Cynthia Ozick Websites http://en. wikipedia. org http://www. swiftpapers. com http:// Top of Form.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Nursing and American Nurses Association Essay
Describe the definition of nursing as put forward by the American Nurses Association. How does it address the metaparadigm theories of nursing? According to the American Nurses Association (ANA), the definition of nursing is â€Å"the protection, promotion, and optimization of health and abilities, prevention of illness and injury, alleviation of suffering through the diagnosis and treatment of human response, and advocacy in the care of individuals, families, communities, and populations.†Metaparadigm theories of nursing consists of theories that describe the four interrelated concepts, which are persons, environment, health and illness, and nursing. Persons are the recipients of nursing care and include individuals, families, and communities. Environment refers to the surroundings of the client, internal factors affecting the client, and the setting where nursing care is delivered. Health and illness describe the client’s state of well-being. Nursing refers to the actions taken when providing care to a patient. ANA’s definition of nursing has included three of the four concepts that make up the metaparadigm theories of nursing. Its definition strongly emphasizes the concept of nursing. It listed many functions that nurses perform such as: protecting, promoting, optimization of health and physical abilities, preventing illness and injury, alleviating suffering, and advocating for patients (ANA website, n.d.). All these nursing actions are related to the care of health and illness, which is the second concept of the metapardigm theories of nursing. The ANA’s definition of nursing describes in more detail the concept of health and illness in terms of health, abilities, illness, and injury. These physical conditions affect the state of well-being and may lead to one’s own suffering and negative responses (ANA website n.d.). Persons is the third concept. According to the ANA definition of nursing, persons include: individuals, families, communities, and populations that receive nursing care. The fourth concept is environment. It is directly related to the other three concepts mentioned above. The environment is the surroundings or the settings in which nursing care is delivered and includes the in the hospital, home, theater, etc†¦
Friday, November 8, 2019
The name of the rose essays
The name of the rose essays In the file The name of the Rose, the monks who run the Benedictine Order Abbey recognize that knowledge can be a very dangerous thing. Knowledge can be dangerous if it says that the truth is different from what the ruling authority says is the truth. Then such knowledge can become part of a revolution in thinking that destroys what people as the truth and a revolution that destroys the power of the ruling authority had accepted. It is this conflict between two different types of knowledge and two different ways of thinking that is at the center of the book mystery in the film. It is the conflict between the knowledge, the truth, and the ideas that are contained in an ancient book written by the old Greek philosopher Aristotle that has just been found by the Benedictine monks and the knowledge, the truth, and the ideas of the Christian Church that the Benedictine monks support. As Brother William (Sean Connery), the monk who has come to investigate the deaths at the Abbey, says, such book are seen as dangerous by the ruling Church authorities, because they contain a wisdom that is different from ours. The medieval Christian Church recognized how much power a book could have because Europe was defined by Christianity, a religion based on a book, the Bible. It was thanks to the Church that the practice of reading and writing survived in medieval Europe. From its beginnings, monasticism emphasized the importance of the collection, transcription and study of books, including trying to combine the Greek and Latin Classical tradition with Christian teachings. This is why in The Name of the rose, the scriptorium, the place in which old Greeks books are hand copied, has such as important place in the monastery. The scriptorium is huge, monks workday and night copying the old books, and the library in which the books are held contain many floors. When Brother William discovers the librar...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Cultivating Editor Relationships Bears Multi-Assignment Fruit
Cultivating Editor Relationships Bears Multi-Assignment Fruit Last week I sent a two-sentence query to the travel editor at the San Jose Mercury News about visiting specific spots in Southern California- would she be interested in an article? Her answer: â€Å"Sure. Sounds fun!†It can’t be that easy, right? Yes, it was- but only because I’d written many travel pieces for this editor over a number of years. Better yet, because my writing style and process clicked well with her needs, she’d actually created a loose category of articles (called â€Å"Trail Mix†) for me to conceive and write, of which the above was one. There will be many mixings of trails to come. Keeping in this vein, I once wrote a magazine piece about my girlfriend buying an old Airstream trailer sight unseen on eBay. The editor of a new Airstream magazine read it and contacted me about writing an article for his magazine. Yesterday I turned in what might be my 40th (if not more) article for the magazine. Don’t get me wrong: I’ve sent hundreds, perhaps thousands, of pitches that have died an un-replied death, and hundreds more that got me the one-sentence â€Å"not for us†reply. But occasionally, writers can connect with editors so that mutual trust, confidence, and suggested future work define the relationship. And don’t forget another component: getting paid regularly. Sure, Craft clear pitches: Be specific about an article’s scope and details. Include a suggested headline. Put in a succinct
Sunday, November 3, 2019
New ventures and entrepreneurship Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words
New ventures and entrepreneurship - Essay Example Formulating a vision is, indeed, a business challenge because sometimes entrepreneurs should transform themselves into magicians. Majority of people are receptive to the current entrepreneurial approaches, but it is an entrepreneur’s responsibility to visualise and predict the future. An entrepreneur should always remain a couple of steps ahead of development to avoid becoming irrelevant (Birley & Muzyka, 2000:45). It is also the responsibility of an entrepreneur to fit futuristic plans and ideas into the present, and to create solutions for others’ problems. Most innovative, entrepreneurial ventures in the last four decades were envisioned long before they became realities. For example, for Apple CEO Steve Jobs wanted every to have a PC while Bill Gates wanted to develop user-friendly software for personal computers. These visions allowed Gates to become the richest individual in the world while Jobs became the most recognisable business personality of the 21st century .Sourcing CapitalHaving developed a sound business proposal, the next challenge involves raising capital in order to support the creation of the new venture. Only entrepreneurs have an excellent understanding of business ideas. Attempting to rope investors into ideas that are only good on paper is a very big challenge for all entrepreneurs. Attempting to convince them that they are capable of actualising the idea and being trustworthy is extremely challenging, especially in new ventures (Chandra, 2013:34).
Friday, November 1, 2019
Strategic Alliance between two companies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 2
Strategic Alliance between two companies - Essay Example Consequently, the company sets up a strategic alliance with the latter that already has an established distribution network in the desired country of trade. This is a beneficial arrangement for both as the former company is able to expand its distribution network and the latter can improvise its existing product lines (Papageorgiou, Rotstein and Shah, 2001). The benefits that a company derives from a strategic alliance are the ability to hedge against uncertain and unprofitable situations, tap the potential of a new market, increase the knowledge base and obtain access to exclusive and critical information, which in turn strengthens its competitive position in the international market. A company is able to minimise on the transaction and distribution costs by way of engaging in strategic alliance. A strategic alliance also enables a company to be prompt and effective in pursuing an opportunity and to obtain resources that are absent. A company stabilises its resource base by leveragi ng the knowledge and resource base of the other. As a result, the company is able to gain easier access in the new markets and face lesser barriers to entry during an expansion plan. Strategic alliances, however, has to be formed in a very careful manner as these often fall through owing to mistrust between the two partners, especially when a large amount of competitive or exclusive information is involved. The benefits that a company derives from a strategic alliance are the ability to hedge against uncertain and unprofitable situations.
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