Monday, September 30, 2019
Mining and its Affects on the Community
Arrandale, Tom. â€Å"Public Land Policy†. CQ Researcher Online. 17 June 1994. Rio Salado College Online.                      Tom Arrandale, a CQ Researcher contributor from Albuqueque, New Mexico, uses     congressional hearings and senate records to provide an unbiased documentation of the raging battle over the Clinton administration’s plans to up user fees and implement stricter control in the use of public lands which yield gold, timber, and livestock feed. In a previous report, Mary Cooper cited the opposition of residents of Washington, Oregon and northern California against stricter control and are said to be unwilling to sacrifice â€Å"jobs for owls†. Cooper, Mary H. â€Å"Cleaning Up Hazardous Wastes†. CQ Researcher Online. 23 August 1996. Rio Salado College Online. This article discusses the positive and negative aspects of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act, which is more popularly known as the Superfund law which went into effect December 11, 1980, as well as the need to improve it. She had previously identified some of the former U.S. Nuclear Weapons Plants which became Superfund sites in her earlier report entitled â€Å"Nuclear Arms Cleanup†, published in the June 24, 1994 issue of the CQ Researcher Associated essay: Text Mining and Business Ramifications Cooper, Mary H. â€Å"Water Quality†. CQ Researcher Online. 24 November 2000. Rio Salado College Online.     This article is about the success of the 1972 Clean Water Act in eliminating water pollutants coming from the most obvious point sources which are the industrial plants and sewage treatment plants. However, Cooper contends that about forty percent of waters in the country are still polluted owing to runoffs from coal mines in the mountains, animal wastes and toxic chemicals from agricultural farms, and toxins from city street sewers. In another article a couple of years later entitled â€Å"Bush and the Environment†, Cooper voiced the same apprehension when the Bush administration allowed companies mining for coal in the mountains of Kentucky and West Virginia to dump their rubbles into surrounding streams. Landers, Robert K. â€Å"Is America Allowing Its Past To Be Stolen?†CQ Researcher Online. 18 January 1991. Rio Salado College Online.  Landers talks about how America’s past is being lost through the mining of American Indian artifacts and discusses the merits and shortcomings of the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act signed by President Bush in November 1990. In a later article in the CQ Researcher, Mary Cooper writes about the American Indians’ fear â€Å"of racism by a society that can’t come to grips with its bloody past.†Prah, Pamela M. â€Å"Coal Mining Safety†. CQ Researcher Online. 17 March 2006. Rio Salado College Online. Using extracts from a congressional forum on mine safety as well as statements of experts and government authorities, Prah dwells on the subject of the protection of the nation’s coal miners in the aftermath of an incident in a Sago, West Virginia mine explosion which killed 12 miners. This prompted the NIOSH, the Mine Safety and Health Administration, and the state of West Virginia, to co-sponsor an International Mining Health and Safety Symposium on April 20-22, 2006 in Wheeling, West Virginia.         Â
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Original Sin: A Cultural History Essay
â€Å"Original Sin: A Cultural History†has been written by Alan Jacobs. What makes this book distinctive is that it is a â€Å"cultural history†of original sin, not a work of theology or spirituality though, it does engage with some theological work, predominantly with Augustine. It is an exemplary history not because it represents excellence that other historians would do well to emulate, but because it makes its case through examples. It highlights narratives about people, people who engage in a serious and considerate way with the idea of original sin, whether by accepting it, refusing it, or brawling with the possibility of it. It is an appealing book though it doesn’t answer all the questions about the doctrine but it is more or less not fair to criticize it for that as it was not Jacob’s intention to write a work of theological history. What makes it so useful is its assessment of how the doctrine has inclined literature, philosophy, politics or in short, how it has influenced Western culture. An indispensable question through the time has been whether human nature is basically good or basically evil. If it is good, general human development may be assumed; if it is intrinsically faulty, then the American Founders were right in proclaiming that nature has to be constrained by justice. Though some people have suggested that original sin is the only empirically provable Christian doctrine, however, views vary on what original sin is. In this deep, original, and witty book, Professor Alan Jacobs displays wide learning worn lightly as he scrutinizes the views of writers like Benjamin Franklin and Harriet Beecher Stowe, Jonathan Edwards and C. S. Lewis, and Sigmund Freud and J. R. R. Tolkien. The concept of original sin predates Christianity, Jacobs points out, citing not only Genesis 3, in which Adam and Eve eat the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and are expelled from Paradise, but also Psalm 51, which declares that humans are conceived in sin and born in iniquity. â€Å"The universality of sin,†Jacobs concludes, â€Å"is certainly a Jewish belief. †He explains that the traditions of both Eastern and Western Christianity, though changeable in their details, have that God created human nature intrinsically good. The writer is of the view that goodness must require freedom if it is not to be robotic, and that Adam and Eve freely chose their own will over that of God, thus consigning original  ¬sin. All humans take part in original sin, whether it is passed on from generation to generation through time, or whether the whole human race decides in one everlasting moment to disobey  ¬God. In the book, Jacobs efficiently defends Augustine against the many attacks against him, demonstrating that doctrines of original sin similar to Augustine’s headed him by at least two centuries in both the East and the West. Jacobs quickly neglects the belief that original sin was  ¬sexual.  ¬Adam and Eve practiced free sex in Eden before their expulsion. Original sin is the initial declaration of human pride against God. Augustine did maintain that original sin, once it existed, was inherited through generations, in the same way that today we understand genetic flaws are passed on. Contrary to another common misconception about Augustine, he was obdurate that the source of sin does not lie in the body but rather in the corruption of the will. Writer’s most unique and thought provoking argument is that original sin has strong self-governing impli ¬ca ¬tions. Refutation of original sin leads to elitism. For instance, the Duchess simply refuses to believe that she shares a common nature with the  ¬self–righteous people who trust that they can make themselves good by stacking up a higher pile of good deeds than of bad ones. Another point that the writers emphasizes is that no one receives the full brunt of his rage as much as Rousseau and the myth of the noble savage. Writing of the â€Å"Wordsworthian fluff†about the innocence and wholesomeness of children,†he argues, â€Å"certainly I have always wondered whether those who talk about ‘childlike innocence’ have had children of their own or even spent much time around them. †When he narrates the sad outcome of the child of an intellectual who was sent to Rousseau to be raised according to the philosopher’s indulging theories in Emile, he notes that the boy never afterwards took well to education of any kind. He became a sailor and ultimately immigrated to America, dying in North Carolina at the age of thirty-two. †At least Jacobs is honest in not repressing his Schadenfreude over the underdeveloped moral growth of the young man. This of course raises a perfectly valid question that how profitable is this book for a nonbeliever? Jacobs, as prominent, never hides his positions, and he certainly lays out a historically informed defense of what many have considered a most destructive doctrine that grew out of the particular self-loathing anti-humanism of Paul and Augustine. If I see myself on such position on the doctrine of original sin, I personally agree with the concept of the original sin as discussed by the writer in this book. It illuminates that original sin has strong independent impli ¬ca ¬tions. It also illustrates that the basis of sin does not lie in the body but relatively in the dishonesty of the will. On the other hand it obscures or doesn’t explain the answer to the vital question that whether the human nature is good or evil. If it is good, general human progress can be understood; if it is intrinsically faulty, then it can be concluded that nature has to be constrained by justice.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
American People Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
American People - Essay Example The difference in the opinion led to a crisis of authority when the opposition from the colonists turned into riots, boycotts of imported goods and burning dummies of English officials. It was not thought of as a war of independence in the beginning, it was mere a fight for their own rights. As the dispute grew more and more the American Patriots set forth to win their independence and to build a new equality based society. By the late eighteenth century, the Americans had more liberties, paid lesser taxes and considered themselves as more fortunate citizens compared to any other nation. Ivring Kristol in his article â€Å"The Most Successful Revolution†quotes: "One even gets the impression that many of us regard ourselves as too sophisticated to take the Revolution seriously." He explains that the American Revolution was really different than other revolutions of that era and that is the reason why it was so successful. (Kristol, 5) Kristol’s first point was that the Americans do not celebrate Independence Day as enthusiastically as it was during the past few years. It is because the Americans are more arrogant and insolent and view the American Revolution as an unsophisticated representation of them. The Americans of this age believe that their forefathers were immature and primeval individuals who were unaware of what they were actually doing as compared to the sophisticated generation of today. People have merely forgotten the American Revolution with the passage of time but the message that it conveys should not be forgotten in the hearts of the younger generation. Their forefathers were the hardworking generation who fought for their rights and succeeded, whereas the Americans of this age think that they are too sophisticated and refined to do things like that. Many of them do not even believe if the American Revolution should really be celebrated. Kristol also talked about the differences between a democracy and a republic by clearing the confusion in a common man’s mind. He says that Democracy is the rule of popular passion whereas in a republic, sanctions govern the people where passion is considered as an unfit. (Middlekauff, 256) Kristol states that the division in the government of democrats and republicans has split the country which is somewhat true but on the other hand it also adds up a variety in the government. The problem arises when both the democrats and the republicans refuse to compromise their personal interests for the betterment of the common man since they are always involved in defeating the other. The government created by the forefathers was made with great thought and devotion looking into every possible detail. They designed it in this way do that the people are able to develop their opinions and can elect government officials who support their opinions. Kristol’s prediction of losing reverence in the forefathers by the Americans has come true to some extent. It is needed, howev er that the Americans need to transform their point of view about the government. Americans have lost pride in them and in their country, for which it is required to stop fighting among them and concentrate on the ideology proposed by their forefathers for equality and justice and ultimately a prosperous nation. The American Revolution had and still has a great significance as it depicts that the less privileged yet hardworking people should be treated equally like the ones who are financially stable. The American Revolution expresses to the entire world that the US is the only country where all the citizens have equal rights and privileges which are granted to them right after birth. It is no doubt a symbol of liberty and independence to other nations around the globe. There were a few promises of the
Friday, September 27, 2019
How does the profession of Dental Hygiene impact today's society Essay
How does the profession of Dental Hygiene impact today's society - Essay Example Dental hygienists sensitize members of the society on the importance of maintaining oral hygiene (DeLong and Burkhart 4). Research has showed that dental hygiene profession has aided in reducing the number of oral health complications reported every year. The dental hygienists have fought tirelessly in ensuring that all members of the society are aware of the various oral diseases, the causes of those diseases and how to prevent them. The dental hygiene profession has helped the members of the society to save a lot of money. Dental hygienists give certain oral hygiene guidelines to patients. Such practices aid in reducing the number of new infections and controlling the spread of oral diseases. For this reason, money that would have been used for dental care is saved or used for other productive purposes. In summary, the importance of dental hygiene profession in the society cannot be ignored. The profession has aided in reducing oral diseases in the society. The problem of oral diseases in the society is continually diminishing due to the assistance offered by dental hygienist. The society should always work in collaboration with the dental hygiene professionals in order to fully eliminate oral
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Introduction to Psychology ........Midterm quiz, Essay
Introduction to Psychology ........Midterm quiz, - Essay Example Moreover, some of the behaviors are the outcomes of unconscious mental activities. In other words, mental processes are conscious and unconscious. But we don’t know which behavior is the outcome of the conscious or unconscious mental processes. So psychological studies based on mental processes alone may not be logical In an experiment to determine whether a drug reduces anxiety, the experimenter manipulates who in the experiment gets the drug and who gets the placebo. The variable that is manipulated is the drug. In a double-blind experiment, neither the individuals nor the researchers know who belongs to the control group and the experimental group. In the above experiment the experimenter knows which subjects are getting the drug and placebo. In order to make the above experiment a double blinded one the experimenter should also unaware of what is given to the subjects. A psychologist decides to study whether Buddhist meditation reduces anxiety and interviews 20 people who meditate regularly and 20 people who do not meditate at all. The experimenter asks a series of questions designed to test anxiety level and finds that those who engage in meditation have less anxiety.  It is possible that people who are less anxious to begin with choose to meditate. Moreover it is not clear from the study that whether the subjects were suffering from anxiety disorders or not before the start of the meditation. It is also not clear that whether the subjects used any other medications at the time of testing the Buddhist meditations. The selection criteria of the subjects are also not evident from the study. It is quiet possible that some of the subjects might be children who usually experiences less anxiety compared to adults.  Identical twins come from same egg and sperm whereas the fraternal twins come from different eggs and sperms. Thus Fraternal twins develop
Multistep reserach Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Multistep reserach - Research Paper Example At the same time, burning it pollutes the environment as well. The objective of this paper is to discuss various forms of transport and their impacts to the society. Transport is a primary contributor to the process of industrialization. It facilitates the movement of raw materials to manufacturers, and processed products to potential buyers. It also assists in the creation of employment opportunities, for instance, it employs drivers and pilots (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development 90). Thus, enhances standards of living. Transport networks and mechanisms assist greatly during emergencies and natural calamities. They provide a means through which people and property can be moved from volatile to safer areas. Air transport involves the use of planes, choppers, and air balloons. It is the most efficient means of transport when it comes to business connectivity and efficiency. It is also reliable for leisure since it offers an aerial view for diverse views and is quite fast. Reliable air transportation facilitates international tourism and faster transportation of goods, particularly perishable goods, more than any other means. Thus, it is an important instrument for economic growth. It is a fundamental instrument of globalization. This is because, it has a high capacity for enhancing integration of political, economic, social and cultural activities at an international level. It is the most expensive mode of transport, and therefore, often reserved for affluent travelers (Daley 1). In the occurrence of natural calamities air transport is usually the most convenient mode of movement of goods and people. Air transport is often affected by adverse weather conditions and is quite uneconomical for short distance movement. In terms of security, air transport accidents are usually the harshest as it normally leads to massive damage of goods and loss of life.
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Isolated By The Internet Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Isolated By The Internet - Essay Example The positive outcomes of the internet revolution are many. But there are negative aspects also. Stoll brings forth researched viewpoints of the psychologists and personal observations supported by documented studies in support of his stand. Stoll quotes facts from the research conducted by Carnegie Mellon University psychologists Robert Kraut and Vicki Lundmark. (393)Some top-ranking computer companies aided the research project but the outcome is not to their favor. The findings are â€Å"[a]fter following the study group, the psychologists found an average increase in depression by about 1 percent for every hour spent online per week.†(393)Another finding is, social relationships online develop at the cost of the individual to individual social involvement. Good and bad effects of internet In a well-written article, Stoll presents good and bad effects of internet and how people are isolated by it, by too much dependency. He mentions how â€Å"one friend tells how she found a support group for an obscure medical condition.†(392) It is a well-known fact that many youngsters have entered into wedlock by corresponding/chatting through the internet. Wired family members are able to keep in touch through email and such communications have become popular. Stoll admits without hesitation â€Å"the electronic virtual community is a positive social development†(393). Internet causes degrading communication skills according to psychologist Kimberly Young. (396)He also uses College and University reports to support his viewpoints. Stoll employs UCLA (University of California at Los Angeles) loneliness Scale for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale to show that on average depression increase 1 percent for every hour a person is online per week (393). This is an alarming finding. The limitations of the advantages of internet Stoll is an expert on computer security and is well-versed about the technical aspects of the use and impact of computers in t he day to day life of an individual. He makes clear the isolating factors and states that internet offers anonymity. To manage too many relationships demands time and energy and the chance of developing meaningful relationships are too little. Non-personal contacts within the information highway are fine for some time, video games offer a release from reality and a distraction from depression, but they are not long-term solutions for the betterment of the society. People make friendships with many through the internet, without knowing why for they are doing so. Every relationship should have a purpose, and with too many contacts, the purpose is lost. Thus, one addicted to the internet, one develops complications in personality. Control technology, otherwise it will control you Internet use has caused many new social and psychological conditions. The issue with us is we take the benefits of the technological progress and advantages of the internet revolution for granted. Technology c an be an important tool in providing plenty and prosperity to the life of an individual in monetary terms, but one must accept and adopt it in suitable increments, to get the real benefit. If your gain is at the cost of happiness of your family life, it is not good to chase such gains. Stoll urges people to consider the harms of internet use from the viewpoints of children and its overall impact on family life. It is causing dent in the family values, reducing the time of personal interactions, and distances one from the realities of life. Many office-goers bring their work home and have no time to interact with children. Their playtime is robbed by the office files and procedures and the
Monday, September 23, 2019
Admiralty law Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words
Admiralty law - Coursework Example The nature of the rights and remedies, as well as the repercussion of the claims greatly differs, based on who presents the claims, and the nature of such presented claims. For example, the claim that a passenger presents have very different remedies, from such claims presented by the members of the crew (Charles, 2008 p11). Admiralty Law is very dynamic and amorphous, in that it changes the nature of defenses issued, through incorporating into the defense system some defenses that are not stipulated in the common laws, or by removing some standing laws that previously guided this practice. Consequently, the in-depth knowledge of Admiralty Law is necessary for any individual wishing to raise a claim under the law (Frakes, 2003 p22). This law consists of a combination of domestic laws governing the internal maritime activities and the private international laws, which guides the activities and the interactions of private entities that are operating within the seas (Eliot, 1963 p20). T he component o this law are major international treaties which have been enacted in the recent decades, to guide the relationships and business undertakings between countries and the private entities on the seas. The flag that a ship flies in the high seas determines under which jurisdiction of the law such a ship falls. The jurisdiction of the ship, and thus all the consequent cases arising from its activities and interactions with others fall with the country that the flag possessed by the ship belongs. However, the substance and the authenticity of such flag is a paramount issue, in Admiralty Law, in that some ships may fly flags that do not truthfully reflect the country they emanate from (Davis, 2008 p10). In our case, O charted its ship, the Costa Lotta, to go and carry a consignment of crude oil from Greece to the UK. The vessel was to carry the cargo that belonged to VC, which is domiciled to Greece, without any of its business operations in the UK. During the process of tra nsporting the crude oil, the vessel, Costa Lotta developed a problem, which arose from bad weather in the Mediterranean, when it was near the coastline of Italy. As a result of this problem, the cargo that was carried by the vessel got damaged, losing substantial of the crude oil into the sea. The master of the ship sought help from a salvage company, since the ship had been refused to dock in any port of Italy. With the assistance of the salvors, the remaining cargo of crude oil was salvaged, and the salvors helped in the clean up procedure that saw the clearance of the oil that spilled into the sea. Having been assisted, the savors are seeking compensation for helping salvage the cargo held by Costa Lotta. On its part, O, the company that owns the Costa Lotta is avoiding the salvors, by failing to compensate them for their salvage mission. More to this, O has gone ahead and sold Costa Lotta, the vessel that was salvaged to Bruno. This makes the subject of dispute in this case unav ailable. The master of the vessel was arrested and detained in France, required to explain the incidence that led to the sea pollution, which affected the coastline of France, rendering it inappropriate for visit by tourists. On the other hand, VC, the company that owned the cargo that was being transported by Costa Lotta has failed to complete the payment. VC argues that the loss of cargo that was incurred by the company should be set off against the remaining payment to O. Additionally; VC argues that the loss occurred due to the incompetence of the master of Costa Lotta. Thus, there are many legal issues underlining this case, which can be traced to the Admiralty Law. The first legal issue is whether O will succeed in raising a claim
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Comments on two posts Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Comments on two posts - Essay Example How could Germany have altered its command, control, and logistics for more success in the East? One of the most crucial fronts of the war was the east, where Germany launched Operation Barbarossa to occupy Soviet Union and gain control of significant resources in the east.4 According to the post, the winter, bad road conditions, and a lack of cohesion; and that the Germans must have conquered just enough territory to effectively sustain the campaign. However, I think that the biggest mistake of Germany was attempting to conquer the Soviet Union itself, for the Soviet Union was very successful in their industrialization and has so immense resources and manpower to be able to successfully repulse any German advance;5 they must have not invaded the Soviet Union and focused on invading Great Britain instead. Bibliography Clay, Blair. Hitler's U-Boat War: The Hunters 1939-1942. New York: Cassel & Co., 1996. Higgins, Trumbrull. Hitler and Russia: the Third Reich in a two-front war, 1937-1 943. New York: Macmillan, 1966. Overy, Richard.
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Fate Verses Free
Fate Verses Free Will Essay The theological issue of the predetermined fate of man verses man’s free will has long been a source of debate. Churches have split, and new denominations have emerged because of this one controversy. Predetermined Fate of Man During the Protestant Reformation of the 1500’s, a French theologian named John Calvin had an indelible influence on the religious community of his day with his doctrine of predestination and election. The foundation of Calvin’s beliefs (known as Calvinism) was the complete and total sovereignty of God and predestination of man. According to Calvin, since God is sovereign, He has made all choices and man is, therefore, without choice and free will. Calvin held to the belief that every man, woman, and child are chosen to be saved or lost before time began. He used scriptures such as Romans 8: 29 to support his position: â€Å"For whom He foreknew, He also predestinated to be conformed to the image of His Son, that He might be the firstborn among many brethren†(The Open Bible, New King James Version). To bring about mans salvation, according to Calvin, the Holy Spirit moves the chosen few toward God, thereby condemning the rest to eternity in hell. ( â€Å"An Introduction to Calvinism: Calvinism in a Nutshell†. 16 Oct. 2008 ). Free Will The issue of the free will of man continues to be discussed in modern times. One opinion is offered by Jon W. Quinn, author of numerous Bible correspondence courses and video Bible studies for the Bradley Church of Christ in Bradley, Illinois. He believes that the Bible does not deny human free will, but affirms it. He refers to Ephesians 1:3-6: Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ, just as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before Him in love, having predestined us to adoption as sons by Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the good pleasure of His will (The Open Bible, New King James Version). Quinn’s commentary on this passage supports his belief that reference is being made to a group that has been predestined by God to be savedâ€â€not any particular individual. He continues his argument by stating: â€Å"It is up to you and me as to whether we will choose to be in that number or not. God has not predestined our individual choices†(Quinn, Jon W. , The Expository Files. â€Å"Were You Predestined to Read This Article? †Apr. 2005 ). Another opinion on the free will of man is offered by Lisa Yates, Ed. D. , a long-time member of the Trinity Baptist Church in Manchester, Tennessee. In her opinion, Dr. Yates believes that God, in His infinite wisdom, already knows who will reject or accept His Son, Jesus Christ. Simultaneously, He pleads for all to call upon Him and to receive His gift of eternal life in heaven. She holds to the belief that God knows all things, and He desires to save all people. She cites I Timothy 2:4 from The Open Bible, The New King James Version: â€Å"who (God) desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. †She concedes that the conflict between fate and free will is beyond her human comprehension. That is where her faith takes over (Personal interview, 17 Oct. 2008). Conclusion The debate over fate verses free will continues today. Legitimate support for both views exists and continues to be subject to individual interpretation. WORKS CITED â€Å"An Introduction to Calvinism: Calvinism in a Nutshell†. 16 Oct. 2008 Quinn, Jon W. , The Expository Files. â€Å"Were You Predestined to Read This Article? †Apr. 2005 The Open Bible, New King James Version. Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 1997. Yates, Lisa, Ed. D. Personal interview. 17 Oct. 2008.
Friday, September 20, 2019
The History Of Haleeb Foods Marketing Essay
The History Of Haleeb Foods Marketing Essay Haleeb milk was the market leader in the dairy industry, in order for Haleeb to regain its market share they need to emphasize on, and create consumer awareness and differentiate from other milk products. Haleeb since it originally started has been using the same packaging, which has not been helpful in creating a positive perception in consumers minds. Haleeb needs to revamp its packaging in a fresh way keeping consumer wants and perceptions in mind. Companies change their overall look of products or launch new products to keep up with the fast paced changing market. Haleeb needs to get out of its comfort zone and relaunch its milk products with a fresh new look, using innovative advertising, fancier logos, and better packaging. Haleeb is dependent on Tetra Pak for the packaging of its entire dairy product line. Tetra Pak is the only option available to Haleeb and other milk providers for packaging because they have monopoly over the packaging sector in Pakistan. This gives Tetra Pa k a bargaining power of suppliers. Consumers perceptions and price differentials can cause a threat for the company. Loose milk is cheaper than packaged milk, this is one of the reasons why people prefer loose milk from local dud walas over packaged milk products. This is one of the barriers cutting into Haleeb milks profit margins. Haleeb needs a new design, a new innovative logo and a brand new package shape. The best option would be tetra pack carton with a removable and screwed top which can be open easily and is easy to use and dispose off. The color can also be changed, color is its personality and needs as new fresh look. An option is to have different colors for 3 different categories of milk, whole milk, 1% fat, and 2 %fat, an interesting bold logo and a change in carton shape. The screw top will be a hit as Prema has an attractive packaging as well. Here are some of the ways Haleeb will increase their market share. Promotion is very important as at this point Haleeb has no t promoted itself in the past few years. According to the surveys, consumers are influenced most by TVCs followed by street advertisement and lastly by publicity and public relations. The reason why sales decreased was because of bad word of mouth and highly negative publicity. Haleeb will now design a drastic promotion portfolio and through its diversity, gain a higher market share. Competitor Analysis The brand competition for Haleeb milk includes all those milk brands which are in direct competition with Haleeb. Haleeb is competing with three (3) major competitors in the market. Nestle Olpers Good Milk All these competitors are in direct competition with Haleeb. Haleeb has to compete with all of these. Its competitors have made a strong place in the market by using different competitive strategies i.e. advertising, marketing and different promotions.In order to compete with the competitors, it has to focus on marketing, advertisement and promotions of its product. Haleeb should provide higher quality than its competitors to sustain in the market. It should also focus on competitive strategies that its competitors are using. Its competitors mainly focus on advertisement. For example, Nestle MilkPak has been advertising its product in the market by using the slogan, Nestle MilkPak Banaye Mazboot Gharana. Similarly Olpers has been advertising its product using slogan, Subha Bakhair Zindagi And Good Milk has also created its goodwill by advertising in the past using slogan, Roz Roz Good Milk Piya Karo. Haleeb should advertise its product through the marketing and communication channels and use different promotional campaigns to attract the consumers and to compete with its competitors. It should create awareness in the consumers minds and in order to compete with its competitors that its milk is not only for making tea, it is also for drinking purposes. The Unique Selling Point (USP) of the Haleeb milk is that it is the thickest, purest and high quality milk available in the market packed in the hygienic and safe packing. And it is best for making tea and coffee. Haleeb does not compromise on quality. For Haleeb, quality is everything. The quality of Haleeb milk is the motivational factor for the consumers that will lead the consumers to switch their preferences and motivate them to try Haleeb milk. Marketing Strategies Product Haleeb Milk is available in all four sizes. i.e. 250 ml, 500 ml, 1 liter and 1.5 liter. For Haleeb Milk, the quality is everything. It is the thickest and purest milk available in the market that is packed in Tetra Packs. The packaging of the product is innovative as compared to the competitors because it has a twisted cap which can be closed after the seal packing is removed. So that it will remain safe from germs and bacteria. While the others milk brands has not the twisted cap packaging of their milk product. Price The price of the product set according to the competitors prices. The cost is tried to make less and less and the price is set at the market penetration strategy. The prices for all the four different size packs are as follows: 250 ml -Rs. 500 ml -Rs. 1 Liter -Rs. 1.5 Liter Rs. Place Haleeb Milk is targeting the mass market so the distribution of the milk is set as it is a convenience good so it is provided at maximum stores. Distribution network includes distributors, whole sellers and retailers. It will make sure that the product is available on all the big and major stores. i.e big departmental stores, bakery stores and small khokhaas. Promotion The product will be promoting through advertising and communication channels. Newspapers, billboards, radio and television commercials will be used for advertising the product. Television channel is the main medium that is most actively being utilized by the companies for the advertisement of their products. And television commercials are the only medium which can contact every one if their television is turned on. So the television commercials will be used to create awareness among consumers regarding the product. Different promotional activities and promotional campaigns will be used to promote the product. For example, if a consumer buys a complete carton then the consumer will be given 10% discount. Positioning Positioning is the only way through which a company can increase the functionality of its product and can portray it as a more useful product. Haleeb will position its product by its attribute and by its usage. Haleeb will position itself not only a tea making milk but also used for drinking purpose and for making sweet dish as well. It will make the perception in the consumers minds that it will fulfill their all requirements regarding milk whether it will be for drinking, for making tea and coffee or for other kitchen purposes. i.e. cooking and making sweet dishes. It will position itself as a thickest and purest milk brand available in the market. So whenever the consumers think of the purest and thickest milk, they will recall Haleeb Milk and it will affect their purchase decision and consumers will prefer to purchase Haleeb Milk as compared to other brands milk available in the market.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Apple Marketing Director :: Product Development
Apple A-Life My role as a marketing director for apple is to research the market, and find out a niche to produce a new product, that will hopefully sell, and create profit. My theory of a product is that; it is an object that can be sold or bought, that might satisfy a want or a need. The product that I have in mind is an mp3 player. Apple already have a wide range of mp3s. From a 60gb colour screen Ipod, to a 2gb Ipod shuffle with no screen. I have come up with another product to stop the sales going in to decline. I have taken ideas from the previous mp3 players, and added a bit of creation of my own and have come up with, ‘A-Life'. It is small like the Ipod Shuffle, and has a small screen like the Ipod Nano. The actual mp3 would be attached to a neckband. So you are wearing your mp3, and its not hanging loose in your pocket. I have chosen this product, because it is something I know about, and well like. With this, I hope it will give me a better view on how to market the product, based on what my peers and I like. It also is different from any other mp3 on the market, so in that way, I have found a niche. My theory of marketing objectives is that; your marketing objectives should be the means to achieve your sales objectives. My marketing objectives are to promote my product cleverly so that it gets out to my target market. To find out a reasonable price where the customers would be satisfied with, and where I would also make a profit. To find out where to sell my product, so the customers don't have any trouble getting hold of one. And also, to find out what other accessories the customers would like with the product, which would hopefully increase their satisfaction. I am including all of these marketing objectives to know what my product should be like, where to sell it, what price to set it at, and how to promote it. I need to have the best knowledge of these criteria's otherwise my product is not going to sell. Also I am doing it to ensure customer satisfaction. A good way to market your product is through the power of speech. This is Apple Marketing Director :: Product Development Apple A-Life My role as a marketing director for apple is to research the market, and find out a niche to produce a new product, that will hopefully sell, and create profit. My theory of a product is that; it is an object that can be sold or bought, that might satisfy a want or a need. The product that I have in mind is an mp3 player. Apple already have a wide range of mp3s. From a 60gb colour screen Ipod, to a 2gb Ipod shuffle with no screen. I have come up with another product to stop the sales going in to decline. I have taken ideas from the previous mp3 players, and added a bit of creation of my own and have come up with, ‘A-Life'. It is small like the Ipod Shuffle, and has a small screen like the Ipod Nano. The actual mp3 would be attached to a neckband. So you are wearing your mp3, and its not hanging loose in your pocket. I have chosen this product, because it is something I know about, and well like. With this, I hope it will give me a better view on how to market the product, based on what my peers and I like. It also is different from any other mp3 on the market, so in that way, I have found a niche. My theory of marketing objectives is that; your marketing objectives should be the means to achieve your sales objectives. My marketing objectives are to promote my product cleverly so that it gets out to my target market. To find out a reasonable price where the customers would be satisfied with, and where I would also make a profit. To find out where to sell my product, so the customers don't have any trouble getting hold of one. And also, to find out what other accessories the customers would like with the product, which would hopefully increase their satisfaction. I am including all of these marketing objectives to know what my product should be like, where to sell it, what price to set it at, and how to promote it. I need to have the best knowledge of these criteria's otherwise my product is not going to sell. Also I am doing it to ensure customer satisfaction. A good way to market your product is through the power of speech. This is
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
R.C. Sheriffs Journeys End :: Journeys End English Literature War Essays
R.C. Sheriff's Journey's End Journeys end was first produced on 9th December 1928. The play was presented on 21st January 1929. R.C.Sherrif did not set out to glorify war he set out to show the reality, devastation and what life was actually like during the war. R.C.Sherrif had been a soldier so those that knew what it was like saw his portrayal of warfare as authentic. He does this through eyes of officers, which is different to how it is done by most play writers, as their role is more senior and after doing their duties they also have responsibility for other men and their lives. The five principal roles in Journey’s end are of four officers Osborne, Raleigh, Trotter and Hibbert but there is also Stanhope who is the commander of ‘c’ company. They all represent very different characters, Osborne is a very level-headed, older more mature person. Raleigh is a young boy who has just left school. He finds the war very exciting and he is enthusiastic about it. Trotter is a fat, jolly sort who loves his food; he is a very homely man. Stanhope is the authoritarian yet he needs alcohol to cope but he takes his job very seriously. Hibbert is basically a waste of space he is a malingerer as he tries to get home by faking an illness; it backfires on him though as Stanhope has the same illness and he is still there, he refuses to let Hibbert go home, yet Hibbert says he will go anyways but then Stanhope talks him into staying. I think R.C.Sherrif uses five people with very different characteristics and emotions to show how different people cope with the stresses of the War. Act three scenes one and two offer the first dramatic parts in Journey’s end. Most of the play up to this point is building up, conversation between the officers, with them building Raleigh’s knowledge of what will happen during the big raid. At the beginning of Act three scene one the colonel comes to see if everything is ready. When they do the raid and get the German Soldier, they don’t find out much. I think R.C.Sherrif does this because with him knowing what life was like in the war he is trying to get the point across to the audience that things don’t always go as they are planned. Then when you find out Osborne and Men have been killed it seems like a waste of time and lives. In the next scene when you see how all the men feel, it really feels authentic to how the men would of felt and makes you
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
I am a part of something Essay -- essays research papers
Have you ever put together a large jigsaw puzzle? When you put away the puzzle, sometimes the pieces get lost or bent. If they do, when you take it back out and try to reassemble it, the puzzle is not complete; the overall picture, however, is still satisfying. In John Donne's "No Man Is an Island," the author similarly says that the inhabitants of the world comprise a team. When the team (the world) loses a player, the team is not complete, but it finds some way to move on without that player. Every player is like a pebble that has been dropped onto a perfectly still pond; the consequence of the impact ripples out from the center. The ripples reach all sides of the pond, in a far-reaching expression of cause and effect. Donne begins his poem by telling the reader that every man is a part of a whole: "No man is an island, entire of its self; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of a main" ("No Man Is An Island" sent. 1). He asserts that no person is entirely by himself. Every person is somehow connected to the world. Regardless of whether he is aware of it, he makes his mark in some way. He sends his own ripples out, his own cause and effect; he is a part of the whole of the world. All beings and all things in the world are to work together as a team for one common goal, such as to co-exist. Every human has some kind of connection with someone or something else. No one is complete with out anything or anyone else, and everyone is a par... I am a part of something Essay -- essays research papers Have you ever put together a large jigsaw puzzle? When you put away the puzzle, sometimes the pieces get lost or bent. If they do, when you take it back out and try to reassemble it, the puzzle is not complete; the overall picture, however, is still satisfying. In John Donne's "No Man Is an Island," the author similarly says that the inhabitants of the world comprise a team. When the team (the world) loses a player, the team is not complete, but it finds some way to move on without that player. Every player is like a pebble that has been dropped onto a perfectly still pond; the consequence of the impact ripples out from the center. The ripples reach all sides of the pond, in a far-reaching expression of cause and effect. Donne begins his poem by telling the reader that every man is a part of a whole: "No man is an island, entire of its self; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of a main" ("No Man Is An Island" sent. 1). He asserts that no person is entirely by himself. Every person is somehow connected to the world. Regardless of whether he is aware of it, he makes his mark in some way. He sends his own ripples out, his own cause and effect; he is a part of the whole of the world. All beings and all things in the world are to work together as a team for one common goal, such as to co-exist. Every human has some kind of connection with someone or something else. No one is complete with out anything or anyone else, and everyone is a par...
Tobacco use esay
The effects of smoking are harmful to one's body and can cause numerous health issues ND in some cases death-More than 5 million deaths a year is a huge amount of people that are being effected by tobacco use,and the number keeps growing. The county of Asia is especially affected by tobacco use and its harmful character traits. The global community must take steps to eliminate tobacco use. Smoking rates are very high in South Asian communities. South Asians often smoke cigarettes, bids or a hookah, or chew tobacco in pan or gotcha.There are many health risks for example, chewing pan makes you five times more likely to get oral cancer (Palo Alto medical foundation). People in Asia find it very hard to stop smoking, 700 Million men in Asia say they can not get through the day with out smoking a cigarette. Cigarette consumption in China soared between 1970 and 1 990 but has fallen slightly since. In Asia smoking among men is far more common than in the West. The worry, says Burke Fishbo ne of the World Health Organization (WHO), is that Asia will follow the Western trend, with more women taking up smoking as men quit.In Vietnam, for example, cigarettes are being peddled to urban women as a â€Å"sophisticated†pursuit. (Bangkok) Smoking was rotationally not considered lady like but the tobacco companies targeted all women from media , fashion and anything else they could think of that would get the attention of women. (Core Press) People are trying to stop smoking worldwide and are trying to start a war against smoking-Heath leaders are getting together tying to come up with ideas on how they can get smoking band or get it set to a certain age limit .Today there are 1. 1 billion smokers 80%,in the developing world. Starting today representatives from 191 nations are gathering together to insider the smoking treaty that could restrict tobacco marketing to young proportions in Asia and it is likely with the maturation Of this epidemic and increased risk of dea th from cancer and other smoking Disease. Asia marks it's productions and it has the best selling point, Most people that sell cigarettes to Asia don't care about there health, they just care about there rates being improved.Some countries such as; Brunet, Malaysia, Singapore, and Thailand want them to put warning labels on cigarette packs. Other countries such as; Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Manner, Philippines, and Vietnam require only text warnings. Turban designates wants to Increase tax to make tobacco products as unaffordable as possible he thinks that would be the best way for them to go. (David Tan) So many polices have been in Asia that both have high and low income.Countries are waking up to Tobacco related health diseases,researchers say public awareness of smoking risks coupled with aggressive tobacco marketing has left Asian nations with some of the most highest smoking rates in the world. At times when sustained anti-smoking campaigns have lowered rates in the U. S. And parts of Europe. N a country where 44 percent of the male population smokes a Health Minister named Moon Hung-Pay said the time had come to grapple seriously with the biggest threat to national health†Many Asian countries are in the early stages of the tobacco epidemic,†said by the POLO Medicine study. Hewitt) Dry. Alan Lopez the Pacific is particularly bad Countries like Tong, PANG, Jackrabbit all have smoking prevalence in males above 50 per cent, and very high in females. That is unusual what we tend to see in the developing countries Asia, is comparatively high and disturbingly high in fact. Prevalence for ales, around 40 to 50 per cent but much lower prevalence for females. We do not tend to see that in the Pacific where women are smoking almost as much as men. (Garrett) . (Schemer, Ron ).Europe may be leading the efforts to stamp out smoking in public places . Pipe have been studying and it shows that teens smoking rate is very high to . But there losing at tryin g to get the teens to stop smoking most teens are doing it because other people are doing and they want fit in . The U. S. Is trying to promote smokers to stop by putting up signs and commercials and APS this way will get teens attention more . Over the next 10 years most scientists are researching polonium in cigarettes and the radioisotope .The people that seal cigarettes are trying to get out they contract on smoking because the see how bad it's hurting people and how unhealthy it is . Smokers show that symptoms of addiction suck as withdrawal ,craving ,failed attempts to stop happen in the first week of smoking the percent of smoking went from 25 percent to 35 These results reside the question about nicotine from just one cigarette can mess up and alter your brain to trigger and addiction -when people try to interview the makers of cigarettes they don't have comments on the subject or say the same thing you can always stop smoking.Tobacco use is a world wide epidemic that effect s different genders,races and age group, Ones experience hits close to home. When MS pots was 22 in college she was pledging. She had to give cigarettes out to the big sisters in her sorority. As she keep selling them she began to smoke them her self,she thought if she would do it she would be cool. In 201 1 she was diagnosed with COPED which stands for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. She had to walk around with a oxygen tank On her back for two years.She tried multiply times to stop she tried a peal called Chianti for two months but that didn't work. On October 1 2010 she feel on her knees to God and asked him to please take the taste away from her. Since the she has never put a cigarette in her mouth since then. There are many possible solutions to kicking the habit of smoking like; raising prices of cigarettes,banning CIA ret ads,restricting advertisement to youth ,tougher laws on marketing,reduction of tar and nicotine levels,stop attraction of cigarettes .
Monday, September 16, 2019
The Way of Financial Capability Is Through Financial Literacy
The way of Financial Capability is through financial literacy: Indian and Global Scenario Asst. Prof. Prajakta Joshi N-12, Maurya Vihar, Near Sahajanand Society, Kothrud, Pune -38 Email – [email protected] co. in Contact no. – 9371207428 The way of Financial Capability is through financial literacy: Indian and Global Scenario Abstract In every stage of life people face challenges to take certain financial decisions. Financial illiteracy is inability to make informed judgments and effective decisions regarding the use and management of money and wealth which affects their family and society at large.It is utmost important for a country to take steps for financial literacy in order to improve the standard of society society and economy of the nation. Financial literacy is the set of skills and knowledge that allows an individual to take appropriate financial decisions. The objective of the research is to understand financial literacy and its importance. It also aims to understand the current financial literacy initiatives that are taking place in India and other parts of the world.Financial literacy is more important in country like India where large chunk of population is illiterate hence they do not have easy access to formal financial set up. This population has lack of knowledge about financial planning. The Indian government has insisting on the need for financial literacy and generating confidence among people who burnt their fingers by taking wrong decisions. The promotion of financial literacy in developing countries is timely and can be a win-win situation for poor people and financial service providers alike..Financial literacy skills can be applied everywhere viz. managing a wide range of individual, household, business, and community resources. The effective financial literacy is the best tool to help the society to deal with future needs as well as to deal with contingencies. Key Words: financial literacy, financial education, financ ial programs, financial planning Introduction: Financial decisions can be rigorous task. Making financial choices by comparing savings or borrowing options with different interest rates and term structures can cause a certain level of discomfort.Sometimes a knowledgeable individual may need to rely on calculators or spreadsheets to make truly informed decisions. Investment decision involves some amount of risk; hence the number of investors are less as compared to the rate at which markets in India are growing. People hesitate to invest due to lack of awareness and proper knowledge of financial services available in market. This uncertainty is due to lack of information and understanding of investment basics. Creating informed investor is the major challenge for constant growth of Indian economy.Investments may be in the form of fixed deposit, real estate, gold, mutual fund, bond and shares. As per Indian scenario people are least interested in investment is share market due to lack of knowledge. Only 1% of Indian population is active investor in capital market. Government of India has already taken steps to increase the awareness and knowledge of the population through various investor education programs. Financial literacy programs that teach individuals how to spend save and budget responsibly.These initiatives should reach to the root level of Indian population. The awareness should spread among the farmers that consist of 70% of Indian economy. Objective: 1. To understand the financial literacy and its importance. 2. To learn about the Initiatives for Financial Literacy in the global context. 3. To study the efforts taken by various institutions for Financial Literacy in India. Literature Review: Lusardi and Mitche (2006, 2007), have conducted basic financial literacy test for both U. S. nd other countries and their research shows that many adults do not understand the difference between compound and simple interest; the characteristics of financial asset s such as stocks and bonds; the benefits of portfolio diversification; or the important features of their own mortgages, Social Security and pension plans. Lusardi and Tufano( 2009), (van Rooij, Lusardi, and Alessie 2007), (Hastings and Tejeda-Ashton 2008) found that people with low financial literacy are more likely to have problems with debt, less likely to participate in the stock market and mutual funds.Previous research has found that financial literacy can have important implications for financial behavior. Ajay Tankha, Development consultant of Sa-dhan, a self help group conducted study in India related to financial literacy and indicated that nearly 96% of the population across the country felt that they would not survive for more than one year if there is a loss of income. Worthington, AC, Predicting financial literacy in Australia, Financial Services Review, 15(1), Spring 2006, 59-79, used Logit models to predict financial literacy using the 2003 ANZ Survey of Adult Financ ial Literacy in Australia.Factors examined include gender, age, ethnicity, occupation, education, income, savings and debt. The result shows Financial literacy is highest for persons aged between 50 and 60 years. Literacy is lowest for the unemployed, females, and those from a non-English speaking background with a low level of education. Research Methodology: The research paper is based on descriptive analysis. The secondary data sources are : 1. Websites 2. World economic forum report 3. Books 4. Journals Conceptual background: Definition of Financial Literacy:Financial Literacy is the knowledge and ability of an individual to make informed and effective money management decision. Financial literacy can be achieved when a person develops financial knowledge and skill along with access to financial services, government policy, financial instruments and updates in tax structure. Financial literacyâ€â€the ability to process financial information and make informed decisions about personal financeâ€â€has received growing attention in the developed world, and recently, in the developing world, as a potentially important determinant of household well-being.The term financial literacy is used often but many do not truly understand the definition. As Stone (2004) states, â€Å"financial literacy is the ability to read, analyze, manage and communicate about the personal financial conditions affecting material well being†(p. 1). The concept of financial literacy takes into consideration the ability to balance your check book or being able to read your financial statements. A better informed citizen can be more prudent in planning his personal finance consequently helps in strengthening the country’s economy.It is important that people should accurately perceive their own economic decision Therefore there should be substantial contribution from government of India and other non- government organizations. Importance of financial literacy: In recent years, financial literacy has gained the attention of a wide range of major banking companies, government agencies, grass-roots consumer and community interest groups, and other organizations.Interested groups, including policymakers, are concerned that consumers lack a working knowledge of financial concepts and do not have the tools they need to make decisions most advantageous to their economic well-being. Such financial literacy deficiencies can affect an individual's or family's day-to-day money management and ability to save for long-term goals such as buying a home, seeking higher education, or financing retirement. Ineffective money management can also result in behaviors that make consumers vulnerable to severe financial crises.Financial literacy allows people to increase and better manage their earnings – and therefore better manage life events like education, illness, job loss or retirement. It also promotes understanding and acceptance of important political refo rms, such as health care or pension reforms. While the significance of financial literacy has not yet been fully articulated and recognized by the international development community – or by policy makers and practitioners in developing countries – measures to promote and improve financial education are becoming more frequent.The providers of financial literacy programs are a diverse group that includes employers, the military, state cooperative extension services, community colleges, faith-based groups, and community-based organizations. Commercial banks are also important providers of financial literacy education. All but two of the forty-eight retail banks responding to a recent survey by the Consumer Bankers Association reported contributing to financial literacy efforts in some way.Many banks consider their engagement in this area a way to expand their customer base and promote goodwill, and such activities are often given favorable consideration in examinations f or compliance with the Community Reinvestment Act. International Scenario of Financial literacy: The development in medical and technology field results in increase in life expectancy, however the person should also be sustain economically till he alive. Financial literacy has become an immensely popular component of financial reform across the world to retain and increase the income for future survival.USA: Financial literacy promotion was started early in 1908 in United State of America, Edward A. Filene established American credit union movement to promote financial literacy in form of newsletters. .Some governments have devoted efforts to improve financial literacy. In USA many state governments require high school students to take financial education courses; the first such requirement took effect in Nevada in 1957. CNN Money has an outstanding overview of basic personal finance topics called Money 101. Each of the 23 topics includes several pages of information, and many of th e subjects include an interactive calculator or tool.The Federal government has a website called MyMoney. gov, which is â€Å"dedicated to teaching all Americans the basics about financial education. †American Association of University Women California’s work with financial literacy program from 2008. They have developed six modules for college students and women. As response to the recent financial crisis, the United States government set up the President’s Advisory council on Financial Literacy in January 2008, charged with promoting program that improves financial education at all levels of the economy.The Federal government also provides the Federal Citizen Information Center, which offers free (or cheap) publications on a variety of topics including finance.. Private foundations are also stepping up for promotion of financial literacy and its advantages. The Citi Foundation, funded by Citigroup, has supported a number of initiatives that look to improve fi nancial literacy throughout the world. Currently, the program is headed by Microfinance Opportunities, a microenterprise resource center that promotes client-led microfinance, and Freedom from Hunger.Australia: the commonwealth Bank has offered education and financial literacy initiative to young and adult Australians. Since the 1930’s, the bank has particularly focused on supporting the financial needs of young people through its Student Banking Program and the Dollars and Sense . Portland, Maine: An Institute for Financial Literacy is established in 2002. . It is nonprofit organization which supports financial literacy program. Indonesia: In the developing world, the Indonesian government declared 2008 ‘the year of financial education’.Europe and Central Asia: Starting in 2005, the Europe and Central Asia Region of the World Bank initiated a pilot program in financial literacy, for the pilot program nine countries review were conducted that includes six states of European union namely, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania and Slovakia plus the Russian Federation and Azerbaijan, Croatia. The financial literacy initiative is currently being implemented by Pro Mujer (Bolivia), Teba Bank (South Africa), Al Amana (Morocco), Equity Building Society (Kenya), SEWA Bank (India), CARD Bank (the Philippines) and the Microfinance Centre (Poland), among others.Indian Scenario of Financial literacy: 65% Indians lack financial literacy, according to Financial Service giant Visa, recently came up with a survey which declared India as one of the least financial literate countries among 28 countries. [pic] Source: Visa this survey is conducted in the period between February and April 2012 and interviewed 25,500 respondents in 28 countries including global superpowers like USA, Canada and Australia. Out of a possible score of 100, Brazil topped the charts with a 50. 4 followed by Mexico with 47. 8, Australia with 46. 3, USA with 44 and Canad a with 43. in top 5 overall country ranking. India ranked 23rd as the report termed only 35% of Indian respondents as financially literate. In India, the Reserve Bank of India launched an first initiative in 2007 to establish Financial Literacy and Credit counseling centers throughout the country which would offer free financial education and counseling to urban and rural population. Initiatives taken for Financial Literacy in India: In India Financial Literacy initiative taken by various agencies to enhance financial capability of Indian population. These initiatives include: 1. RBI’s initiative on Financial LiteracyInitiative taken by Reserve Bank of India, Reserve Bank of India has undertaken a project titled â€Å"Project Financial Literacy†. The objective of this project is to propogate information regarding the general banking concepts to various target groups, including school and college students, women, rural and urban poor, defense personnel and senior citize ns. The project has been designed to be implemented in two modules, one module focusing on the economy, RBI and its activities, and the other module on general banking. The material is created in English and other vernacular languages.The information is distributed to banks, local government, schools and colleges through presentations, pamphlets, brochures, films and also through RBI’s website. The other measures implemented by Reserve Bank of India in this regards include conducting essay competition to promote financial awareness among school children on topic banking and finance. Recently RBI launched ‘RBI Young Scholars’ award’ scheme for outstanding students in order to generate interest in creating awareness of banking sector of the country. 2. SEBI’s initiative on Financial Literacy Securities Exchange Board of India has started financial education on a nationwide.To undertake financial education to various target segments viz. school student s, college students, working executives, middle income group, home makers, retired personnel, self help groups etc. , SEBI has empanelled Financial Educator Resource Persons throughout India. The Resource Persons are given training on various aspects of finance and equipped with the knowledge about the financial markets. These SEBI Certified Resource Persons organise workshops to these target segments on various aspects viz. savings, investment, financial planning, banking, insurance, retirement planning etc.More than 3500 workshops have been already conducted in various states covering around two lakh and sixty thousand participants. Investor education programs are conducted by SEBI through investor associations all over the country. Regional seminars are conducted by SEBI through various stakeholders viz. Stock Exchanges, Depositories, Mutual Funds Association, Association of Merchant Bankers etc. SEBI has a dedicated website for investor education wherein study materials are avai lable for dissemination. SEBI also publishes study materials in English and vernacular languages.Under ‘Visit SEBI’ programme, School and college students are encouraged to visit SEBI and understand its functioning. SEBI has recently set up SEBI Helpline in 14 languages wherein through a toll free number, investors across the country can access and seek information for redressal of their grievances and guidance on various issues. (ref. www. rbi. org) 3. IRDA’S Initiatives on Financial Education Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority has taken various initiatives in the area of financial literacy. Awareness programmes have been conducted on television and radio and simple messages about the rights nd duties of policyholders, channels available for dispute redressal etc have been propagated through television and radio as well as the print media in English, Hindi and 11 other Indian languages. IRDA conducts an annual seminar on policy holder protection and welfare and also partially sponsors seminars on insurance by consumer bodies. IRDA has done a pan India survey on awareness levels about insurance. IRDA has also brought out publications of ‘Policyholder Handbooks’ as well as a comic book series on insurance. A dedicated website for consumer education in insurance has been launched. 4. PFRDA Initiatives on Financial EducationThe Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority, India’s youngest regulator has been engaged in spreading social security messages to the public. PFRDA has developed FAQ on pension related topics on its web, and has been associated with various non government organizations in India in taking the pension services to the disadvantaged community. PFRDA’s initiatives have become more broad-based with direct mass publicity on NPS – both as individual model through POPs and group models through Aggregators. PFRDA has issued advertisements in print media and electronic media thro ugh radio and television.PFRDA appointed intermediaries are called Aggregators who are directly responsible for pension awareness mostly in vernacular languages and in line with socio-economic sensibilities 5. Market players Initiatives on Financial Education Commercial banks are realizing that they are missing out on large segment of financially illiterate and excluded segment of prospective customers. Major financial institutions are spreading awareness through Financial Literacy and Counseling Centers and Rural Self Employment Training Institutes on financial literacy.The objective of these centers is to advise people on gaining access to the financial system including banks, creating awareness among the public about financial management, counseling people who are struggling to meet their repayment obligations and help them resolve their problems of indebtedness, helping in rehabilitation of borrowers in distress etc. Some of these credit counseling centers even train farmers/wom en groups to enable them to start their own income generating activities to earn a reasonable livelihood. Similarly, many Stock Exchanges, Broking Houses andMutual Funds have initiatives in the field of financial education through conducting of seminars, issuance of do’s and don’ts, and newspaper campaigns. Insurance companies too, carry out campaigns and other educational activities for generic education in insurance. 6. Other Measures Other than the Reserve bank and other regulators, various NGO’s in the country are also spreading financial literacy in the country. Sanchayan is a NGO dedicated exclusively to spreading financial literacy and awareness among the youth and adults from low-income background.Sanchayan conducts free workshops for the underprivileged youth on topics ranging from the basics of banking, credit cards and PAN cards to the investing in shares and mutual funds, so that these youth can become financially aware and also a part of the mainstr eam banking and financial services industry. Indian School of Microfinance for Women through its Citi Center for Financial Literacy (CCFL) has formed a network of partner organizations named National Alliance for Financial Literacy (NAFil) to take financial literacy as a movement across the country.Also Manndeshi Udyogini Business School for Rural Women: HSBC has collaborated with Mann Vikas Samajik Sanstha in Satara to provide financial literacy and management skills to girls and women with no formal education Conclusion and Recommendations: It is a need of an era to understand the concept of financial literacy for rapid progress of economy. The financial literacy is not restricted only to small savings but it is also useful for how to use credit responsibly, fund management, minimize financial risks, maximization of profit and derive long-term benefits of investment.Financial literacy movements have already started globally. India has also made rapid progress in the field of finan cial education through various programs initiated by government and other agencies. In this context the following recommendations are worth notable to increase the financial literacy of the country. 1. Financial literacy program should be the part of academic syllabus from primary education. 2. Special program should be designed for woman who develops the cultures in the family, this can be implemented through anganwadi teachers and self help groups. 3.In rural area program should be designed in regional language and should be presented in form of dramatics or street play for their better understanding. 4. In advance stage the programs on investment in capital market should be introduced in easy language for educated middleclass. 5. There is a scope for further study whether financial education programs are effective in improving financial literacy and financial behavior. REFERENCES: 1. A Survey of the Banking Industry†(July 2001) 2. Dean Roy Nash, FINANCIAL LITERACY: AN INDI AN SCENARIO, Asian Journal of Research in Banking and Finance. 3. Eikmeier, B. J. (2007).Trends drive opportunities for financial planning for women. Journal of Financial Planning, 20(6),6. ry of Low-income Students: Literature 4. Frenette M. & Robson, J. , (2011). Financial Literary of Low-income Students: Literature 5. implications for financial education. Business Economics, 35-44. 6. Lusardi, A. (2009). Financial literacy, retirement planning, and retirement wellbeing: Lessons 7. Lusardi, A. (Jan 2007). Financial literacy and retirement preparedness: Evidence and 8. Lusardi, Annamaria, and Olivia S. Mitchell, 2006. â€Å"Financial Literacy and Planning: Implications for Retirement Wellbeing. Pension Research Council Working Paper No. 1. viewed December 28, 2012. 9. Lusardi, Annamaria, and Peter Tufano. 2009. Debt Literacy, Financial Experiences, and Overindebtedness. NBER Working Paper n. 14808. 10. Stone, G. (2004, June). Loma. Retrieved July 17, 2009, from: www. loma. org 11. Tankha. A. 2011. Financial literacy: concept and its importance in India. Vol. 2 Issue 4, April 2012, ISSN 2249 7323 12. Worthington, AC, Predicting financial literacy in Australia, Financial Services Review, 15(1), Spring 2006, 59-79. 13. www. commbank. com. au 14. www. worldbank. org 15. www. financiallit. org 16. www. aauw-ca. org
Sunday, September 15, 2019
American and African Culture
The African American culture includes different cultural traditions of African-American communities. It is more famously named as the Black culture. According to McKinnon, The United States Census Bureau the African Americans as people who have origins in any of the Black race groups that came from Africa. Before the Civil War, the Africans were held as slaves in America.As slaves, their rights to exercise and practice their cultures and traditions were restricted. Nevertheless, there were some traditions that were kept alive up to the day of their liberation after the Civil War until it was recognized to build and identity as African American Culture. The way of survival of such traditions was to blend with some of the elements of the culture in America or the American Culture.This paper serves as a descriptive essay that shall include the following aspects of the African American Culture; Meanings of colors; Social Customs; Concept of Time; Clothing and Food; Religion; Marriage, Bi rth, Death (whether there are special rituals associated with any of these); Holiday; Ethical values; Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication. The African American Culture is also a mixture of other cultures because as salves, the Africans needed to blend with the American Culture in order that their culture may survive.It also has blended with the European culture due to the influence of European culture to American Culture. The survival of the African American Culture is a symbol in itself that speaks of the persistence of the Africans to liberate them from slavery and eventually establish an identity of their own through their cultures and traditions. Meanings of colors Use caution when teaching about color symbolism. Symbolism of colors vary from culture to culture.Color is considered one of the most useful and powerful design tools you have. People respond to different colors in different ways, and these responses take place on a subconscious, emotional level. In African American c ulture, black has long been associated with death, while white is believed to signify life and purity. In the African American culture, the black has also come to suggest sophistication and formality. Americans generally associate trust stability with the color blue. Social Customs and Ethical valuesThe Social customs in the African American culture includes a variety and form of slave based custom since they have been enslaved for a long time. The social customs involves the social and political issues where the African Americans continue to struggle. Before the Civil War, the African slaves were not given the right to vote, but when the Voting Right’s Act was passed, African Americans then were allowed to vote and elected in public office. Another aspect of the social custom of the African Americans is their concept of family.Due to the chattel slavery that was practiced before in America, it was rare for slave families to be sold apart from each other as separate sales. Ne vertheless, after the years of slavery, the families of African Americans became a recognized unit of the society, which serves as the backbone in organizing a community. The nature of the families and communities built by African Americans are patriarchal but women are also recognized to help in the raising of the family. Mutual aid is also practiced by extended families through childcare, emotional, and economic support.African Americans have close family ties thus; it is easy for the older generations to pass on their cultures and traditions to the new generations who in turn will pass such to the future generations to come. The younger members of the family also put a high regard for their elders that they themselves take care of their elders instead of opting for private care. This strong ties of the African American families keeps their family together thus creating a stronger society. Concept of TimeThe African American concept of time is still based on their being once a sla ve who are compelled to wake up early before sunrise to get to work and then sleep late at night after fixing all that is needed for tomorrow’s work. The African Americans have always been hardworking. For the African Americans who were raised from the doom of slavery, time is a very important concept to success. Clothing The clothing of the African Americans has been influenced by the modern fashion and West African traditional clothing to create a uniquely African American traditional style. The best-known African textile is the â€Å"Kente Cloth†.According to an article on African traditional clothing, â€Å"Kente cloth is woven in colorful and festive patterns that are present in many different varieties which were genuinely made by Ashanti and Ewe who came from Ghana and Togo that which according to history, it was fabric that are used to make the clothes for the royalties during the early times until it eventually became a common clothing for the African America ns that ranges from casual t-shirts to formal bow ties and cummerbands, and also head ties for women. †Food Food for the African Americans is one way of bringing a family together.The traditional cook out is one of the most renowned heritage of the African American families. This is a once a week event where families gather and simply cook the best food for their family just at their backyard. After which they enjoy themselves with simple cocktails and listening to soulful music with soulful dances. According to the History of Soul food, â€Å"the gardening cultivation and use of many agricultural products in the United States, such as yams, peanuts, rice, okra, sorghum, grits, watermelon, indigo dyes, and cotton can be draw from African impact.Such African American foods manifest ingenious replies to racial and economic repression. Under slavery, African Americans were not permitted to eat better cuts of meat, and after liberation, many frequently were too underprivileged t o manage to pay for them. Soul food, a hearty cuisine generally related with African Americans in the South, makes ingenious use of low-priced products acquired through farming and substinence hunting and fishing. Pig intestines are boiled and sometimes pound and fried to make â€Å"chitterlings†.Ham hocks and neck bones offer seasoning to soups; bean and boiled greens. Other common foods, such as fried chicken, and fish, cornbread and hoppin john are simply prepared. †Religion â€Å"While African Americans practice a number of religions, Protestant Christianity is by far the most popular. †â€Å"Additionally, 14% of Muslims in the United States and Canada are African American. †A river baptism in New Bern, North Carolina near the turn of the 20th century. â€Å"The religious culture of African American Christians is known as the Black church.During slavery, many slaves were stripped of their African belief systems and typically denied free religious p ractice. However, slaves managed to hang on to some practices by integrating them into Christian worship in secret meetings. These practices, including dance, shouts, African rhythms, and enthusiastic singing, remain a large part of worship in the Black church. Black churches taught that all people were equal in God's eyes and viewed the doctrine of obedience to ones master taught in White churches as hypocritical.†â€Å"Instead the Black church focused on the message of equality and hopes for a better future. †â€Å"Before and after emancipation, racial segregation in America prompted the development of organized Black Denominations. The first of these was the AME Church founded by Richard Allen in 1787. †â€Å"A Black church is not necessarily a separate denomination. Several predominantly Black churches exist as members of predominantly White denominations. †â€Å"Black churches have served to provide Blacks with leadership positions and opportunit ies to organize that were denied in mainstream American society.Because of this Black pastors became the bridge between the Black and White communities and thus played a crucial role in the American Civil Rights Movement. †On the other hand, â€Å"generations before the advent of the Atlantic slave trade, Islam was a thriving religion in West Africa. Slaves in the Americas were often forcibly converted to Christianity and while first-generation slaves were often able to retain their Muslim identity, their descendants were not. In the decades after slavery, some Black leaders sought to provide freed slaves with self-esteem and an opportunity to reconnect with their Islamic roots.The best known of these movements is the Black Nationalist and Black supremacist Nation of Islam founded by Wallace Fard in 1930 and lead by Elijah Muhammad from 1934. But much like Malcolm X, who left the Nation of Islam in 1960, many African American Muslims now follow traditional Islam. †Mar riage, Birth, Death (are there special rituals associated with any of these? ) The bride in an African American wedding refers to the tradition of Yoruba. This very spiritual service reflects the depth of the African family by the sharing of gifts and love. The ceremony process may begin about a month before the wedding with a spiritual reading.Elements of the actual ceremony may include a Libation (a prayer with an offering, usually water or liquor offered by an elder). This ritual calls upon and asks God's blessing and the blessings of ancestral spirits. The groom verbally seeks permission from the bride's mother to marry her daughter. Gifts are presented to the brides’ family symbolizing the ability of the groom to take care of this woman. They are accepted by the bride's father. Other elements of the ceremony may include a tasting and explanation of spices, prayers, exchange of rings.A great celebration follows. Holiday The African Americans are festive in nature that the y like other ethnic groups celebrate holidays and commemorate events in honor of their heroes and patrons. One of the most famous African American Holiday is the Black History Month, which is a month long celebration where they commemorate their experiences of slavery until their emancipation from oppression. This includes the birthdays of Frederick Douglass, and Abraham Lincoln who were the considered African American heroes during the Civil War.Another holiday is the Martin Luther Day in commemoration of Martin Luther King Jr. he was also one African American Hero who they owe their liberation. Kwanzaa is a colorful festival invented by an activist named â€Å"Maulana†Ron Karenga in 1966 as intended to be an alternative for the celebration of Christmas. Moreover is the Emancipation Day where they celebrate their freedom from slavery in the United States. Finally is the Malcolm X Day, which is an event to commemorate the achievements of Malcolm X, another nationalist during the civil war. Verbal and Non-Verbal CommunicationGenerations of hardships imposed on the African American community created distinctive language patterns. Slave owners often intentionally mixed people who spoke different African languages to discourage communication in any language other than English. This, combined with prohibitions against education, led to the development of pidgins, simplified mixtures of two or more languages that speakers of different languages could use to communicate. â€Å"Examples of pidgins that became fully developed languages include Creole, common to Haiti, and Gullah, common to the Sea Islands off the coast of South Carolina and Georgia.†African American Vernacular English is a type variety (dialect, ethnolect and sociolect) of the American English language spoken by some African Americans that shares some grammatical and orthographically features with Creole and West African languages. While AAVE is academically considered to be a legitimat e dialect, it is often viewed by teachers and other members of the middle-class, regardless of race or ethnicity, as either slang or the result of a poor understanding of the English language. †ReferencesBerlin, Ira. Many Thousands Gone: The First Two Centuries of Slavery in North America. Cambridge, Mass. : Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1998. Equiano, Olaudah. The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano, or, Gustavus Vassa, the African, Written by Himself. Edited by Shelley Eversley. New York: Modern Library, 2004. Morgan, Philip D. Slave Counterpoint: Black Culture in the Eighteenth-Century Chesapeake and Lowcountry. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1998. Wood, Peter H.Black Majority: Negroes in Colonial South Carolina from 1670 through the Stono Rebellion. New York: Knopf, 1974; New York: Norton, 1975. James A. McMillin Wrapped in Pride: Ghanaian Kente and African American Identity. National Museum of African Art. Retrieved on May 17, 2007. A History of Soul Food. 20th Century Fox. Retrieved on 2007-06-02. Jonsson, Patrik (February 06, 2006). Backstory: Southern discomfort food. The Christian Science Monitor. Retrieved on 2007-06-02. The Study of African American Religion. Harvard University. Retrieved on 2007-06-01.American Muslims Population Statistics. Council on American-Islamic Relations. Retrieved on 2007-05-22. Maffly-Kipp, Laurie. African American Religion, Pt. I: To the Civil War. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Retrieved on May 15, 2007. Maffly-Kipp, Laurie F. (May 2001). The Church in the Southern Black Community. University of North Carolina. Retrieved on May 21, 2007. Maffly-Kipp, Laurie F. (May 2001). The Church in the Southern Black Community. University of North Carolina. Retrieved on May 21, 2007. Amazing grace: 50 years of the Black church.Ebony (April 1995). Abdul Alkalimat and Associates. Religion and the Black Church, 6th, Introduction to Afro-American Studies, Chicago: Twent y-first Century Books and Publications. Huda. African-American Muslims. About. com. Retrieved on 2007-06-02. Eisenberg, Carol (January 22, 2005). Black Muslims seek acceptance from fellow Americans, adherents. The Seattle Times. Retrieved on 2007-06-02. Dale, Maryclaire (August 9, 2003). African Religions Attracting Americans. African Traditional Religion. afgen. com. Retrieved on 2007-06-02.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
My Philosophy of Education Summary
In most of today’s classrooms we the students are seated in rows of desks. We are forced to sit and listen to the teacher, be it in biology, math, English, and memorize line after line of information. We are â€Å"receptacles†to be â€Å"filled†by the teachers. We have attained â€Å"knowledge†as an absolute if we complete the course with a %100. As society is seeing today, students being given the stamp of approval aren’t really ready to enter today’s world. If you’re going to school to be a biologist, it isn’t just enough to know that water enters and exits the cell through a process called osmosis. You need to know why! You need to be able to see all of this information on a much broader scope than it has been presented to you. Students need to be taught to absorb this knowledge rather than to memorize it. The main problem of today’s educational system is that it most of the times does not teach how to think critica lly. I propose a system of education in which teachers are not just depositing information in students, in which students are not just passive observers in an active world and in which knowledge is not just an absolute. The first thing that needs to be done to achieve my system (philosophy) of education is to change the way teachers are teaching all together. How many times do students talking amongst themselves outside the classroom about how good their teachers are. They go to class and interact with one teacher, and are taught everything from that one teacher’s perspective. In order to give the students a much broader perspective, two or maybe even three teachers, depending on the subject, should be placed in a class room. Each teacher would then present the information to the class. The students would then have a much broader spectrum of information to learn from. I am not implying that these teachers should tag-team forcing information down the student’s throat, but take different approaches in helping them absorb the information through problem posing. The teachers are not placed in this system to stand high up on their pedestals throwing assignments at the students, but are to b e working hand in hand with them. They would be learning from the students almost as much as they would be teaching them. In an educational environment such as this one, the students should be able to stand in the teachers place and teach the teachers and their fellow students as well. The students are active participants here. They should be learning as much from their peers as their teachers, if not more. This system could create a lot more â€Å"work†for the students, but not as much of the â€Å"busy work†we receive, and tire of, today. For example, students could be asked to do reflective writings, in which they would share what they have learned in the lessons. Student lead discussions would also take up a large portion of the time in these classroom environments. What better test of one’s knowledge than being put in a position where you are required to teach your fellow student? After each session both the student and the teach will go home feeling not stuffed with information, but a new view on some things that they would ponder as they head out into the rest of their dail y routines. The basis of this system isn’t what the teachers are teaching, or what the students are learning. It is how we perceive this thing we call knowledge. In this world knowledge isn’t something tangible. It is not viewed as an absolute. Knowledge is an ongoing process that will never have a climax or an end. It is something that will continue to grow and change through the timeline of our people. Knowledge is not what the students are learning, or what the teachers are teaching. It is the process of self-discovery. A teacher could tell a student that when you mix chemical A and chemical B they make chemical C. That isn’t the knowledge. The student can then actually mix chemical A and chemical B and watch them make chemical C. That isn’t knowledge. Knowledge is that individual’s learning of how those to things interact and why when they mix they form chemical C. Knowledge is the process of education through self-discovery. This system I have shown you would change the way education is viewed in this world. If we had teachers that actually â€Å"taught†, and students that questioned the answers they were given, we’d be much better off as a whole. If we keep going the way we’re going†¦ where are all the creative minds going to be coming from in the next few years? If students continue saying that A + B = C, what are we going to do when the world poses us more complex problems that require ingenuity, creativity and drive to solve? We just need to understand that knowledge is not just some gold star, or trophy each of us can achieve, but a method of learning and understanding that our society needs t
Friday, September 13, 2019
The Impact of the Internet on Traditional News Media Research Paper
The Impact of the Internet on Traditional News Media - Research Paper Example Here is an attempt to analyze the changes brought about by the advent of internet in the field of TV and print media. Introduction The widespread use of internet has drastically changed the conventions of different news media. The cyber world has hastened the pace and spread of news in an amazing manner which downgraded even the scope of scoops. The advent of internet has thus marked a lot of changes in news media and subverted even the concepts of news upside down. The impact of internet on TV and Print media The vast and ever spreading world of cyber space contributed a lot to the growth of news media and triggered a revolution in the field of communication system. For a journalist, let him associate with either print media or visual media, internet is a powerful source to collect news. In olden days, as we know, the exchange of messages was carried out by the so-called messengers. Later postal system came into exist which made the communication system a little bit comfortable to s hare something between two people of different corners. The inventions of telegraph and wireless technological system opened the new vistas of exposition and exchange. In modern epoch, for any person who wants to know more about a topic or a news event can easily find out the detailed information by logging on websites. Thus, internet is undoubtedly a good source of news for both the reader and the journalist. In olden days the prime source of news for the newspapers was only the reporters deployed in the different places. The quick access into the cyber world and its updating facility in every second is one of the prominent features of online news portals. This has created a lot of changes in mass media by compelling the media persons to broadcast breaking news in visual media because the world is changing rapidly and the people are eager to know about those changes in the world. The different media across the globe compete each other in providing latest information for its readers /viewers keeping vigil on each and every change in the world. All the TV channels and print media keep their own website, on which, they publish breaking news or news flash. As Seema Shrikande maintains in her essay titled Internet Impact on Media, a â€Å"major influence of internet has been to remove geographical limits on the reach of media outlets and no longer are news media restricted to one city or region††¦(Shrikande,Seema- Even local news papers have their online editions and they are available to the readers in every corner of the world. Again this feature also, will mount pressure on the newspaper persons as they have to survive in the world of competition. So they are supposed to attract their readers by means of captivating designs, swift covering of news events, providing arresting captions etc., to compete in international level. All these are common features of any local newspaper of vernacula r languages. The ever spreading and changing nature of cyber world has marked such changes even in the matter of local news papers. The popularity of the social network sites like Facebook opened up new horizons of public opinion tools. In many Facebook posts, media and its way of reporting are of serious concern. The use of FB posts will definitely affects the quality and objectivity news media as common man can easily put their comments on even very big news channels and they can share it instantly among the friends. Before the advent of internet system, the people were not able to weigh and value of a news event beyond the account of newspapers. But nowadays,
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