Wednesday, October 30, 2019
SIOP Lesson Plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
SIOP Lesson Plan - Essay Example 3. Handout of comprehension passages. 4. A leaflet containing a list of difficult vocabulary and their meaning. 5. A history kit or a worksheet (please see appendix 1). Motivation: A documentary or transparencies on one of the battles is shown to the students before beginning the activity. A transparency can be shown having the chronology of the battles. Simple and straight questions that can be connected to the content in the passages. The students are allowed to interact before answering the questions. Let the three groups have an interactive discussion about the outcome of battles. Presentation: Try to present the students how the past wars can be related to the present wars. How wars are started and the positive and negative effects of a war. An equation between quantum of loss incurred and misery caused to the population due to wars as against the benefits and allow the students to analyse. The students are allowed to exchange notes and do peer evaluation so that they will understand each other's writing styles and at the same time are encouraged to question each other about the answer they chose and discuss. A discussion about the present wars in comparison to the past makes them understand how content can be useful in learning language skills. Exchanging notes and interaction between the groups leads to the integration of language skills. The teacher first explains the sequence of the activity with examples. Practice: An information gap activity is presented to all the three groups. The three groups are given a passage with fill in the blanks on three different battles. Since all the members in the group are aware of the events the groups are allowed to interact and seek answers... The students are allowed to exchange notes and do peer evaluation so that they will understand each other's writing styles and at the same time are encouraged to question each other about the answer they chose and discuss. A discussion about the present wars in comparison to the past makes them understand how content can be useful in learning language skills. Exchanging notes and interaction between the groups leads to the integration of language skills. An information gap activity is presented to all the three groups. The three groups are given a passage with fill in the blanks on three different battles. Since all the members in the group are aware of the events the groups are allowed to interact and seek answers and fill in the blanks with right answers. Each student from the group is asked to select one battle and make a very short oral presentation before the class. The content of the presentation need not be entirely based on the true text but can relate to the other aspects of the war. (The students are given time to make notes before the presentation).
Monday, October 28, 2019
Global Leader in Foreign Direct Investments Essay Example for Free
Global Leader in Foreign Direct Investments Essay This dissertation focused on the Foreign Direct Investments (FDI) of India relative to China, together with its competitive advantages and the underlying factors which set them apart. In addition, strategies in which India can further strengthen its competitive advantage were elaborated together with the best approaches to keep at par or surpass China in terms of its FDI dominance. This chapter presented the background of the research problem, the research questions that the dissertation aimed to answer, significance of the study, the dissertations adopted research design and methodology, together in which how the sections in this dissertation were organized. 1. 1 Background of the Problem The surge of foreign direct investments in Asian countries is primarily determined by the privatization and at the same time the globalization of production. The degree of political stability, government policies, together with trade and investment regimes allowed host countries to be very open in terms of FDI investments. Due to the liberalization of the developing countries economies, the Global Development Finance of the World Bank in 1999 claimed that FDI flows to developing countries have increased more than six times (Chakraborty and Basu, 2002). Foreign direct investments have bloomed for both China and India by more than 1,500 percent between 1990 and in the recent years, and both countries have growing domestic considerable consumer markets, both economies are starting to produce higher value products and develop networks to maintain competitive advantages beyond mere cost (Laudiciana and White, 2005). Both India and China share the same level of competitiveness in terms of FDI attractiveness among multinational companies. However, it could be noted that India or China being a more favorable destination for FDIs should be closely taken into consideration. It could be noted that there are business ventures that are proven to be more profitable exclusively in only one of the countries even though the aforementioned offers the same services. On another perspective, specific business ventures could experience a relatively highly specialized output given for instance that such would be deployed in the right geographic location (Laudiciana and White, 2005). It could be noted that India has undergone remarkable international integration and development over the past few years. Since 1991, after the external payment crisis in India, there has been liberalization of various policies implemented by the government. In turn, the current investment climate has attracted many foreign investors in the country in various sectors. As such it is with this respect that competitive advantages possessed both by India with China, could be noted as it plays a vital role in terms of the success and eventually business profitability. On the other hand, it could be traced back that China started its state-led modernization reform in the late 1970s after many years of operating according to the Soviet model. Contrasting this to India, the aforementioned’s main reform started after 1991 after which relied largely on the private sector. China’s FDI mainly consists of capital intensive flows whereas India’s FDI is mainly skill intensive (Laudiciana and White, 2005). The impact of such investment has on the domestic economy and the experience of the multinationals with the overall business environment in the sub continent is very vital. Thus it becomes necessary to study the impact of such inflows as it has important policy implications. 1. 2 Research Questions The dissertation aims to answer the following questions: 1. What are the factors that differentiate India’s and China’s FDI performances that influence the inflows and stocks of the aforementioned? 2. What are the effects of FDI inflows and stocks to the economy of India? 3. How will India develop a competitive advantage in terms of its FDI and take over China as a leader in FDI in the future?
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Genetic Ownership :: Genes Science DNA Essays
Genetic Ownership In the past century, advancements in science and technology have allowed man to further investigate his origin. Science has demonstrated all living things are made up of cells and cells contain genetic material. Scientists soon will be able to take genetic material from one party and create their traits in another. In doing so, individuals, scientists, and society will be faced with new challenges as to the ownership rights of genetic material. The following will examine ethical issues of genetic ownership by looking at current and future applications of technology and the ethical challenges they provoke. In 1978 the science of reproduction exploded into public consciousness with the birth of Louise Brown, the first baby born as a product of In Vitro Fertilization (IVF). Today using IVF, a couple with fertility problems can give their own genetic material in the form of sperm and eggs to a clinic, combine them to create embryos, and insert the embryos into a mother’s womb. Society accepts an individuals right to provide their own genetic material to an IVF clinic and create children. Today IVF is a multibillion-dollar, international business providing healthy children to caring parents. In 1997 another explosion of public consciousness occurred when the Roslin Institute announced they had successfully cloned a sheep named Dolly. Dolly was not the product of sperm and eggs, rather she was an exact clone of her "donor parent". The embryo of Dolly was created from genetic material of a donor "parent" and implanted into a surrogate mother. Dolly and her "donor parent" currently live as the property of the Roslin Institute in Edinburgh, UK. As owner of sheep, Roslin possessed the right to collect genetic material, perform research, and eventually produce a cloned animal. Today this right of ownership is currently accepted by society. In the future, individuals may have the right to use their genetic material to reproduce vital organs to be used as transplants for diseased, deformed, or damaged body parts. This process is called therapeutic cloning. Science has demonstrated all living things are made up of cells and all cells contain genetic material. At the core of all genetic material is a primary component of life, DNA. Simply put, DNA (Deoxyribonucleic Acid) instructs cells how to divide and grow into the living things we see every day. Every human possesses unique DNA. No two persons DNA is exactly alike with the exception of identical twins.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Cape Verde Macro-Economic Analysis
Cape Verde| â€Å"Most Improved Country†| Introduction Cape Verde is a small country that spans ten islands and is 570 kilometers off the coast of Western Africa. There is very little rainfall per year and the land on most of the islands are of volcanic origin. On several of the islands the land is fairly flat, sandy and dry, whereas the rest of the islands are covered in rocky land. It, therefore, lacks in natural resources and has experienced severe droughts. Agriculture is made difficult by lack of rain and is restricted to only four islands for most of the year.It is ironic that the country is called â€Å"Verde†meaning â€Å"Green,†even though most of the land is not green. Due to the scarcity of agriculture, most of the nation's GDP comes from the service industry; more specifically tourism, light manufacturing industries, and fisheries. Cape Verde's economy has been steadily growing since the late 1990s, and it is now officially considered a country of a verage development. Through an economic analysis of Cape Verde, we will see the connections between its economy, society, and government.The analysis will recognize not only the flaws and struggles of the country, but will pose possible solutions to its problems. Government: Past and Present Learning about a country’s government is essential to figuring out their economic details. Uninhabited on their discovery in 1456, the Cape Verde islands became part of the Portuguese empire in 1495. Portuguese people began establishing settlements throughout the islands, especially along the ports. They were still governed by the Portuguese government and abided by all the same laws; however, the Portuguese government did not have much involvement with the settlements.Therefore, without strong sustainable investment from the homeland’s government the people grew increasingly discontent with them. However, the Portuguese continued to refuse to provide the local authorities with mor e autonomy, or self-governing. This discontent aggravated and culminated in 1956, when a movement led by Amilcar Cabral laid the stepping stones for independence for Cape Verde. Cabral and a group of fellow Cape Verdeans and Guineans organized the African Party for the Independence of Guinea and Cape Verde (PAIGC), which demanded improvement in economic, social and political conditions in Cape Verde and Portuguese Guinea.The PAIGC began forming armed rebellions against the Portuguese government in Guinea, but were more passive in Cape Verde. In 1974, following the coup in Portugal, after which Portugal began abandoning its colonial empire, the islands were granted a transitional government comprising of Cape Verdeans and Portuguese officials. Eventually, the Cape Verdeans elected a national assembly which drafted a declaration of independence on July 5, 1975. Their government became known as the African Party for the Independence of Cape Verde, or the PAICV.Until 1990, the PAICV rul ed Cape Verde as a one party democratic system; however, opposition began building up towards a multiparty government. On Jan. 13, 1991, the first multiparty elections since independence resulted in the ruling PAICV losing its majority to the new Movement for Democracy Party (MPD). This was a major event in Cape Verde’s history because it sealed their intentions to become a self-reliant country. The only problem now was how could they stabilize their economy? GDP: A Breakdown What is Gross Domestic Product (GDP)?GDP is defined as the overall goods and services produced within a country’s boarders during a given year. The GDP of a country is an important piece of data which measures the size of the economy of a country. To calculate GDP, you add the amount of money spent on consumption, investments, government expenditures, exports, and imports. Once you find out what the GDP is, you can change it into dollars by using purchasing power parity (PPP) or exchange rates and then you can find out the growth rate and GDP per capita.Cape Verde’s economy is relatively small compared to the rest of the world. Their economy has always primarily been a service economy, meaning that most of their income and GDP is from services rather than agriculture or industrials. Cape Verde is consistently in the bottom half of the GDP spectrum. It is pretty obvious how underdeveloped their economy truly is when comparing it to that of countries with similar size and geography. For example, Senegal, Cape Verde’s eastern neighbor, also is primarily a service economy.Their economy, however, is much stronger than Cape Verde’s. Senegal has a Purchasing Power Parity of $23. 86 billion, which is almost 23 times the size of Cape Verde’s! The magnitude of this difference is probably due to the fact that Senegal has a bigger population and geographic size. A positive sign for Cape Verde over Senegal is that its GDP real growth rate is 4. 5% as opposed t o Senegal’s 3. 9%. This shows that Cape Verde’s economy is slowly improving as inflation rises. GDP (2010)| Amount (in US $)| World Rank| GDP (PPP)| $1. 861 billion| 186th |GDP official exchange rate| $1. 573 billion| 162nd | GDP per capita| $3,700| 160th | GDP real growth rate| 4. 5%| 71st | Is Cape Verde Growing? When figuring out the growth of Cape Verde, the Consumer Price Index (CPI) helps determine the rate of inflation. The CPI is a measure of the overall goods and services bought by a typical consumer. It is the primary method to monitor the changes in the cost of living over time. To calculate the CPI you compare a basket of goods’ prices to a certain base year, where the prices are set as $100.The inflation rate is based on the increases or decreases in price of the basket of goods. In other words, you take the current price and subtract the previous price and then divide the whole equation by the previous price. If you multiply that by 100, you get th e rate of inflation. I have chosen to compare three countries’ CPI to show how Cape Verde’s economy has grown over the past decade. As seen in the chart below, the costs of goods in 2007 was 15 percent higher than it was in 2000. The CPI increase reflects the high inflation that occurred over this time period.By using the CPI, you also can see that Cape Verde and Senegal were equally susceptible to inflation in comparison to the larger, more economically stable United States. When relating back to GDP, these numbers make sense, due to the fact that the growth of the U. S. is significantly greater than these countries. Country| 2000 Prices (US$)| 2005 Prices (US$)| 2007 Prices (US$)| Cape Verde| $95| $100| $110| Senegal| $93| $100| $108| United States| $88| $100| $106| | | | | In the graph below, notice the relation between the growth rate and the inflation rate.Over the past decade, GDP growth has pretty constantly exceeded inflation, excluding 2008. This implies a pos itive real GDP growth rate. Therefore, the GDP of Cape Verde represents positive growth, and when you take inflation into account, the economy is growing at a positive rate. The reason the inflation rate outgrew the GDP growth rate in 2008 was because the World Trade Organization approved a deal that would see Cape Verde become part of the WTO. This brought their inflation rate up above their growth rate because Cape Verde had to abide by the regulations set by the WTO.However, this was not necessarily a bad thing because it strengthened a multilateral trading system for Cape Verde and allowed them to continue to integrate into the world’s economy. How Do They Sustain Themselves? Due to their lack of natural resources, Cape Verde has resorted to heavy trade between countries. This is why their recent entry into the World Trade Organization has been so pivotal. The graph below shows a breakdown of the GDP of Cape Verde by sector. As previously mentioned, the economy of Cape Ve rde is mostly made up of services. The services include: commerce, transport, and public services.Recently, the government has primarily focused on the development of tourism and fisheries. They hope to take advantage of their geographic location by luring tourists in to their exotic resorts. Also, due to the fact that they are an island country off the coast of Africa, they can capitalize on the development of their fisheries. Cape Verde’s agriculture is made difficult by the lack of rainfall during the year and only four of the ten islands are fertile. Therefore, they have to resort to importing most of their food. About 82% of food is imported into Cape Verde annually, causing them to run a high trade deficit.This means that they have to receive a heavy amount of foreign aid in order to sustain themselves. The industry part of Cape Verde’s economy mostly consists of refining minerals such as clay and salt. The other industrial part of Cape Verde is made up of shoes and garments. Even though the industrial sector does not play a major role in the GDP of Cape Verde, it still supplies jobs for the citizens of the country. Are Too Many People Unemployed? Labor is an essential factor of a country’s economy. In order for an economy to be sustainable, it has to have enough people that are able to work and produce GDP for the country.To determine the participation of the labor force of a country, you must figure out how many people in the labor force are employed and unemployed. Simply put, the labor force participation rate is number employed plus unemployed divided by the total adult population. To calculate the unemployment rate, you take the total number unemployed and divide it by the labor force. In other words, the unemployment rate tells us how much of the labor force is being utilized. In 2000, Cape Verde had an unemployment rate of 21%, with a total of 155,981 people in the labor force.The unemployment rate is pretty poor compared to the rest of the world; however, considering that it is a developing country, there is a lot of room to improve. Another interesting data point is that in the same year 2000, 30% of the population was below the poverty line. This begs the general question: is there a connection between the unemployment rate and the percentage of people in poverty? In my opinion, there is a correlation between the two. I believe that in poor economic times, or in the case of Cape Verde poor economic strength, people feel down on their luck and are less inclined to work.For example, prior to 2000, Cape Verde was heavily reliant on foreign investments, stunting GDP growth and creating an unstable economy. People became reliant on foreign aid rather than finding jobs to support themselves. However, in 2001, there was a new President, Pedro Pires, who primarily focused on bringing up the economic status of Cape Verde. He looked to capitalize on the strengths of the country, such as its touristic appeal an d fishing capacity. This gave people a positive outlook for the future of their economy and they began searching for jobs.The GDP of Cape Verde began increasing while the unemployment rate steadily decreased. As the unemployment rate went down so did the poverty levels. According to the United Nations’ Millennium Development Goals, Cape Verde is â€Å"on track to halving its 1990 poverty level. †This shows that when economic growth is stimulated, people begin finding jobs and the poverty levels decrease. Conclusion Throughout my research, I have seen a positive trend for Cape Verde’s economic growth. For such a small country and the amount of time it has been independent, Cape Verde has been through a lot, both economically and politically.Both the politics and economics of Cape Verde have played influential roles in the development of the country. When it first declared its independence from Portugal, Cape Verde was under a single party democracy, however, it soon became a two party system, the PAICV and MPD. Each party has had a chance to preside of the country; however, it is the current president, Pedro Pires of the PAICV party, who has lifted the country out of its economic slump. As mentioned above, Pires has changed the focus of the economy to be more self-reliant and take advantage of the country’s strengths.Under Pires’ presidency, GDP growth and inflation has steadily increased while the unemployment rate has steadily decreased. The government has had a major influence on the economy of Cape Verde and because of that, in 2008, Cape Verde officially attained the status of a â€Å"Middle Income Country,†a step up from â€Å"Least Developed Country. †However, the question must be raised: Can Cape Verde, whose economic growth is heavily based on the growing trend of tourism, continue to be carried to higher economic statuses or will the country slump back down again to where it started?As the saying goe s: Only time will tell. Works Cited CIA World Factbook: https://www. cia. gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/cv. html UN Millennium Development Goals: http://www. un. org/en/mdg/summit2010/debate/21092010. shtml World Databank – WDI: http://databank. worldbank. org/ddp/home. do? Step=2&id=4&DisplayAggregation=N&SdmxSupported=Y&CNO=2&SET_BRANDING=YES Enterprise Surveys: http://www. enterprisesurveys. org/ExploreEconomies/? economyid=36&year=2009 U. S. Department of State – Republic of Cape Verde http://www. state. gov/r/pa/ei/bgn/2835. htm
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Operation Torch
Reasons for Initiating Operation Torch – – The Allies planned to occupy Vichy France to prevent the land from being occupied by Axis; the invasion would eventually force Axis powers to fight a two-front war; also helped to diminish transportation of supplies to Axis forces; Key Personalities (Involvements) – – General Dwight D. Eisenhower – – Jean Francois Darlan – – Andrew Cunningham – Objective(s) of Operation Torch – – Allies planned to team up with Vichy France in North Africa in order to take Tunisia before Germans could occupy it from nearby Sicily.After invading North Africa and convincing the French to join the Allies, American and British forces planned to head directly to Sicily, invade, and move up to the core of Europe. Victory here would also allow the Allies to clear up the Mediterranean of Axis forces for their own personal use. Important Readings – from Earl Rice’s â€Å"Strate gic Battles in Europe†. . . – page 24: The Americans joined their British allies. Roosevelt's military advisers wanted to build up immediately for an invasion of the European mainland later in the year or early in 1943.Churchill and his counselors declared that an invasion of the continent so soon would be next to impossible because of insufficient time to assemble the necessary forces and too few available landing craft in which to haul them across the English Channel. Churchill and his advisors did not want to risk a failed invasion. – page 25: Churchill instead favored extending operations in North Africa, where British forces were already fighting. he argued that seizing North Africa and beyond would introduce American troops to the action, boost American morale and appease Stalin's demands for a second front.But Roosevelt's advisors were unreceptive to Churchill's plan and suggested redirecting U. S efforts to the Pacific Theater. In June 1942, Churchill to ld Roosevelt that Britain was both unable and unwilling to undertake the invasion of Europe in 1942 or even in 1943. Having already been driven from Norway, France and Greece by the Germans, the British (now page 26) intended to stay the next time they landed on the Continent. – page 26: Roosevelt accepted Churchill's proposal. Torch’s primary objective was to take Tunisia before the Germans could occupy it from nearby Sicily.The Anglo-American invasion force in the west would then move eastward to link up with Lieutenant General Bernard L. Montgomery’s British 8th army, advancing westward through Libya. Together the 2 Allied armies would form a vise within which to crush Field Marshal Erwin Rommel’s 100,000-man German-Italian army in Libya, including his vaunted Afrika Korps. But first they had to deal with the French. https://www. diigo. com/list/audreym96/operation-torch SOURCE and Earl Rices â€Å"Stategic Battles in Europe†; Even though Stalin required that the Allies attack somewhere in Europe, Operation Torch was successful: the Allies gained a wide amount of land and the Suez Canal was saved. So what’s the importance of the Suez Canal, huh? The Suez Canal provided a short sea route between Britain and Middle East oil supplies, and its imperial colonies in Asia and the Far East. It enabled the Allies to move supplies,men,equipment,fuel,and raw materials around the world to where they were needed much more quickly than if they had had to sail around the southern tip of Africa,which would have made them much more vulnerable to U-boat attack.Why the British cared SO much about North Africa? – When the second World War broke out, there were many soldiers from many different nations in Cairo. The Italians were there, but there were really no serious attempts to help Mussolini by them. The only real enemies in Cairo were the Germans. The British secret police watched them very carefully. There was a political r aid in which the British caught German spies that had come to Cairo with money, a radio transmitter and a house boat on the Nile.Because the English were unable to ship all of their supplies in from Britain, they trained and employed thousands of Egyptians in various trades. Some were mechanics, electricians, drivers, engineers and even lens grinders. They repaired military equipment and even built trains and machinery. Egypt started to weave their own cloth out of silk and wool. Advances were made in mining, cement, petroleum refining and chemical industries. In Egypt, the British spent over ten million pounds every year. In July of 1942, the British were pushed back almost to Alexandria.Rommel stopped at Alamein because his troops were exhausted and almost out of supplies. The British rushed to Cairo. Soldiers were sent to various places to train while other got ready to retreat from the city. The British officers went to the banks to try to get their money while at the British he adquarters, vital papers were burned. This scare changed Cairo to a point where it would never be the same again. Montgomery took over the Eighth Army in the desert and moved them to Alamein. He won this battle in October or November of 1942.After this battle, Egypt lost most of the fantasy and glamour that had been year during the years of occupation. Now the city settled down to the first order of business, national liberation. http://www. touregypt. net/hbritish. htm SOURCE ALGERIA AND MOROCCO – http://www. ushmm. org/wlc/en/article. php? ModuleId=10007303 Operation Torch, the Algeria-Morocco military campaign, began on November 8, 1942, and ended on November 11, 1942. US and British forces, commanded by American General Dwight D. Eisenhower, carried out this campaign.Three task forces landed on the beaches near Casablanca on the Moroccan Atlantic Coast; near Oran in western Algeria; and near Algiers, more than 250 miles to the east in Algeria. Although Vichy French forces initially resisted, a coup d'etat by the French resistance in Algiers on November 8 neutralized the French XIX Corps before the Allied landing. General Mark Clark, Eisenhower's deputy, induced Admiral Jean Francois Darlan, Vichy High Commissioner for North Africa, and General Alphonse Juin, the commander of the Vichy French armed orces in North Africa, to order French forces to cease armed resistance in Oran and Morocco on November 10–11. In return for his cooperation, Darlan temporarily remained head of the French administration as the French forces in North Africa joined the Allies. The Allied landings triggered the German occupation of the unoccupied zone of France and the rapid dispatch of German troops to Tunisia. To avoid capture of their Mediterranean Fleet by the Germans, the Vichy French scuttled it in the harbors of Toulon on November 27, 1942. By the end of November, the Allies had crossed the Tunisian border in the northwest.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Black Sparrow Hawk essays
Black Sparrow Hawk essays "Black Sparrow Hawk" was born in 1767 in the village of Saukenuk, in northwestern Illinois. At 15, he joined a raid against the Osage, one of his tribe's principal enemies. At this early age, he succeeded in becoming a Sauk warrior. Not long afterwards, "Black Sparrow Hawk", later to be called Black Hawk by whites, led an attack upon 100 Osages with only seven Sauk warriors. Black Hawk killed the enemy and escaped without losing a single one of his men. In this early period of his life, Black Hawk was already a prominent warrior. Sauk and Meskawki leaders signed a treaty in 1804 that forfeited all their lands adjacent to the Mississippi River in both Illinois and Iowa. With most of the Sauk and the Meskwaki people furious and White settlers beginning their move into the area, conflict seemed imminent. When the war of 1812 broke out, Black Hawk and the Sauk sided with the British in hopes of checking the growing population of white settlers. With the British defeat, these hopes were dashed. During the winter of 1831, the Choctaw Indians were the first tribe to walk the "Trail of Tears" westward. This removal policy of President Jackson's was aimed to encourage Indian tribes to sell their land in exchange for land in Oklahoma and Arkansas. However, this new land nothing like a "country of tall trees, many water courses, rich lands and high grass abounding in games of all kinds," as Jackson described it. Instead, the preserve was a barren desert and Pushmataha, a Choctaw chieftain, urged his people to reject Jackson's offer. However, President Jackson declared he would destroy their nation if the Choctaw would not move west. Many tribes organized resistance against the unjust removal, including the Sauk. Joined with the Fox Indians, they fought the Black Hawk War in order to recover their lands. The Indians had not understood the treaty that they had signed when they had transferred their land, and had not understood the impl...
Monday, October 21, 2019
Steps to a Successful Family Reunion
Steps to a Successful Family Reunion With some creativity and advance planning, you can organize and plan a memorable family reunion that everyone will talk about for years. Who Is Family? It may seem obvious, but the first step for any family reunion is to decide who is family. Which side of the family are you inviting? Do you want to include only close relatives or all descendants of Great Grandpa Jones (or another common ancestor)? Are you inviting only direct-line relatives (parents, grandparents, grandkids) or do you plan to include cousins, second cousins, or third cousins, twice removed? Just remember, every step back on the ancestral tree adds a ton of new potential attendees. Know your limits. Create a Guest List Start by assembling a list of family members, including spouses, partners, and children. Get in touch with at least one person from each branch of the family to help you track down contact information for each person on your list. Make sure to collect email addresses for those that have them - it really helps with updates and last-minute correspondence. Survey Attendees If youre planning to include a lot of people in your family reunion, consider sending out a survey (by postal mail and/or email) to let people know that a reunion is in the works. This will help you gauge interest and preferences, and ask for help with the planning. Include possible dates, proposed reunion type, and a general location (discussing possible costs early on can discourage a positive response), and politely ask for a timely response to your questions. Add the names of interested relatives who return the survey to your reunion list for future mailings, and/or keep them up-to-date on reunion plans via a family reunion Web site. Form a Reunion Committee. Unless this is a get-together of five sisters at Aunt Maggies house, a reunion committee is almost essential to planning a smooth, successful family reunion. Put someone in charge of each major aspect of the reunion - location, social events, budget, mailings, record-keeping, etc. Why do all the work yourself if you dont have to? Select the Date(s) Its not much of a reunion if no one can attend. Whether you plan your family reunion to coincide with a family milestone or special day, summer vacation, or a holiday, it helps to poll family members to avoid time and date conflicts. Since family reunions can encompass everything from an afternoon barbecue to a large affair lasting three or more days, youll also need to determine how long you plan to get together. A good rule of thumb - the farther people have to travel to reach the reunion location, the longer the reunion should last. Most importantly, remember that you wont be able to accommodate everyone. Choose your final date(s) based on whats best for the majority of attendees. Pick a Location Aim for a family reunion location that is most accessible and affordable to the majority of people you want to attend. If family members are clustered in one area, then select a reunion location thats nearby. If everyones scattered, then choose a central location to help cut down on travel expenses for far-flung relatives. Develop a Budget This will determine the scale of the food, decorations, accommodations, and activities for your family reunion. You can choose to have families pay for their own overnight accommodations, bring a covered dish, etc., but unless you have another source of income, youll also need to set a per-family registration fee to help with decoration, activity, and location costs. Reserve a Reunion Site Once youve chosen a location and set a date, its time to select a site for the reunion. Going home is a big draw for family reunions, so you may want to consider the old family homestead or other historic site connected to your familys past. Depending on the size of the reunion, you may be able to find a family member who will volunteer to have it at their home. For larger reunions, parks, hotels, restaurants and community halls are a good place to start. If youre planning a multi-day reunion, then consider a resort location where people can combine reunion activities with a family vacation. Choose a Theme Creating a theme for a family reunion is a great way to interest people and make them more likely to attend. It also makes things more fun when it comes to being imaginative with food, games, activities, invitations, and just about every other aspect of the reunion. Family history themes are especially popular, as are reunions which celebrate a very special family members birthday or anniversary, or the familys cultural heritage (i.e. Hawaiian luau). Determine the Menu Feeding a large group of people with different tastes is perhaps one of the trickiest parts of planning a reunion. Make it easy on yourself by selecting a menu that relates to your theme, or perhaps one that celebrates your familys heritage. Organize a group of family members to prepare the food for the family reunion or, if you have a large group and your budget allows, find a caterer or restaurant to do at least part of the work for you. A tasty menu makes for an unforgettable family reunion. Plan Social Activities You dont need to occupy everyone all the time, but planned activities and ice-breakers at your family reunion will provide an easy way for people who do not know each other well to comfortably spend time together. Include activities that will appeal to all ages and further family knowledge of shared heritage. You may also want to award prizes for special distinctions such as oldest family member or longest distance traveled to attend. Set the Stage Youve got a bunch of people, now what do you plan to do with them? Its time now to make arrangements for tents (if an outside reunion), chairs, parking decorations, programs, signs, t-shirts, goodie bags, and other reunion-day requirements. This is the time to consult a family reunion checklist! Say Cheese! While many family members will no doubt bring their own cameras, it helps to also make plans to record the overall event. Whether you designate a specific relative as the official reunion photographer or hire a professional photographer to take photos or videos, you should prepare a list of the people and events that you want to be recorded. For spontaneous moments, purchase a dozen disposable cameras and hand them out to volunteer guests. Dont forget to collect them at the end of the day! Invite the Guests Once you have most of your plans in place, its time to invite the guests by mail, email and/or phone. Youll want to do this way in advance to make sure and give everyone time to get it on their calendar. If youre charging admission fees, mention this in the invitation and set an advance deadline by which at least a percentage of the ticket price is required (unless youre wealthy enough to cover all of the costs yourself and can wait until the actual reunion for reimbursement). Tickets purchased in advance also means people will be less likely to cancel at the last moment! This is also a good opportunity to ask people, even if they cant attend the reunion, to provide family trees, photos, collectibles and stories to share with other family members. Fund the Extras If you dont want to charge admission fees for your reunion, then youll need to plan for a little fundraising. Even if you do collect admissions, fundraising can provide money for some fancy extras. Creative ways for raising money include holding an auction or raffle at the reunion or making and selling family hats, t-shirts, books, or reunion videos. Print up a Program Create a program that outlines the lineup of scheduled reunion events to provide to family members as they arrive for the reunion. You may also want to send this out via email or your reunion Web site in advance of the reunion as well. This will help serve as a reminder to people of activities which may require they bring something with them, such as a photo wall or family tree chart. Decorate for the Big Day The big day is almost here and now its time to make sure it goes smoothly. Create catchy, easy-to-ready signs to point arriving guests to registration, parking, and important locations such as bathrooms. Purchase or make a guest book to collect signatures, addresses, and other important information, as well as serve as a permanent record of the reunion. Purchase pre-made name badges, or print your own, to facilitate mixing and mingling between unacquainted family members. Family tree wall charts are always a big hit as reunion attendees always want to know where they fit into the family. Framed photos or printed posters of common ancestors or past family reunions are also popular. And, if you want to know what everyone thought of all your reunion planning, print up some evaluation forms for people to fill out as they leave. Keep the Fun Going Designate a volunteer or volunteers to create and send out a post-reunion newsletter with stories, photos, and news items from the reunion. If you collected family information, send along an updated genealogy chart as well. This is a great way to get people excited about the next reunion, as well as include less fortunate family members who were not able to attend.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Quasi, the Queer Qualifier
Quasi, the Queer Qualifier Quasi, the Queer Qualifier Quasi, the Queer Qualifier By Mark Nichol What, exactly, does the prefix quasi mean, and can it stand on its own? The term, from Latin, is used as a qualifier to denote that something resembles or is like something but is not exactly equivalent, and, yes, quasi is an adverb. Quasi often appears in phrasal adjectives as a more formal alternative to â€Å"kind of†or â€Å"sort of†: A quasinomadic culture, for example, is one that has some but not all characteristics of a purely nomadic society. Something quasihistorical is based on fact but partly or mostly fictitious, such as the tales associated with King Arthur. A quasimilitary organization is one that resembles a military organization but does not function under the authority of a formal government, such as a rebel militia, or does not have a military function, such as the Salvation Army. (Words beginning with quasi are often seen hyphenated, but the hyphen is unnecessary.) Quasi may also, on its own, modify a noun, as in â€Å"quasi leader†(such constructions are often unnecessarily hyphenated), or even, rarely, a verb. The name of Quasimodo, the titular protagonist of The Hunchback of Notre Dame, is related. Because, as an infant, the character was abandoned at Notre Dame on Low Sunday, the first Sunday after Easter, he was named after the first words uttered during the Catholic Mass held on that day: â€Å"Quasi modo geniti infants†(â€Å"as newborn babes†). (I had always assumed the name means â€Å"half formed.†) Two words, one common and the other obscure, are based on quasi: Quasar is a contraction of â€Å"quasistellar radio source†(Merriam-Webster hyphenates quasistellar, but for consistency, I’m closing it), and quango is an acronym for â€Å"quasi-non-governmental organization†; it’s also employed as a prefix in quangocracy and quangocrat. Quasi is also seen as the first element in the odd British English term quasihemidemisemiquaver (styled semihemidemisemiquaver in American English), which refers to the extremely short 128th note in music. The shortest named note is the demisemihemidemisemiquaver, or 256th note; hemidemisemiquaver is the name of a 64th note, and demisemiquaver and semiquaver, respectively, denote the two next-shortest notes in British English. (In American English, they are referred to simply as 32nd and 16th notes.) The prefixes semi-, demi-, and hemi- (the first two from Latin, and the last from Greek), meanwhile, all mean â€Å"half†(the first two can also mean â€Å"partly†). Semi is perhaps best known to readers of American English as the abbreviated term for a large tractor truck that hauls freight; the full term is semitrailer, which refers to the trailer with no forward wheels that is attached to such a truck. Demi appears in words such as demigod, the label for a lesser god, and demimonde (French, literally â€Å"half-world†), which denotes the culture outside of polite society. Hemi, among other usages, precedes sphere to refer to one-half of a planet or other globe-shaped object. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Comma After i.e. and e.g.Work of Art Titles10 Terms for the Common People
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Philosophical and Practical Approach for Balancing Issues Assignment
Philosophical and Practical Approach for Balancing Issues - Assignment Example This suggests that a reality or practical approaches to solving problems usually shows limitations in seeking solutions to issues by applying a provided set of rules whereas philosophical or argumentative approaches to problem-solving normally show exploration of probable options and alternatives to seeking solutions to problems. This paper will, therefore, discuss the philosophical and practical approach for balancing issues such as individual rights and the public protection, use of reward and punishment in criminal justice, and techniques employed for weighing the use of immoral ways to accomplish desirable ends. Moreover, recommendations to employ ethics in decision making about the mentioned issues in criminal justice will be discussed. The most common problems arising within the community today are problems concerning individual rights as well as public protection, conduct codes for criminal justice, and morality. When solving problems regarding individual rights and public protection, the practical method would be based on set rules. For example, the rule that says, every man owns their own property and no other person has a right to his property but himself. This means that the work from his hands has lawfully gifted him with the property. A person who takes property that is not lawfully theirs is a thief and should be judged in accordance with the law. This is the case because the law guarantees the security of an individual’s property protection. Irrespective of their state, a thief is defenceless to accusations from the community as per the law, and so by a judgment of law, the thief is also protected from the public (Garland, 2006). A belief in fairness and justice is an important thing to present to a society. As there is no inequality of human rights on the pretext of using individual traits for example race, ethnicity, or gender. However, within a legal setting, these individual traits are considered serious issues regarding equality of human rights and have to be protected by the Government or Public. Despite the fact, that the independence declaration of 1776 underscored the conception of equality of all men regarding equality with some basic rights of life, happiness and liberty.
HRM Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
HRM - Essay Example Moreover the staffs feel a greater sense of insecurity for the people of the upper management fail to pay a pleasant ear to their problems. Thus the company in the current juncture is largely facing the threat of rise in attrition levels of the staffs. Older staffs of the company have started developing a feeling that they are being rendered the same importance as given to the newcomers for which they are reflecting less attachment to the task ordered (Fuller, n.d.). Thus the management needs to devise plan of action to let the staff feel secured and motivated so as to reduce the attrition rate. Human Resource Audit-Significance In review of the above problems occurring in GS Plumbing the case for conducting a Human Resource Audit is widely suggested. The Human Resource Audit conducted would help the management to understand the potential and significance of the different Human Resource policies in properly monitoring the activities of the people through the satisfactory compliance o f legal and legislative standards. Human Resource Auditing Process earns due importance for it rests on the activity of conducting interviews on the staffs and employees of the concern pertaining to different levels. Subjects of the interviews mainly aim at highlighting the conditions of employment being offered by the company and the amount of job satisfaction reflected by the large number of interviewees amongst the employees. The Human Resource Audit activities are conducted both by internal and external people. However audit team generated from the external environment is considered more dependable than the internal audit team. The scope of Human Resource Audit is emphasized for it helps in the identification of obsolete policies being practiced by the company and renders fruitful suggestions in changing such for better efficiency. Further Human Resource Audit also helps in enhancing the training dimension of the company to better enhance the working standards of its employees. This practice also helps to focus on the areas, which are deprived of policy regulations and thereby provide efficient mechanisms, which would help in the sorting of problems pertaining to such. Thus the Human Resource Auditing Activity, which in itself is a quite expensive operation, encourages the indulgence of both the management and staff levels. It is because the set of policy recommendations suggested to develop the performances of the organization must be welcomed and reviewed by all. Through such the system of Human Resource Audit earns its due expertise (Gross, 2011). Unplanned Absence of Employees The employees at GS Plumbing were found taking sudden leaves which failed to be administered by the upper management owing to their unplanned nature. Unplanned leaves taken by employees constituted of absences regarding breakdown of their personal health or of the family members. Again the category of unplanned leaves also comprised of employee leaves, which happened due to occur rences of serious accidents in the workplace, and other leaves, which were payless in nature. To address the problem of the growing number of unplanned absences the managers both at the strategic and tactical level are required to conduct a useful process. Firstly the managers and the supervisory team must work to augment to make others aware of the frequencies and consequences of such leaves. Thereby a set of close monitoring actions also needs
Friday, October 18, 2019
Applied Linguistics and Communication Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Applied Linguistics and Communication - Essay Example A different language is a different vision of life. Learning languages helps one to grow spiritually, allows him to understand other’s thoughts and helps him to promote peace. Thus, he develops an antagonistic felling against social and moral evils like racism, terrorism and discrimination. With the emergence of globalisation, importance of learning and understanding other languages has increased significantly. It provides a comparative analysis, through which one can compare the variations in different cultures, broadens vision and helps to understand the true motive of life. It also prevents misunderstandings which are evident because of linguistic barriers. Newer languages are a treat for the human mind because it increases the tendency to communicate and socialise. People who learn foreign languages demonstrate greater cognitive development in particular areas such as mental flexibility, creativity, and higher order thinking. Each region has a multiple, self- defined set o f languages which not only reflects the prevalent culture but also represents the traditions and in some places, the norms. By not understanding the language of a particular region, one is deprived of the knowledge and culture of that region which makes him intolerant and bias towards that region. In order to comprehend the mental approach of different people, it is essential to learn their language.
The Doctrine of Acte Clair in the Context of National Courts Research Paper
The Doctrine of Acte Clair in the Context of National Courts - Research Paper Example A national court can ask the CJ questions pertaining to the interpretation of the EU charter. It can also ask the CJ to give rulings on the interpretation of the Treaty and Acts of the EU institutions. The CJ can be asked questions on the validity of Acts of the EU institutions - not on the validity of the Treaty through, or be asked to give rulings on such Acts. In practice, as only the CJ can rule on the invalidity of EU law, any such question must be referred to it by the concerned national court. This function of the CJ is enshrined in the EU charter. Art 256(3) TFEU (Art 225(3)EC: Art 168(a) EEC) specifies the General court’s authority that it shall have the ‘†¦jurisdiction to hear and determine questions referred for a preliminary ruling under Art 267 TFEU, in specific areas†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ Moreover, CJ can only interpret EU law. It cannot interpret national law nor pass comment on the compatibility of national law with EU law. A good example can be found in th e case of 6/64 Costa v ENEL [1964] ECR 585. If CJ is asked a question raising the compatibility of national law with EU law, it has the duty to reformulate the question into one just of EU law – see eg26/62 Van Gend en Loos [1963] ECR 1. In C221/89 ex p Factortame [1992] QB 680. Nevertheless, even though expressed in abstract terms, the CJ gives a clear ruling that UK law is incompatible with EU law. Additionally, the CJ can only rule on the interpretation of EU law, not on the application of it by the national court in the particular case. However, often the guidance given by the CJ is so specific that it equates to the application, for example as seen in C392/93 R v HM Treasury ex p BT[1996] ECR I 1631.
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Chp 24 dis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Chp 24 dis - Essay Example or and the promisee), the amount of consideration (money) to be paid, terms of payment (include date of payment or how the payment is to be made) and in case of interest, then it is also indicated in the note. The above are the conditions and instructions present in a promissory note and after it is signed, it is considered legally binding (Miller and Jentz, 394). In the above mentioned case, even though the defendants were acting only as agents of the real promisor who is Sunshine Sales Corp., the promissory note that they signed did not indicate that and hence they are the once considered to be the promisor in this situation. The defendants indicate that a bank officer promised to type the name but they have no witnesses or evidence of such a conversation and hence it cannot hold water in a court of law. They are therefore liable on the notes and all the evidence from the promissory notes states that. If only they had indicated the name of Sunshine Sales Corp. or they had waited until the name was indicated by the bank officer, then they would not be liable as they are
Should national energy policy in the US focus on building more nuclear Research Paper
Should national energy policy in the US focus on building more nuclear power plants - Research Paper Example Due to the growing issue of safety and security globally, many terrorist organizations are trying to access nuclear facilities for endangering the security of the United States. Internally, the existing nuclear reactors in U.S. will experience change in their design as they have received 20 year operating license extensions (Blatt 228). Nuclear disposal management poses a severe challenge for the authorities as well. The problem of highly radioactive waste disposal and storage has adopted a controversial aspect. Consequently, it is more feasible to use alternative energy resources such as biomass, wind energy, ethanol, and other resources. In the subsequent part of this research paper, first the Energy Policy is accounted for, which is followed by cost, safety and security side, and waste management of nuclear plants. Before summary, alternative sources to nuclear plants are elaborated. Energy Policy The Energy Policy Act (EPA) accounts for energy production in the United States (Env ironmental Protection Agency). The Policy includes the issues such as energy efficiency, oil and gas , coal, renewable energy, nuclear matters and security, tribal energy, vehicles and motor fuels including ethanol, energy tax incentives, hydrogen, hydropower and geothermal energy and climate change technology. ... On the other hand, the secondary energy source is provided by electricity that is produced from the primary sources. According to the statistics provided by the EIA, the breakout of total energy production in 2010 was: Coal- 30 % Natural gal -30% Petroleum (crude oil and natural gas plant liquids)- 19% Nuclear electric power- 10% Renewable energy- 10%. Cost Side of Nuclear Energy Development Nuclear energy requires higher cost for development and maintenance as well. In this regard, Holt (2) contends that the reasons for the 30-year halt in U.S. nuclear plant orders include higher capital costs. Holt further elaborates the construction costs for reactors completed since the mid-1980s remained within $2 to $7 billion, averaging more than $ 3,700 per kilowatt of electric generating capacity- in 2007 dollars. Without any doubt, the higher cost of development would put more pressure over the U.S. economy which is already squeezed by the current waves of financial crisis. Additionally, th e 30-year halt in nuclear plant development clearly highlights the existing concerns over developing or going nuclear for fulfilling energy needs. Safety Side of Nuclear Plants Safety of Nuclear plants has become a burning issue. On the external side, many terrorist organizations such as Al- Qaeda and its associates are putting everything they could to destabilize American economy and people. For their dirty aims, they can go to any extent. Under such conditions and threats, the nuclear safety has become more significant than ever before. On the internal side, Blatt argues that over the next two to three decades, the existing nuclear reactors in U.S. will observe change with improved designs as most existing reactors are receiving twenty-year operating
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Chp 24 dis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Chp 24 dis - Essay Example or and the promisee), the amount of consideration (money) to be paid, terms of payment (include date of payment or how the payment is to be made) and in case of interest, then it is also indicated in the note. The above are the conditions and instructions present in a promissory note and after it is signed, it is considered legally binding (Miller and Jentz, 394). In the above mentioned case, even though the defendants were acting only as agents of the real promisor who is Sunshine Sales Corp., the promissory note that they signed did not indicate that and hence they are the once considered to be the promisor in this situation. The defendants indicate that a bank officer promised to type the name but they have no witnesses or evidence of such a conversation and hence it cannot hold water in a court of law. They are therefore liable on the notes and all the evidence from the promissory notes states that. If only they had indicated the name of Sunshine Sales Corp. or they had waited until the name was indicated by the bank officer, then they would not be liable as they are
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Discussion question Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 3
Discussion question - Research Paper Example istinguish the roles and jurisdiction for nurses employed in the areas of informatics, education, advanced clinical practice, research, health policy, and administration. I used face-to-face interactions, contextual materials (audiovisual elements), and other interactive methods to acquaint myself with and achieve the course competencies. These gave me a practical experience of some of the theoretical concepts covered in class and allowed me to marry theory and practice to create a sound foundation for achieving the competencies. I intend to grow further in the course competencies I achieved, and I have already created a plan to support this objective. First, I will be more active in classroom sessions so that I assimilate as much information as I can. This will also help me to nurture an innate understanding of the coursework (McCoy & Anema, 2012). Secondly, I will participate in more practical activities – including internships – that will equip me with the practical skills required to grow further in the areas of competence. Finally, I will participate in more group activities like discussions and assigned group work to sharpen my theoretical comprehension of the course
Monday, October 14, 2019
Educational Preparation Essay Example for Free
Educational Preparation Essay Difference in Competencies Between Associate and Baccalaureate Degree Nurses There is much controversy surrounding the issue of the difference in competencies between nurses educated at the Associate (ADN) and Baccalaureate (BSN) level. This paper will discuss those differences in relation to Professional values, and risk-taking propensity. This paper will discuss how, even though numerous studies have been done that show there is little difference between the competencies of ADNs and BSNs, there is, in fact, a distinct difference. No one can deny that the health care industry has come a long way. This does not exclude the nursing field. There is a huge push by the Magnet hospitals to maintain that 80% of their nursing staff carry baccalaureate degrees by the year 2020. This is due to changes in the healthcare delivery system, as well as cost-containment (Masters, 1989). While baccalaureate prepared nurses have better access to jobs as new graduates and are looked at as being better prepared for the clinical workforce, until they have been working in the clinical sector there is really no difference between the experience level of an associate or baccalaureate prepared nurse. There is also a gray area, because graduates of both levels of education take the same licensing exam, and also have the same legal responsibilities (Masters, 1989). In the article â€Å"Analysis of Differences in Entry-Level RN Practice by Educational Preparation†, June E. Smith states that there was a very close relationship in pattern of practice between recently graduated Associate and Baccalaureate nurses (2002). She also wrote that â€Å"Within the first 6 months of practice, ADN and BSN graduates performed activities with remarkably similar frequencies†(Smith, 2002, p. 494). It is shown in the article â€Å"Professional Values Held by Baccalaureate and Associate Degree Nursing Students†, that there have been â€Å"no significant differences found between the two groups†(Martin, 2003, P. 292). This particular study was done out of a random selection of graduating students from a number of baccalaureate and associate degree programs in the state of Texas. These nurses rated their professional values using the Nurses Professional Values Scale (NPVS), as taken from the 1985 American Nurses Association Code of Nursing (Martin, 2003). Findings of this study concluded that â€Å"senior nursing students in ADN programs did not differ significantly from their counterparts in BSN programs†(Martin, 2003, p. 293). According to Marcia L Masters, role differentiation between ADNs and BSNs is not â€Å"clearly defined in terms of decision making responsibility†(1989, p. 391). In this same article, Masters quotes W. Weiss (1985), â€Å"Taking risks means different things to different people.†One person may look at a situation as a challenge for success, where another will look at it as a threat of failure. Through the course of this study, it was found that nurses had a higher risk taking propensity than the normal population, but there were no significant differences in risk taking propensity noted between the ADNs and BSNs studied. This includes both education and experience. â€Å"Although in practice, BSNs may be given more opportunities for decision making, this study indicated the willingness to take the risk in making decisions is fairly evenly distributed between ADNs and BSNs†(Masters, 1989, p. 394). Contrary to what these studies have shown, there is a distinct difference in the competencies of ADNs and BSNs. According to the National League of Nursing (NLN, 2011), a baccalaureate degree expands on the knowledge and capabilities acquired in an associate program. Where associate programs focus on the patient and their family, baccalaureate programs tend to focus more on community nursing and leadership. There is a broader context of nursing that is learned in a baccalaureate program. In the article â€Å"The Differences Between Associate Degree Nurses and the Baccalaureate Degree Nurses†, The author states â€Å"a nurse with a BSN has more opportunities to work in a variety of health care settings that offer an extensive array of op portunities for professional growth. Baccalaureate-prepared nurses can be bedside nurses, educators, case managers, discharge planners, administrators, and work in public health, home health, and community clinics†(Moore, 2009). She continues to explain how associate prepared nurses are focused more on the technical aspects of care, where Baccalaureate prepared nurses are focused more on â€Å"evidenced-based clinical practice and leadership†(Moore, 2009). Moore also agrees that in skill competency, there is not much difference between ADNs and BSNs, but that â€Å"BSN nurses show greater critical thinking skills, better problem solving, and the development of clinical judgment; three skills of increasing importance for the increase in acuity of patients in hospitals and other health care settings†(2009). As a new graduate ADN, the author of this paper has insufficient experience to identify a specific patient care situation in which approaches to decision making may differ between associate and baccalaureate prepared nurses. It comes to light from research, however, that a baccalaureate prepared nurse is more competent in thinking on the fly. As stated earlier, baccalaureate prepared nurses have improved clinical judgement and problem solving skills, which are crucial in an emergency or trauma situation, where the patients have a higher acuity level. It seems that as far as newly graduated nurses are concerned, there is not much of a difference in bedside skill competencies between ADNs and BSNs. A baccalaureate degree, however, better prepares the newly graduated nurse for critical thinking, problem solving and better judgment in emergency situations. A baccalaureate degree gives the nurse more opportunities for advancement and movement within the nursing field, and also prepares the BSN for graduate study. This is important especially when it comes to the nation’s hospitals movement toward Magnet Status. References 1. Martin, P., Yarbrough, S., Alfred, D. (2003). Professional Values Held by Baccalaureate and Associate Degree Nursing Students. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, Third Quarter, 291-296. Retrieved January 19, 2013, from 2. Masters, M., Masters, R. (1989). Risk-Taking Propensity of Nurses: ADN and BSN. Journal of Nursing Education, 28(9), 391-396. Retrieved January 14, 2013, from 3. Moore, D. S., PhD., RN., CNM., MN., MPH. (n.d.). West Coast University: Deans Corner The Differences Between Associate Degree Nurses and the Baccalaureate Degree Nurses. West Coast University Nursing Programs Los Angeles, Orange County, Inland Empire. Retrieved January 20, 2013, from 4. Ridley, R. (2008). The Relationship Between Nurse Education Level and Patient Safety: An Integrative Review. Journal of Nursing Education, 47(4), 149-156. Retrieved January 15, 2013, from 5. Smith, J. (2002). Analysis of Differences in Entry-Level RN Practice by Educational Preparation. Journal of Nursing Education, 41(11), 491-494. Retrieved January 18, 2013, from
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Biography Of Nataniel Hawthorne :: essays research papers fc
Born in Salem, Mass, Nathaniel Hawthorne was a descendant of a judge in the Salem witch trials. He spent a solitary, bookish childhood with his widowed and antisocial mother. After graduating from Bowdoin College, he returned to Salem and prepared for a writing career with 12 years of solitary study and writing interrupted by summer tours through the Northeast. After privately publishing a novel, Fanshawe in 1828, he began publishing stories in the Token and New England Magazine. These original allegories of New England Puritanism, including such classic stories as "The Minister's Black Veil," were collected in, Twice-Told Tales, published in 1837. A brief period of paid employment, including the compilation of popular children's works and a stint at the Boston Custom House from 1839-to 1841, was followed by a half-year's residence at the transcendentalist community, Brook Farm. In 1842 he married Sophia Amelia Peabody, also a transcendentalist, and they moved to Concord, Mass., where he began a friendship with Henry David Thoreau. Financial problems forced his return to Salem from 1845 to 1849, where he secured another political appointment, this time as surveyor of the port of Salem. During these years he continued to publish Puritan tales such as, "Young Goodman Brown" and "The Birthmark"; collections of his stories included Mosses from an Old Manse published in 1846 and The Snow Image published in1851. His dismissal from the surveyorship initiated the brief period of his greatest novels: The Scarlet Letter in 1850, The House of the Seven Gables in 1851, and The Blithdale Romance in 1852. He also wrote two children's classics: A Wonder-Book in 1852 and Tanglewood Tales in 1853. His campaign biography of Franklin Pierce in 1852 was rewarded with the U.S. counsulship at Liverpool 1853 to 1858. He then went to live in Italy in 1858 to 1859, where he began The Marble Faun, which he published after returning to the United States in 1860. Back in Concord, he published his last major work, Our Old Home in 1863, which drew on his experiences in England, but by then he was becoming ill and disillusioned. Nathaniel Hawthorne was an average man who saw things, not necessarily in a different way, but in a different light. He was able to use this ability and transform it onto paper. He would begin to write and slowly but almost definitely become emotionally involved by the end of the novel or short story.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Free Essays on Homers Odyssey: Gaining Power from Others in The Odyssey :: Odyssey essays
Gaining Power from Others in The Odyssey Throughout The Odyssey, Odysseus’ power was gained through the power of others resulting in three phases of understanding: self-determination, courage, and having a greater vision in life. In order to understand these three phases, one must be able to conquer predominance from those less useful than others. Although Odysseus was physically strong, he was not who he was mentally, without the help and guidance through the gods. Odysseus was like one who has no friends, but when he meets up with more people, he becomes popular. One who was alone and meets new people, has more friends and finds out more interesting subjects about daily life. They are the ones who have more predominance than others because they know more people and have much more interesting subjects. Odysseus was like this because he didn’t know much without the help and guidance from others. Once Odysseus has served enough time in a place against his will, he would be determined to leave that place. Odysseus’ journey towards home was now going to be able to be finished. For seven years Calypso held him prisoner on the island of Ogygia and he was determined to leave and see to the rest of his journey. Calypso agrees to let him go and she gives Odysseus some advice and guidance saying, "Only I will not aid [you] on [your] way, for I have no ships fitted with oars, nor crews to bear [you] over the broad oceanridges; but I will freely give [you] counsel and not hide how [you] may come unharmed to [your] own native land"(47). Calypso recognizes Odysseus’ greatness. Calypso says she will give some advice, but Odysseus will have to prove his greatness by making his own ship and understand how he will make it home. Even though Odysseus was physically strong, at other times he was weak. When the Phaeacians returned Odysseus home, Odysseus not knowing where he was recounted his jewels and gifts. While doing so the Phaeacians were just turned to stone by Poseidon for helping him return home. Odysseus can practically do whatever any god can do but with the help of them. So speaking, Odysseus says to Athena, "And do you stand beside me, inspiring hardy courage, even so as when we tore the shining crown from Troy"(130). When Odysseus was at war with Troy, Athena gave him guidance.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Katherine Mansfield’s short story Essay
Katherine Mansfield’s short story â€Å"Miss Brill†is the story of a woman who is lonely and isolated from the world around her although she tries to make herself believe that she belongs to the community and is connected to the rest of the people who live in her little world. This theme of loneliness and isolation and Miss Brill’s attempts to waive them away would recur many times throughout the plot. Miss Brill is an old maid and that in itself makes her an outsider in a society that believes that being married is the norm rather than the exception. Every Sunday afternoon she visits the park and spends the entire time looking at the people and delighting in the activity going on. She compares herself to an audience watching a play unfolding before her. However, by regarding the world around her as a stage, she is unconsciously referring to her own life as another plot in a make-believe play of life. She is a lonely woman pretending that everything is fine with her life as much as everything looks fine with everyone during that afternoon in the park. While walking, with her ermine fur around her shoulders, she â€Å"breathed something light†which she denies as â€Å"sadness†. When she listens to the band playing, she feels a certain â€Å"chill†that she insists is not â€Å"sadness†. Her ultimate denial happens when she comes home after having eavesdropped upon a young couple making fun of her. While she replaces the fur in its box, â€Å"she heard something crying. †Every time, Miss Brill waives away the pangs of loneliness so that she is even able to pretend that the crying comes from inside the fur box. But at every instance of denial, her sadness and isolation only becomes more obvious to the reader. Work Cited Mansfield, Katherine. Miss Brill.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Cna Research
Pulling the Plug Medical Nursing Aide Jane Roberts Instructor Mary Mooney October 4, 2012 What does life support hold for a person who is living by technology of a support for a machine? The person who is ill does not have a chance of waking up and able to live a normal life. Sometimes people see life support as a lifesaver which in many cases, it can be. In this case if it was me, and I had to make a choice to take them off life support it would be a hard descsion if you know that there is a possible chance they will never come to or be in a veggie state.Life support t is a combination of machines and therapies that work together to sustain human life (www. livestrong. com). I know that life support in some case allow a person who has been ill or in accident to get up and carry on with their lives in this case Betty Jean, had punctured her heart and stop breathing twice and had no brain activity, the doctor assured Tony, there was nothing else they could done . In life we have descs ion to bring life in this world not to take life.I can agree with parents as well as the husband the parents love their daughter and know parent wants to lose a child but the husband wants his wife taken off life support Betty Jean, also had a living will that stated o ventilator. I think that Tony loved his wife so much and he followed her wishes Betty Jean, had been a nurse so she knew extent of what life support she also was active in hospice so she knew the extent of life support.Tony had to made a tough decision; I think he should of waited like the parents’ wished just a little longer there are several kinds of life support decisions rather it is ventilators or Nutrition and Hydration or (DNR) order which â€Å"Do Not Resuscitate. These are hard decisions for anyone and it best not to make this type decisions on your own.Betty Jeans, living will over power the parent’s rights but morally I would have waited just because of my own beliefs it hard to let a love on e go but in this case the husband had to make the last decisions. REFERENCE PAGE Use caution in ending life support for brain-injured, experts say. (2011, U. S. News & World Report, , 1. Retrieved from http://search. proquest. com; http://www. livestrong. com(2009)
Siemens Bribery Case
Ian Collins Survey of Global Business Professor Portillo BSAD 113W 18 February 2013 Assignment #3: Siemens Bribery Scandal Before 1999 the use of bribery in Germany was not illegal and could be deducted as a business expense in a company’s taxes. This allowed companies like Siemens to gain the upper hand and have an unfair advantage over their competition in acquiring business deals around the world. Then when the law changed, Siemens still utilized bribery, and employed bribery tactics in other countries where it was also illegal.In this case study I’m going to analyze the rationale and high levels of corruption that transpired in the Siemens bribery scandal and utilize the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development’s (OECD) Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises to illustrate the negative impact of bribery. Siemens use of bribery initially could have been justified by the fact that German laws allowed it and was not illegal until 1999; the issue wa s that Siemens continued to use bribery even after the law had changed.Corruption was deeply embedded in the business culture. Siemens transferred money into Swiss bank accounts to avoid detection and then hired contractors to set up the bribes. These actions were standard operating procedures for corporate executives who viewed bribery as a business strategy. Senior executives even made certain individuals that were directly in charge of the bribery funds sign compliance forms stating they had not engaged in that kind of activity, bribes were referred to as ‘useful’ money.The punishment Siemens faced involved paying fines totaling $2. 6 billion. In the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, which sets voluntary principles and standards for business conduct, clearly outlines the negative aspects that comes from bribery. â€Å"Bribery and corruption are damaging to democratic institutions and the governance of corporations. They discourage investment and distort international competitive conditions.In particular, the diversion of funds through corrupt practices undermines attempts by citizens to achieve higher levels of economic, social and environmental welfare, and it impedes efforts to reduce poverty. Enterprises have an important role to play in combating these practices. †In defense of the Siemens employees, many of them just believed that was how business was done and had the best interests of the company at heart. It was about keeping the business alive and not jeopardizing thousands of jobs,†if this indicates the intention of the employees then the act is more justifiable than just doing the action out of greed. Siemens is a company that allowed greed to cloud their judgement to use bribery to gain the upper hand, as well as not evolving with the changing laws. You can only speculate as to the real thought process behind the choice to engage in bribery, whether i t was done knowingly to gain an unfair advantage or sincerely to protect the jobs of many employees, the action was still committed.A company needs to be aware of the laws, regulations and what is considered acceptable business conduct of the other countries it chooses to do business with and not violate them, including the use of bribery. â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€œ [ 1 ]. http://lilymayunjue. blogspot. com/2012/06/summary-of-siemens-bribery. html [ 2 ]. http://www. nytimes. com/2008/12/16/business/worldbusiness/16siemens. html? _r=0 [ 3 ]. http://www. oecd. org/daf/inv/mne/48004323. pdf [ 4 ]. Article: Siemens Bribery Scandal
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
See the attachment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
See the attachment - Essay Example Or it could be said that it comprises of certain rules which we have to dutifully obey in order to live with a peaceful heart and soul. It is a complete system provided from some super human source totally unlike mankind. It is also the belief of sharing positive humanitarian experiences with every individual we interact with. So the basic ideology behind the concept of adopting any particular belief or religion for any normal person is to adjust ourselves harmoniously and also to achieve our own well-being by following any particular system of rules. Religion not only is the divine word from God, but it also is a definite set of persuasive ways for living life the way it is best suited for us humans. Science could best be understood in the words of Benjamin Farrington â€Å"Science is the system of behavior by which man has acquired mastery of his environment. It has its origins in techniques†¦.in various activities by which man keep body and soul together. Its source is exper ience, its aim practical, its only test, that it works.†(Grant). This essay is aimed at proving that science and religion are not conflicting with each other rather scientific findings and discoveries are supported in religion as well. History has seen many scholars debate and argue over the point that whether religion is in accordance with science or not. This issue heated up with the advent of prominent discoveries in the field of science and the relationship between the divine and the factuality was always considered at war. Andrew Dickson White’s â€Å"A History of the warfare of Science with theology in Chrishtendon†is an unavoidable example in this respect where he tried to lay the understanding of religion and science’s interaction. But his approach has been of a contradictory one. Immanuel Kant provided a completely different theory in this regard and believed that science and religion may no conflict but cater to opposite aspects of mankind. Sci ence is involved with natural processes while religion provides inner solace. Then only recently the relation between science and religion has gained some positive and substantial relation. The most important example in this regard would be of Stephen Jay Gould, who in his book â€Å"Rock of Ages: Science and Religion in the Fullness of Life†(1999) wrote â€Å"I†¦. do not understand why the two enterprises should experience any conflict. Science tries to document the factual character of the natural world and to develop theories that coordinate and explain these facts. Religion on the other hand, operates in the equally important, but utterly different realm of human purposes, meanings and values.†(Doumit) As this research based essay is an attempt to assess a particular religion with its relevance to the modern contemporary era of scientific researches and technology. It becomes integral to select some particular divine system for advancing in this research. Th ere is one little complication though which arose in my mind, that the selected religious system should be involving every particular aspect of normal daily human and social life. Only then a complete analysis can be made and a conclusion could be reached. So, after studying many different religious beliefs being adopted worldwide it is the Islamic system for humanity which I could find the closest to meet my research demands. The world Islam originated from Arabic word â€Å"
Monday, October 7, 2019
What Should be Done to Youth Offenders Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
What Should be Done to Youth Offenders - Essay Example The core motivating principle of the juvenile system is rehabilitation. This is because juveniles are not fully mentally or physically developed; they cannot be accountable for their actions in the same way as adults. Additionally, many juvenile offenders come from broken homes or bad neighborhoods and many have been abused. They need a second chance because many have not received even a first chance. Additionally, rehabilitation is by far the best option for them because of the way they would almost certainly be exploited and turned into hardened criminals if sent to prison. This paper will provide further background to the issue of rehabilitating juvenile offenders, and strongly argue that it is the right approach. The justice system fulfills an important symbolic function by establishing standards of conduct. It formally defines right and wrong for citizens and frees them from the responsibility of taking vengeance, thus preventing the escalation of feuds within communities. The system protects the rights of free citizens by honoring the principle that individual freedom should not be denied without good reason. Rehabilitation has as its objective the return of offenders to the community as cured and viable members of society. The rehabilitation efforts of the 1980s and 1990s were to a large extent unsuccessful. No program appeared to be any more effective in changing criminals than any other program, so a sizable portion of the people released from prison continued to return (Murphy 49). This led many to conclude that the best, and possibly only, alternative was simply to remove offenders from the community, precluding any further vexation and exploitation by them. Since criminals are thought to be more likely to commit crimes than those never convicted of a criminal act, it follows that some benefits will be derived from incarcerating convicted criminals. Incapacitation has the greatest potential as a method of crime control if it is a few hardened criminals who commit most crimes. If they can be identified, convicted, and incarcerated for long periods, a significant reduction in crime would be realized. Most advocates of punitive reform have this perspective on the criminal population. Blame for the majority of crimes committed is placed on a relatively few compulsive, predatory individuals thought to commit hundreds if not thousands of crimes each year (Newburn 54). The final goal behind the punitive reform movement is the reestablishment of retribution. Of all penal goals, retribution is the most moralistic. It contains an element of revenge because the victim deserves to be repaid with pain for the harm suffered. Justice is achieved when the punishment given the of fender is equivalent to the harm accruing from the criminal act. Consequently, a social balance or equity is reestablished and maintained within society. But the rules are to some extent thrown out the window when it comes to juvenile offenders. These individuals are categorized differently and there is a separate legal system for them. By the federal standards, any juvenile under the age of 18 who committed a crime is a juvenile delinquent. This is a decision we have taken as a society. We believe that there are serious and important differences between adults and juveniles, and that a one-size fits all approach is not desirable and will not make the situation better. Juveniles are more malleable and easy to influence. It is largely believed that the criminal actions of juveniles might be influenced by such external forces as parental neglect, inappropriate living conditions or relations inside the family. Because of these facts, rehabilitation is an attractive option in dealing with
Sunday, October 6, 2019
Federalism and the Accommodation of Diversity in Ethiopia Research Paper
Federalism and the Accommodation of Diversity in Ethiopia - Research Paper Example The distribution of power on the basis of legislative, executive, and judicial dimension among the federal government and states assists in creating strategic framework for economic, social, and development policies. The constituent units of federalism in Ethiopia are the House of Peoples Representatives (HoPR) and the House of Federation (HoF). The HoF acts as the balancing agent on the contentious issues between states represented by HoPR. Although the systematic design of federalism in Ethiopia resembles with the multicultural federation in other countries, the inclusion of the Nations and Nationalities along with people distinguishes it from the traditional standards of including only people. The constitution requires the congruity between all these three elements- nations, nationality, and people. This raises the concern for official recognition of the languages from various section of population at both state and federal level to protect their identity. The 1995 Federal Constitution defines Amharic as the official language of the federal and empowers the members of states to choose their languages to preserve the cultural identity along with maintaining national unity.
Saturday, October 5, 2019
Economic Geography Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
Economic Geography - Essay Example hat resurfaced between the US and Europe was among the significant initiatives directed at fostering the success of trade between US and the EU countries. The United States trades with a number of countries in diverse regions, top among them being China and EU countries. The extent of trade between the US and China, for instance, is notably expansive. The trade between America and EU countries is much higher than that involving America and China. It is notable that in the elimination of trade barriers, there is a likelihood that trade would increase between any two or more partners in the exchange network. Uplifting tariffs and drawbacks that may deter trade among partners in any trade relationship promotes imports and exports. According to Ewing, the free-trade agreement between the two regions has a past record but never achieved success for nearly a decade (Ewing 1). The deal, if implemented, would create massive and appreciated economic effect in Europe and the United States. The two, Europe and the United States, are strong partners in trade. According to leaders from the European Union, the pact would cause a serious economic growth in the two regions and encourage President Obama to channel for the agreement. Besides the pressure from European Union leaders, corporations and other businesses in Europe are bargaining to have the pact operational. By November 2012, there were low charges, in the form of tariffs, for trade between the US and EU countries. However, signing a free-trade deal by the two parties would be beneficial for businesses and companies dealing in large amount of goods in the trans-Atlantic business region. According to Karan Bhatia, who served as a trade representative for the US, the free-trade deal would create a substantial contribution to trade in the history of trade between EU and the US. In addition, the pact would not be costly for the taxpayers, according to Bhatia. Despite the predicted low opposition towards the coming into
Friday, October 4, 2019
The International Debt Crisis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
The International Debt Crisis - Essay Example After World War 2, the Bretton Woods system was established and followed by many nations for years till is a collapse in 1971. The Bretton Woods system was related to fixed exchange rate; linked to the reserve of gold held by the country. The system operated as the value of the dollar was kept almost constant and any fluctuation in the exchange rates between the dollar and other currencies was accordingly countered by the central banks of the related countries.  If the dollar experienced a decrease in value, the central bank of the country would act so as to counter the effects of this fall in value by selling more of its own currency to decrease its value and maintain the value of the dollar to its previous level. This system functioned because of the willingness and ability of other nations to help maintain the value of the dollar. However, in 1971 when the United States experienced a fall in the value of the dollar the countries did not act to maintain the value of the dollar. ... Finally, the Bretton Woods system was abolished in 1971 and the floating exchange rate system was introduced where the value of the dollar was allowed to fluctuate in the money market.  THE OIL PRICE HIKE AND ITS EFFECTS The increase in the prices oil in the 1970s was massive enough to create a ruffle in the economies of many countries throughout the world. The oil-exporting nations experienced a huge capital inflow due to the increase in prices whereas the oil-importing countries (which included many developing nations) experienced noticeable capital outflow and oil inflation in their respective economies.
Thursday, October 3, 2019
Geddes Garden City Essay Example for Free
Geddes Garden City Essay Introduction            The American Political Economist who authored the best read book titled Progress and Poverty (Lause) defined urbanization as â€Å"This life of great cities is not the natural life of man. He must, under such conditions, deteriorate, physically, mentally, and morally â€Å". To consider his point, the author view that life must be maintained in a serene atmosphere and not in a busy city just like those old good days that red beans or the cocoa is enough to send every household child to a good school.            Henry George began musing on this concept when the new railroad transport was developed in California that made an influence on high land values and influx of ordinary people to city life. That development in one place brought about overcrowding and had wayward implications on the sustainability of the natural environment. However, his idea provided economic reforms that made improvements of the life of the working classes possible.            Cities are indications of developments and of the visible civilizations of the history of man. It takes a process of transformation that is unique and at the same time diverse. This work is aimed at explaining the town concepts during the period of industrialization from the beginning of mass transportation and birth of new cities in particular on how Geddes observed and analyze these processes. Sustainability of the Man-built Environment            It was concluded by Henry George that the man-built environment is something that will not last. However, Patrick Geddes the Leonardo da Vinci of the 20th century teaches and reaffirms that our world environment could be sustained provided that man cooperates in the process. It has to be sustained in order that the life cycle of the young generation’s continues.            His statement is not a contradiction to George’s philosophy but a possible solution to man’s current problems. His reaffirmation brought to the world a new hope that even though life cycle is limited, this world is still something worthy to be cared for and it can endure. The positive attitude of George influences not only his neighbors but the human settlement at large during his time to the present.            There are issues on industrialization which brings wealth but at the same time destroys the natural environment caused by pollutants. For this reason, Geddes made it clear that man do not live by the jingling of his coins.  There is always a chain effect if one resource is used in accordingly. He provided a solution written in the Evergreen book that a sustainable world is as simple as making it comfortably green. His conviction reminded even planners that if developments are unchecked it would create more disaster than improvements.            Globally, everyone breathe the same air that a poor or a developed nation breathes. The current concern do not deals alone with affordability but also sustainability. With the pressing trend of modernization, comfortable living is expensive and value for money is usually a rare find. The problem of overcrowding in the cities and the lack of economic growth in the rural areas still remains to be a problem on poorly planned cities. The increase of deteriorating cities will lead to the decline of the global sustainability. The idea here is to provide developmental options that are definitely relevant to every cities of the world. His mottos â€Å"by creating we think and by living we learn was made to good use by educating people about their environment (Grewar).†The new housing design for workers, organizing his neighbors to renovate houses and build gardens made an indelible mark in his works which can still be seen in every postcard of the city’s Royal Mile that even Albert Einstein admired and has honored him (Grewar). The Garden City Movement Patrick Geddes three dimensional thinking (geography, economics and anthropology) places social sciences above math and logic, biology, chemistry and physics. His belief that†the earth as a cooperative planet must teach people on how to treat properly their environment and is aimed specifically on educating children, improving the physical quality of life through biological knowledge by producing better medicines, and understanding human influence on ecology (Killiecrankie).†Geddes bridging social sciences with biology even influenced his biographer Lewis Mumford on the simple idea that man just like plants and animals thrived in healthy conditions which are expressed in one of the extracts of Geddes writings; â€Å"The world is mainly vast leaf-colony, growing on and forming a leafy soil, not a mere mineral mass, and we live not by the jingling of our coins, but by the fullness of our harvest. This is green world, with animals comparatively small, and all independent upon leaves. By leaves we live (Grewar).†            Mumford an architectural critic and is particularly noted for his study on urbanization of the environment regarded technology as the destroyer of environment even if he qualifies that electricity could lead to the improvements of the social spheres (University). His works are indications that technology must be regulated. During the late 18th century Garden Cities began to evolve through the works of city and town planners particularly the works of Ebenezer Howard in UK influenced by the philosophy of Geddes new approach in urban planning called the garden city movement. Howard began to build self-sustaining towns that combines convenience and industries located on agricultural sites (Sir Ebenezer Howard).†Howard realizes that no matter from what nation a man belongs, there is but one social issue which is difficult to solve and that is problems on housing and labor. This propelled many to advocate the new movement and increases the awareness on the concept of â€Å"decency of surroundings†and that includes, ample spaces, clean housing with gardens, and preservation of landscapes (Letchworth). The First Garden City            Letchworth City is founded by Howard and is the first garden city of the world; in 1905 the garden city movement became involved in the exhibits of new housing called the workers cottage or housing for the working class in which some of it still stood today. Those cheap but strong and functional residences can be affordable to workers. Some of these cottages made of wood or concrete can still be found in Letchworth streets and is now being conserved.            Some of the prototype housing called the workers cottages influences the human settlement design of this century. This new housing designed sprawled even to the west for instance the workers cottages of Architect Maybeck of California and to the whole world at least giving man an accommodation that he humanly deserves. Mass Transportation            Fast developments are due to improved transportation and communications. The streets affect the life of all its inhabitants and this vision is very much encouraged in order to serve a huge population. This is indeed very necessary but at the same time may lead to a city decline. This entails thorough planning on how to maintain a good life in a cellular metropolis.            Victor Gruen a planning practitioner, mentioned in his last publicized works that â€Å"auto sprawl would cripple the global ecosystem and brings about physical and psychological starvation of the urbanized man (Hill).† Today, some cities plants a good number of trees for every parking slots or spaces created. Planning theories must be integrated to transit that is useful to automobile cities and providing more mass transit and more freeways.            Automobile cities, needs more spaces unlike the old horse tracks during the colonial times. Human settlement today cannot tolerate a waste of space in places where living condition is dense. Somehow, these dense spaces are capable of providing the maximum comfort for man by means of mechanical equipments in buildings. In this cities life is fast and expensive. Technology is a provision for man’s comfort and not a means to enslave but more often than not it is the other way around. However, there are many fast developing cities that is capable of coping with the new technology because work is valued in congruent with the dignity of man.            Gruen proposes a plan that could justify economic productivity of big cities and at the same time create sub cities that would adapt to what he calls â€Å"megalopolitan sprawl†. However, globalization could also mean going beyond ones land area. There is still vast area of lands wanting to be developed. There are many nations that are in need to cope with the present dynamics of the new world technology. And while there are other places where overpopulation is a problem there are affluent cities in the second millennium that the inverted population growth also presupposes danger. Conclusion            In the abstract written by Dr. Mervyn Miller, he mentioned the book written by the founder of Letchworth, â€Å"Tomorrow a Peaceful Path to Real Reform†written in 1898 is very much true to our society of today. He recalls that the garden city is a potent concept in the emergence of the 20th century cities.            Contemporary planners addressed the issue by following the course of people like Geddes. However, due to the increase in the demand on the lease to life, those familiar workers cottages are considered mini-mansions of many career oriented people of today. Ample spaces are defined as functional spaces due to the ever increasing cost per area of construction in square foot or in meters. Coping with life that is becoming unsustainable is becoming a depressing problem even more than how George views it in his time. The internationalist who believes that nothing is gained by overcrowding still support the issue on the green environment that is very relevant today. However, there are trends that are still needed to be discovered and be rediscovered especially within the new technology along on how this new ideas can be within the reach of everyone. The key here is what kind of technology should be provided to sustain the ordinary man of the streets. The approach that Geddes concept has provided in his time is for the working class of the industrialized period. That became the reason why today’s environmentalist regarded Geddes a steward in land use and its sustainability. Today, a number of men with the same aspirations of those Internationalist described is very much needed. This fast growing old planet needs people who are a hundred percent human beings in the middle of the electro- mechanical world. Works Cited Grewar, Mindy. Vivendo Discimus: Everything in the Garden Is Magnifique for the Anniversary Celebrations of a Great Scot. (2004). 11 April 2008 Hill, David R. Sustainability, Victor Gruen, and the Cellular Metropolis. (2008). 11 April 2008;jsessionid=H1TcfmZ4RRyJKG06dF94gjTT9hyHh99GrVvwdzytZzVnn6Lq771Y!-798756091?docId=5001677813. Killiecrankie. Patrick Geddes 1854-1932. (2008). 11 April 2008 Lause, Mark. Henry George. 11 April 2008 Letchworth. Letchworth the First Garden City  (2007). 11 April 2008 Sir Ebenezer Howard. (2007). 11 April 2008 University, Regent. Lewis Mumford (1895-1988). (2007). 11 April 2008
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